—Lancaster Forming. Saturday. June 8.1968 2 MARKET NEWS REPORT At Lancaster Yards Wtekly Review June 7. 1068 CATTLE 2700 - Compared to lam week's close, slaughter steers 25c lower. Instances 50c lower on wts over 1200 lbs; cows steady to 25c higher: bulls fully steady: not enough sales of feed er steers to fully establish a tiend. Suppl.v included an esti mated (10 percent slaughter steers, 15 percent cows and bulls with the balance m.unh feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS-High- Choicc and Prime 1150-1300 lbs. 27 60 28 50; Choice 050-1200 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4. 20 75 28: Choice 1200 1420 lbs. 26.25 27 50: high-Good to low-Choice 950 1250 lbs 26-27: Good 24 50 26 50: Standard to low-Good 23-24 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS - Choice 750 975 lbs. 23 60 25. Good 22 23 25 COWS-Utihty and high dress ing Cutter 20.25 22 75: Cutter 19- 21. Canner and low-Cutter 18- 19 25; Load Utility and Commer cial beef breed cows 19.50-22 10, BULLS - Choice 24 50-26. few head 26-26 25: Good 23 25-25; Utility and Commercial 23-25. around 15 head 1500-2000 lbs 25 50-27. CALVES 450 Vealers mostly $1 3 lower, although Cull steady to $1 lower. VEALERS - Closing sales Choice vealers 39-42. after se\- eral selling from 42-44 on Mon day: Good 37 40; Standaid 35 50- 38 50, Utility 33 50-36, Cull 90- 120 lbs 30-34, few 70-90 lbs 26-30 HOGS 1300-Barrows and gilts 25-50 c higher Sows scarce BARROWS &- GILTS - US 1. 215-225 lbs 22 50-23; US 1-2 200- 245 lbs 21 25-22- US 1-3 200-260 lbs 20-21. One lot US 2-3 275 lbs 19 25. One lot US 3. 325 lbs 17 75 SHEEP 300-Spnng lambs SC SI lower Ewes steady SPRING LA'MBS-Choice 50 90 lbs 29 50-31 Good 26-29 SLAUGHTER EWES - Utihtj and Good 4-8 Flag Enshrined The last 48-star United States flag to fly o\er the Capitol in Washington, DC. has been en shrined in the Flag House at Baltimore, Md Robert K.Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 W. High St., Manheim, Pa. Auction Only June 5,1968 CATTLE D5O Compared to Monday, slaughter steer* mostly steady, instances 25c lower on weights over 1200 lbs.; cows fully steady, instances 25c high er: bulls fully steady. Supply included 11 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS Few high-Choice and Prime 1150- 1300 lbs. 27.60-28.35: Choice P5O-1200 lbs. 27.00-27.85; Choice 1200-1420 lbs. 26.25-27.- 25; high-Good to low-Choice 950- 1250 lbs. 26.00-27.00: Good 24.50- 26 50: Standard to low-Goed 23.- 00-24.75, SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750-975 lbs. 23.60-25.00; Good 23 00-23.25. COWS Utility and high (Continued on Page 3) FUTURES TRADING (Closing bid as of Thursday, June 6,1968) Midwestern Lire Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York 26.63 Jane - 26.40 July 26.42 August September 26.43 October 26.17 November 26.20 December February 26.12 March April 26.15 May a-asked b-foid n-nominal Tiend Cattle are higher; Hogs are higher and Potatoes are ii regular V A.V. Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Bt, 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday 10:30 A.M. Fat Bogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, hulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 F.M. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager Vintage Auction June 4, 1968 CATTLE 814 Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers steady to 50c lower with most sales 25c lower; cows steady to 50c higher; bulls steady. Supply included 18 percent cows and 8 percent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1050- 1325 lbs. 27.85-28.35, few head 28.60-28.75; Choice 950-1375 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4, 26.50-28,25; high-Good to low-Choice 25.85- 27.00; Good 24.75-26.35; Stand ard to low-Good 23.50-25.00. