Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 01, 1968, Image 7
The oilbird Is the only bird while flying In the darkness of which has a natural built-in caves in its South American “3qnkr" to avoid obstacles habitat. FOR TOBACCO • HY GRO for stronger plants and better roots * • Fermate • Bordo • Duo Copper • Agri-mycin Garden Hose Scotts Products Lawn Sprinklers Chapin Sprayers Garden Seeds Fly Screening Picnic Supplies GROFF'S Hardware New Holland, Pa. Ph. 354-0851 PLAN TO MAKE SILAGE SOON? Lancaster Sweet Mix is what you need, it furnishes mo lasses in a dry, convenient form, will improve palatability, and furnish easily digestible energy. It's easy to handle, is free flowing and can be fed directly into the cutter or blower. Walter Binkley & Son • Brown & “Rea, Inc. Elverson Supply Co. Henry E. Garber R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa. L. T. Gerb Estate I. B. Groybill & Son Refton Strasburg E. Musser Heisey & Son K. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. BUY RED ROSE DAIRY FEEDS FROM US; Lititz Atglen ISlverson Manheim MAPLE DRIFT LUCIFER BEULAH, Farm. Her Very Good, foundation at Maple Drift of milk and Herstand Bros. Elizabethtown A. L. Herr & Bro. Quanyville David B. Hurst Bowmansville Martin's Feed Mill, Inc. R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. Mountville Feed Service Mountville Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia WHAT'S BEST FOR YOUR COWS? RED ROSE HAS THE ANSWER! It's Red Rose 14 Test-Cow Feed. This is a course-textured all-purpose feed (the finer materials are pelleted) that can be fed to your milking cows, dry cows, calves and bulls at all seasons. It's especially helpful to keep appetites from lagging during warm weather. Try it! There are many Red Rose Dairy Feeds to choose from (they’re available in many protein levels). When you use these dairy feeds or RED ROSE SUPPLEMENTS mixed with your home grown grains, you can be sure that the cows in your barn will be eating just about the best feed jmu can provide. Red Rose Dairy Feeds pay off in the milk pail where it counts most. Decide to use them on your farm! Chos. E. Souder & Sons Ammon E. Shelly H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Musser's Mill The Buck Terre Hill Lititz L. M. Snavely Lititz E. P. Sports, Inc. Honey Brook Inc. Witmer Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 1,1968 lifetime totals are 176,038 lbs. 7,200 lbs. of butterfat. • Cow Families celebration of the industry’s an nual June Is Dairy Month pio motion Here are the cow families: 126.5 Pounds Of Milk A Day One of the highest per-day milking cows in Lancaster County is reported in the heid of Stanley Greiner, Manheim R 4 Mt. Hope View Ivanhce Kitty, a daughter of' Greiner’s old foundation cow, milked for the tester on April 27 a total of 119 5 lbs of milk with a 3 8 per cent test and peaked on May 2 with 126 5 lbs. of milk. A four year-old, Kitty is an Ivanhce daughter. The old cow born in 1958 is a daughter of Osborndale Sir Ty Vic Fobes and has lifetime cred its of 143,933 lbs of milk and 5,412 lbs. of butterfat. Her name is Mt. Hope View Fobes Bubb les and she has a top record cf 6-2 y, 305 d, 24225 m. 3.8%, 911 f. Greiner’s Mt Hope Vievv Farm herd has averaged over 600 lbs of butteifat for the last five years The Patsey family at the Jc.y E. Landis Faim, Lancaster R 6, qualifies as a top cow famil/. Founded by the Very Good, Glenn Manor Farms Patsey with 16,000 pounds of milk and 675 pounds of butteifat, a daugn ter and two granddaughter s make, up a fine family Pa-Ta-Ja R Dean Princess, Good Plus, the daughter, has a top record of 5y 365 d 22,177 n 46% 1025 f She made a little o\ er 700 lbs. of butterfat as both three and four years and the two year old record was 548 lbs. The first daughter of Princess, Ivanhoe Pat was classified Very Good at first classification and has this two-year-old record; 340 d 12,802 m 5 0% 635 f This year she already has 666 lbs. of but teifat in the first 227 days A son of Pat is scheduled for use in the Landis herd this fall. Pa-Ta-Ja Lucifer J Precious, Good Plus, is the second daugh ter of Princess and has in the first 297 days as a two-year-old, 11,213 m and 554 f Jay Landis and family live just off Wabank Road, between Millersville and New Danville. The lead cow in John A Bren eman s Willow Bend herd is the Top Command daughter that w as just classified Excellent and is promising over 700 lbs. of bul terfat. She comes by her fire type and production naturally (Continued from Page 1) Stanley Greiner Jay Landis 1025 lb. Coiv John Breneman Excellent Shirley 7