I—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 1.1968 • Imitation Milk the.dlct-heart disease conlrover (Continued from Page 1) W- While these totaimnti arc true, since a vegetable fat is In ed upon to replace milk in the deed used, they are misleading diets of children.” to the health profession and to Coconut Oil the consumer, because scientific From a nutritional stand- reports show that coconut oil point, there arc differences be- produces a high blood cholester tween the fat in milk and the ol level. Furthermore, it should fat in coconut oil. Coconut oil is be made unmistakably clear i highly saturated vegetable fat. that although it is possible to Tills is Important because of lower serum cholesterol by 'he manner in which these fill- changes in dietary fat, the value 'd and imitation products are of such changes in preventing being promoted. As an ex- coronary heart disease has not 'mple, many cartons of imita- been scientifically proven. Uon products have on their side T ..... . .. w . . . >anels or in the advertising sur- In Edition to being mislead ounding these products such advertising claims of this tatements as: “Contains no ani- nature also raise unfounded nal fat" "Cholesterol free” doubts about the health bene - “No butterfat” “Perfect fits of butlerfat to the consum er anyone on a low cholesterol er. Recent research has demon diet.” strated that only certain satur- This type of advertising is ated fatty acids are believed to used, of course, to capitalize raise blood cholesterol levels, upon the confusion surrounding These same fatty acids appear i Whatever your dairy feeding program, you can use new Wayne 32% Dairy Krums to good ad vantage. Just balance this blend of high quality proteins, vitamins and minerals with the nutrients in your own farm grains. Select the protein level that is right for the roughage used. Each cow will produce milk at her full bred-in milking power. And, the texture of ground and mixed rations is improved. Ask us for details. To Help Your Dairy Herd STAY OUT IN FRONT H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph 653-5718 FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R D 1 Quairyville R D 2, Peach Bottom MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Millersville DUTCHMAN FEED H. JACOB HOOBER MILLS, INC. Intercourse, Pa. R. D. 1, Stevens MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks C. E. S AUDER & SONS R. D 1, East Earl PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise WHITE OAK MILL K. D. 4, Manheim HERSHEY BROS. Remholds in vegetable fats, including the so-called "polyunsaturated," as well as in butterfat. Since these fatty acids comprise only a frac tion of butterfat, and since most market milk is 3.5% or loss in fat, these fatty acids do not en ter the diet in significant amounts from whole milk. Other research has shown that whole milk is no more respon sible for elevating blood cho lesterol than is the average American diet, and, not more so as claimed by many groups. Coconut oil contains very lit tle, if any, linoleic acid. This fatty acid is an essential nutri ent, and is a matter of particu lar concern from the standpoint of infant nutrition. A deficiency of linoleic acid produces skin lesions as well as other symp toms. A diet consisting solely of coconut oil (presently most us ed fat ingredient of artificial milk) as a source of fat is routinely used in producing a linoleic acid deficiency in labor atory studies with rats. There is very little clinical data on the suitability of using coconut oil in the diet of in fants and children. In one study, a coconut oil formula was com pared with evaporated milk in the diet of infants. The coconut oil formula was poorly tolerat ed by the infants; their weight gains were lower than with eva porated milk, and they develop ed diarrhea. On January 17, 1968, National Dairy Council called together six leading nutritional authori ties to obtain their opinion con cerning the nutritional evalua tion of some of the filled and imitation products appearing on the market today. This group agreed unanimous ly that: 1. The imitation milks and certain of the filled milks as formulated today are unsuitable now a SUPER GRASSBAG HAHN-ECLIPSE 25 "YARDENINS" POWER TOOLS TO MEET ANY NEED CHECK WITH John Beiler Morgantown Howard Messner Goodville Mellinger Tire Service New Holland Kessler Sales & Service Leola C. B- Hoober Intercourse Dave Haldeman Bird-in-Hand for infants and children, One and minerals, but also -because pediatrician said these products of the type of fat used, namely, constitute a hazard for infants coconut oil. up to 0 months of age. However, another pediatrician extended 3. These products were also this for children up to at least judged to be potentially harm age 12. ful for other vulnerable age „ , . . groups such as pregnant and lac 2. These products were judg- tating women, and persons on ed* unsuitable not only from the marginal diets such as those in standpoint of low content of low income groups and the protein, essential amino acids aged. WHEN YOU BUY A POW-R-BOY* 200 • Remove, empty and remount in under 60 seconds • Cover up to 5,000 sq. ft. without emptying • Stays out of way close to machine • Compact, power-packed and really uigged • Meets or exceeds ASA safety code standards ONE OF THE FOLLO Weaver Faim Service Strasburg Allen G. Miisser Bowmansville Motter Supply Co. 232 Locust Street Columbia, Pa. J. B. Hostetter & Sons, Inc. ' Mount Joy, Pa. Chas. K. Witwer 30 East Lincoln Avenue Lititz, Pa. Hollinger’s Farm Mkt., Inc. Lincoln, Pa. "f * ING DEALERS: Hager & Bro. Lancaster - , Pa. West Lancaster Mower Shop 33 Albright Avenue Lancaster, Pa. Ross Parmer R. D. 1, Gap, Pa. Nauman’s Repair Shop R. D. 2, Manhelm, Pa. Oliver Forrey R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa. Frank K. Denlinger 170 Main Street Landisville, Pa. •' ! , V
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