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 20.50 ■ 22.85; Cutter 1950-21.85: Canner and low-Cutter 18.75-20 00. BULLS Choice 25.25-26.10; Good 23 50-25.25; Utility and (Continued on Page 3) 21.75 22.20 21.70 20.40 CATTLE 1221-All trends com pared to two weeks ago, market not reported last week because of Holiday. Slaughter steers steady to 50c lower: cows steady to weak: bulls weak to 50c low er. Supply Included 19 percent bulls and 14 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS-High- Choice ancT Prime 1100-1300 lbs. 27.50-28.35; Choice 950-1325 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4. 26.25-28: high- Good to low-Choice 25.75-27: Good 24.50-26.25; Standard to low-Good 23-24.85. COWS-Utility and high-Cutter 21r.50-22.75; Cutter 19.25-21.25: Canner and low-Cutter 18-19.50, Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers were uneven, High Choice and Prime sold steady to 25 lower, kinds average Choice and Below were steady to 25 higher. Slaughter heifers declined 25. Cows and Bulls were unchanged. Receipts 15,900 compared with 14,900 last week and 20,300 last year. Twelve market re ceipts 142,100 compared with 122,800 last week and 168,300 last year. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, Prime 1225-1325 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 28.00- 28 SO, Three loads at latter price which was the lowest weekly high since December. Mixed High Choice and Prime 1150- 1350 lbs. 27 25-28.00, Choice 950- 1300 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 26.25-27 25, Mixed Good and Choice 25 50 26 25, Good 24 25- 25 50. Standard and Low Good 23 00-24 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday, Mixed High 2.36 2,70 2.90 3.33 ~ T ,3 BUILDS A BETTER BIN FOR STORAGE AND DRYING 48 Models E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC Willow Street R. D. #l, Pa. New Holland Auction June 6, 1968 BROCK 18’ to 48’ Diameters jzf Hi ni 855 j BROCK The Bin With Beauty Distributed By: , BULLS-Cholce 24.50-20; Good 23-24.75: Utility and Commercial 23-25. several 25.10-20, couple 2G.85-27.35. CALVES 248-Vealers $2-3 low er. VEALERS - Choice 40-43.50; Good 38-40: Standard 36-39: Util itv 33.50-38; Cull 90-120 lbs. 30-35. SHEEP 22-Insufficient volume for a market test. COWS (June 5)-Receipt of US cows, 2 bulls and 15 heifers sold steady. Holstein 380-525: Guern seys 200-350; Other breeds 275- 350: Bulls 215-225; Heifers 305. HORSES (June 3)-Receipts of 343 head sold steady. Mules 135- 155; Work horses 140-175; Riding horses 95-330; Driving horses 110-220: Pony mares 40-55; Geld ings 30 45; Killers 9-10. 'HOGS (June Si-Receipts of 690 head sold steady. Retail 21.- 75-22.50; Wholesale 20.50-21.25; Heavyweights 14.50-20.50; Sows 14-15.50; Boars 12-13. GALVES (June 3)-Receipts of 101 calves sold steady. Choice and Prime 42-44; Good and U Choice 39-41.50: Standard 36.50- 38.50: Common 25-35, Choice and Prime 950-1075 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 26 25-26.00, package average to High Prime around 1050 lbs. Yield Grade 3 27,00. Choice 850-1075 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 25.25-26 25, Mixed Good and Choice 24.75-25.25, Good 24.00-24.75, Standard and Lovr Good 22.00-24.00. COWS Commercial 1800- 19.50, Utility 19.00-2025, High Dressing 2050, Canner and Cutter 16 75-19.50. BULLS Throughout the week, Utility and Commercial 22.50-24.50, Outstanding Indivi dual 25 00. SHEEP Compared with last weeks close slaughter lambs and ewes steady. Receipts for the week 700 as compared 500 (Continued on Page 3) Up to 43,000 Bit. Ph. 464-3321
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