Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 08, 1968, Image 18

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 8.1968
For the
Farm Wife and Family
By Mr«. Richard C. Spence, .Food Editor
The Delicate Goodness Of Lamb
When you are having only two or three
for dinner, a delicate rack or rib roast of lamb
is perfect. The rack is usually cut into single
or double rib chops in the market and so you
may have to order the roast in advance. Plan
to serve two to three ribs per person
The lamb leg roast is suitable for few or
many. The whole leg of lamb will weigh from
6 to 8 pounds. Nowadays it is often cut in half
so that small families may enjoy this flavorful
roast. Plan on two servings per pound but re
member that lamb fanciers may want two
servings each.
3 to 4 lb. lamb rack, 8 to 9 ribs
-1 teaspoon salt
•?< cup honey
About 2 teaspoons grated
lime rind
Juice of 2 limes
Fresh mint leaves
Rub lamb roast with salt.
Place roast rib side down in an
open pan. Do not add water or
cover. Roast in a slow oven
(325 degrees) from 3% to 3%
hours for a medium well-done
roast. While the roast cooks,
prepare the glaze. Add lime rind
and juice to honey. Blend well.
Heat in saucepan. Spoon honey
lime mixture over surface of
roasted lamb rack to glaze dur
ing the last 30 minutes of the
cooking time. Serve remaining
glaze as a hot sauce With roast
lamb. Garnish with fresh mint
leaves and lime twists
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Lamb leg
1 can (1 lb. 43 oz.) pear halves
8 drops green food coloring
2 egg whites
14 teaspoon salt
Va cup mint jelly
Place lamb leg roast on rack 3t 41b> breast of lamb> cut into
in open roasting pan. Place in
slow oven (323 degrees) Allow
3 hours for a medium-done 6
pound roast and 4 hours for an
8 pound roast To serve well
done, roast Vz hour longer. 5 to
7 servings.
To make Mint Meringue
Pears: Drain syrup from canned
pears. Add food coloring to syr-
* * #
up and blend well. Add pear
halves to syrup and let' stand
for 3 to 4 hours, until pears turn
a light green color. Drain well.
Dent egg whites and salt until
stiff. Slowly add Jelly and con
tinue beating until meringue
stands in stiff peaks. Spoon*
fluffy meringue onto pears. Bake
in a moderate oven (350 de.) 15
to 20 minutes or until lightly
browned. Serve hot with roast
leg of lamb. Garnish with wa
* * *
4 lamb shoulder chops, cut 'A
inch thick
2 tablespoons shortening
Ws teaspoons salt
’h teaspoon pepper
4 slices onion, )i inch thick
4 green pepper rings, U inch
v i enp uncooked rice
V. • teaspoon dill weed
1 can (1 lb., 12 oz.) tomatoes
Melt shortening in a large skil
let. Add chops Season with salt
and pepper. Brown evenly on
both sides. Remove from heat.
Top each with a slice of onion
and a green pepper ring. Pour
rice around chops. Add remain
ing ingredients (if tomatoes are
whole, cut into quarters). Cov
er tightly Return to heat. Sim
mer slowly for VA hour or until
chops are tender. 4 servings.
serving pieces
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon garlic salt
2 teaspoons sugar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice '
Vz cup wine vinegar
In a small bowl, combine gin-
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ger, garlic salt and sugar. Grad
ually add remaining liquid in
gredients, stirring constantly to
blend well. Place ribs in a shal
low pan, rib side up. Pour sauce
over ribs. Marinate overnight in
refrigerator. Drain well. Char
coal broil very slowly over glow
ing coals. Turn and brush oc
casionally with sauce. Cook
about 1 hour or until ribs are
tender and well browned. 4 serv
* * * #
3 cops cooked, cubed lamb
1 stick (A cup) butter or
Vs cup crushed fine noodles
Vt cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped green pepper
Vs teaspoon ground ginger
Vt teaspoon cayenne pepper
Vs teaspoon salt
2 cups hot beef bouillon
1 can (4)2 oz.) mushroom
1 cup rice
Melt 3 tablespoons margarine
in large skillet. Brown noodles. Unroll meat; wipe with damp
Add onion and green pepper, paper towels. In Dutch oven,
Saute until onion is transpar- heat 2 tablespoons oil; add on
ent. Combine seasonings. Add i o n; cook until soft. Combine
seasonings, bouillon, mush-- W ith next five ingredients. Add
rooms and liquid, rice, and lamb e gg; mix. Spread ham strips on
cubes. Stir to blend mixture. mea t; then stuffing. Roll. Tie
Cover tightly. Simmer 25 to 30 securely. Heat remainder of oil;
minutes until rice is tender and brown meat slowly on all sides,
liquid absorbed. Add remaining Add apple juice and half of con
margarine and cover until mar- S omme. Refrigerate remainder,
garine is melted. Stir well. Serve Cover. Place in a preheated
hot with Fresh Vegetable Chut- s i ow ove n (325 degrees). Cook 2
ney. 8 servings. to V-k hours. During last few
FRESH VEGETABLE CHUT- minutes, add cherry tomatoes
NEY: Combine 1 cup dairy sour and heat .gently. Transfer meat
cream and 1 cup yoghurt. Cut and tomatoes to platter. Remove
a large unpared cucumber string; keep warm. Blend flour
lengthwise into 8 wedges, then with sufficient cold water to
cut into %-inch chunks. Cut .a form a smooth mixture. Add to
tomato into I-inch chunks.~Pre- meat juices. Bring to a boil stir
pare 1 cup diagonally-sliced cel- (Continued on Page 19) '
ery and % cup each chopped
onion and chives. Fold vegeta
bles into sour cream and yog
hurt mixture. Chill. Excellent
served with Lamb Pllnf.
pounds boned and rolled
lamb shoulder
tablespoons butter flavor oil
cup finely chopped onion
cup buttery-flavored cracker
teaspoons grated lemon rind
teaspoon mint flakes, crush
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground black pep
egg, slightly beaten
ounces, left-over cooked
ham, cut julienne
cup apple juice
can (lOls-oz.) condensed
beef consomme
cups cherry tomatoes
tablespoons all-purpose flour
Cold water