Co. DHIA 599; 129 from 500 tc 549 and a 539 pounds milk per cow. 'Continued from Patfe 1) total of 217 herds with averages There were 366 cows Which .Vontmuea xrom rage w ovM 500 lbj of buttcrfal> had lifetime production of hut -57 year Lancaster County terfat over 4.000 pounds In the one herd over 500 lbs of our butlerfat produc- Red Rose DHIA In 1966-67. The ’rf./. „„ „„ tn'uo Ing herd in the county during the highest lifetime record of any 2 past year was a 40 cow Holstein cow was a 8.714 pound fat and 6?0?o 549 !bs. range and only 209 - 63 G P ° Unds milk during 12 jtatof 10 herds over 500 lbs. TheJf-f- 2, lactations for Echo Point Korn- Last year the County had 22 of John L. Landis. 1801 Cole- s t eln ccm o"ned by Lero.% S. irds over 600: 66 from 550 fo brook Road, Lancaster with 17.- Smucker. New Holland Rl. Pa. (1 SALUTES THE DAIRY FARMERS! DAIRY MONTH SPECIAL THE AGWAY EARLY-WEAN PROGRAM MAKES MONEY FOR YOU!! • Twenty pounds of new Early-Wean Milk Replacer takes a calf through to a dry ration. • You wean calves in 4 weeks, instead of six, get them off the replacer entire ly and on a regular calf-starter and hay program, because Early-Wean milk replacer is so high m everything, calves glow fast and thrifty. • Early-Wean is an all-milk product there is no cereal in it And it’s so easy to digest you can start it as soon as calves go off colostrum You need feed no whole milk at all. • With Early-Wean, you can go to once-a-day feeding. • Dried skimmed milk and dried whole whey: provide easily digested, high quality proteins (those a calf needs and cannot, like the matin e cow, manu facture in the rumen), milk sugars, minerals and vitamins • Lecithin: aids digestion and absorption of fats, and is also an energy source • Animal fat: rich in energy that can be quickly and easily assimilated by tflie calf for rapid, healthy growth • Antibiotic: 50 grams per ton for growth promotion and improved feed efficiency. • Instantized for easy mixing. Early-Wean is processed for quick, permanent mixing It completely dissolves in water in 12 seconds with a stir or tw’o. And it disperses so well that is stays m solution a characteustic ihat adds to its digestibility in the calf’s immature digestive system • Nutritive Analysis: protein 24%, fat 10%, fiber 0 25% Shop AGWAY for oil your Dairy Feeds and Dairy Supplies Cleaners, Fly Controls, etc. NEW HOLLAND LANCASTER QUARRYVILLE 354-2146 394-0541 786-2126 mm SAVE 1 i POUND 50^ per oS ag AGWAY EARLY-WEAN MILK REPLACER -t r i %-i i FEATURES: INGREDIENTS: During The Month Of June SPECIAL *11.90 (Per 50 lb.) Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 1.1968—b MILK IS MY FAVORITE DRINK Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean I've tried every drink in creation. Excepting indelible ink. And I'll state without hesitation That milk is my fav onte drink! CHORUS; Milk, milk fresh milk The finest drink in the world tor me! Rich milk cold milk The very best drink in the world! It gives you a lift when you’re weary. It quenches your thirst when \ ou're dry And brother, no other drink's better With sandwiches, crackers or pie! CHORUS; Milk, milk I'VE BEEN WORKIN’ IN THE COW B\RN Tune: I've Been Workin’ on the Railroad I’ve been workin' in the cow barn. All the live-long day. I’ve been workin’ in the cow barn Just to keep the wolf away. Can’t you hear the cows a-mooin’? They call me so early in the morn, I’ll be workin’, they’ll be mooin’ ’Till Gabriel blows his horn! Blight’s out There’s only one sure way to fight blight Keep your potato plants covered with an effective fungicide A protec tive coating that will prevent blight spoies fiom germinat ing and entering the plant DIFOLATAN 80 Wettable has shown in test after test, that it can do the job Excellent protection against both early and late blight. Particularly effective against tuber rot. DIFOLATAN sticks and stays on the plant, resists weathering from lain 01 spnnklei irrigation That means you can maintain your schedule of applications, without worrying about weather or irrigation schedules Made with its own wetting agent so you don’t have to add a spreader-sticker in the spray tank Relatively low hazard to livestock and humans, and since there is no resi due in the hai vested potato crop you can use it right up to harvest without concern over residues Protection against tuber rot is outstanding When you put potatoes in storage, you’ll never know how well you did in the blight fight until you’ve shipped the last of them Fields may look leasonably healthy befoie harvest, but if you put infected tubers into stoiage you can find yourself with a costly, heavy cull out of late blight tuber iot infec tion. DIFOLATAN works to give you greater yields of healthy potatoes And bigger, healthier profits When you fight blight the right way, everything is brighter DIFOLATAN 80 Wettable Ortho Chet ion Design Difolatan Registered Trademarks On All Chemicals Read Cautions and Dnection*. Eelore U&o DISTRIBUTED BY P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. Smoketown, Pa. CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY ORTHO DIVISION San Fiancisco. California 94120 Pait of the gieat gioup of Clio Mon companies 397-3539
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers