Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 01, 1968, Image 9

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    How would you like to
Your farm with a female such as this?
(V.G. 89)
One of the many headliners at
Cocolico Forms which is owned by
Paul B. Zimmerman of Ephrata
(Lane. Co.) Pa.
Grace has averaged over 100# of milk
per day for two and one half months.
Her last record at 3 yrs. of age was 20,-
291# of milk and 707#.0f fat. _
Ask Paul B. Zimmerman and He will say HERD
HEALTH. Too many times we stress Production, in
creased Fat, high herd averages, etc. when without
HERD HEALTH NONE of these would be possible.
Paul had an excessive amount
of milk fever in his herd. Now it
is down to almost none! He soys
"I am well pleased with my 1967
record of 16,553 pounds of milk
and 633 pounds of fat on 28.7
Holstein cows".
D. E. HORN & Co., Inc. Y«h, Pa. ro-sst-nt?
3 yr. - 365 d.-20,291 m.-W7£.
"I feel that the HORNCO UNI
ed increase our records and im
proved our head health".
More Lancaster County Dairy
men are feeding HORNCO UNI
PEL then ever before. Check
with your neighbor who feeds
Saturday, June 1,1968—9
Lancaster Farming.
• Holstein Men
(Continued from Page 1)
and a milk marketing represen
Each year in November the
Association holds an annual din
ner meeting At this meeting
three directors are elected to
serve three years. Meetings of
directors are held bi-monthly.
Iv is at the December meeting
that the committees for the fol
lowing year are appointed.
January is the month when
the Association holds its annual
membership drive. At present
the membership is at 500.
A tour is held in April. This is
a bus trip to a neighboring Coun
ty to visit other dairy farms and
July is time for the field day.
The all-day affair consists of a
cow judging contest in the moi n
mg, followed by lunch and an af
ternoon program Prizes are
awarded to the contest winners.
At a recent meeting of direc
tors it was decided to have a
County Black and White Show.
It will be held in late July or
early August Members are ask
ed to participate.
Each year the Association
gives a heifer calf to a 4-H boy
who can meat the necessary
Every fifteen months a classi
fier from the National Associa
fon comes to the area to classi
fy members herds During this
time a barn meeting is held Its
purpose is to inform members
oi the reasons for the rating giv
en to classified cows.
• Dairy Princess
(Continued from Page 1>
the Nation’s Dairy Farmers to
speak up and promote then
valuable pioduct MILK. A
Dauy Princess travels / many,
many miles and has wonderful
experiences while meeting the
public She helps present ribb
ons and awaids at field days,
and dairy cattle shows She ap
pears at most of the agucultuial
banquets and helps launch open
house dedications ceremonies.
She also paitieipates in local
fair parades Radio and televi
sion shows aie a part of her
agenda where she has the op
portunity to talk about her
favorite subject MILK Tra
veling to conventions in the
county and in parts of the state
are another phase of her reign.
In Lancaster County, the
Dairy Pageant will be held July
10, at 7 pm. at the Host Town
Motel. There will be a Miss
Personality Contest, in which
the contestants will vote for the
girl most congenial and helpful
to the othei girls
Prizes will be given to all the
contestants The 1968 winner
will go on to lepresent Lancas
ter County in the State Finals
to be held in Harnsbuig duung
the week of the All-Ameucan
Dairy Show in September
County girls are urged to
compete and the deadline for
entry is June 22
Tickets will be available after
June 5 and may be purchased
from the Pageant Committee
Household Hints
If you have a young finger
paint artist in the family, keep
his clothes tree of the paint with
a pint-size artist’s smock Ideal,
for this is a man’s old cotton
shirt. Cut the collar and sleeves
off and finish with a machine
stitch. Shorten the hem. The fin
ished “smock” is worn back
ward Pop in the washing ma
chine with colored cottons.
Cotton terry towels are ideal
because of high absorbency and
ability to create friction for a