• Poulfrymtn # ' DHIA . (Continuea from Page l).' r< ». Continued from-Page 1) • . • • ■ ', *. .*•*<,3,i ' • „ contact the aaioclatlon corres- htfh&t.average on-this bails is ponding wcretary - Mr* P«ul the herd of Edwln j. Landis . McGarvey, 378 W. Roseville Rond. Immediately, before the m : Lainpetfr Road - The Lan ‘ next board meeting set for June dis ‘herd of 37.4 cows had 98.2 27. , percent of cow days In milk and .. „ . , _ ... , averaged 56 lb. of milk and 2.24 »nl n i« Iv.** w U * n rf SS li*u^ o n i? e *" lb - of buttertat per day, with a ing In the Farm and Home Cen- 0 percent test ter the directors discussed ways to improve the usefulness of the second place herd of Stan local organization. John Hess le y Gorier. Manheim R 4 had presided at the meeting. 55 2 lb - of milk and 2 -22 lb. of * butterfat per day also with a 4.0 percent test. The Greiner herd A cotton plant’s nutrient re- had 24 cows and 96.6 percent quirements are much less than cow days in milk. those of peanuts or alfalfa Kay 1962 MILK REPLACER THE MILK AND ANIMAL FAT FORMULA • 2nd 4 yr. old cow Lane. 4-H ’67 FOR ALL BABY ANIMALS GUARANTEED TO PERFORM LIKE WHOLE MILK! Sunnycraft Kay General (GPB2) 4-11, 338 days - 17,571 M 697 fat Lifetime 55,282 M 2210 Fat "Kay" is the first 4-H Club project owned by Earl Stauffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stauffer, Sunny- craft Farm, Rl, Ephrata. For Top Results ... Use Good Stock, Green Pastures Dairy Miller Under the old system of re- Good Management porting in a 30 day month both herds would have had 67 lb. of butterfat for the period—'Landis with 1680 lb. of milk and Greiner with 1666 lb. of milk. The highest 305 day lactation finishing in April was in the herd of J. Mowery Frey Jr., 401 Beaver Valley Pike. Pattie, had 7-7 y 305 d 24.604 m 3.0% 894 f. The second high cow was in the herd of John J. Landis. Rob in had 6-4 y 19.317 m 4.0% 851 f. The local association has dis continued the monthly news let ter for three months at wh.ch time it will be determined if it is to be continued. and the Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 (Area Code 717) FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE Rohrerstown, Pa. Have YOU ever seen this calf Sure you have! Grand Champion Holstein, Manheim Fair ’63 2nd Place Sr, Yrlg, Lane. 4-H ’63 2nd Place Get S. E. Black & White Show ’63 Champion. Fitter All Breeds Lane. 4-H ’65 Koy in 1967 Feeding Program & Bushong, Inc. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 8.1968—ft • Calendar (Continued from Page 1) Farm & Home Center. Tuesday, June 11 -Sale of CCC Grain Bins. bers Camp Site. Wednesday, June 12 10:00 a.m.-Strawberry Roundup. Holiday lon, Lmtz Pike. 7:30 p.m.-4-H Career Explora , tion Club organization meet.. Farm & Home Center. 8:00 p.m.-Red Rose Baby Beef Club meet.. Salunga Park. James Houser William Houser • Three Boys (Continued fiom Page 1) A Kevstone Farmei in 1963, Jim is 22 rears old Jim was married last Satur day, June I, to the former Miss Ruth Nauman, of Manheim. William, age 20. is now in British Honduras, semng as a Junior Agriculture Extension worker He helps teach farmers there to help themselves The Housers report his FFA experi erce comes in handy Bill was named Keystone Farmer in 1966 and served as president of the Garden Spot 4-H Community Club and Assistant Tieasurer of the Red Rose Beef and Lamb Club A younger brother. Dwight, is 10'A years old and is in the fifth grade at Hans Herr Elementary School The degrees are awarded each year at the Faim Show in Janu ary Mr and Mrs Houser and fam ily live just north of Lampeter along the Lampeter Road. June 11 Set For Sale Of CCC Grain Bins Tuesday, June 11 is the day set for public auction of the ex cess Commodity Credit Corpora tion-owned grain bins shipped here —and to other eastern and southeastern States from the Midwest for sale to farmers, Fred G. Seldomndge, chairman. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee, has announced The place of the auction is at Hubers Camp Site. 8 mi south of Lancaster off Rte 324. Lancaster County has receiv ed 10 of the bins for local sale All of the bins are steel, of 3250 bushel capacity, of the same type as those shipped under a similar program last year. Sale of the bins will be by competitive bids through public bidding, at not less than the es tablished minimum price Sales will be for cash or through a CCC storage facility loan if the farmer is eligible for one. The farm storage facility loans can cover up to 85 percent of the out-of-pocket cost of approved structures needed to store price support grains The chairman said that ship ment and sale of the bins is in tended to help farmers achieve more orderly marketing i of crops, especially at harvesttime, and thus gain more bargaining powers in the marketplace. J
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