2fl—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 1.1968 Your Best Buy ... A CONCRETE STAVE SILO Save Money on Feed Costs . . . Farm Easier, More Profitably . . . Save Time, Work & Money On Your Farm For complete information and prices see us before you buy. C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Pa. 717-768-3501 AGRI INC. Ephrata R 2, Pa 717-354-5374 UNCASTER SILO COMPANY 2436 Cx-eek Hill Hoad, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 NEVIN N. MYER Chester Springs, Pa. 215-827-7481 COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence, Pa 717-786-7351 C. H. ZIMMERMAN Atglen. Penna 215-593-5129 MANUFACTURED BY Correspondence Courses Bt ss- HONEYBEE SWARM SEASON IS HERE The season for bees to swarm is here Any day you may see or hear of oees clustered on a tree in your neighborhood. Honeybee swarms to most peo ple are nuisances. But to a bee-’ keeper they’re an economical way to start colonies of bees ac cording to a Pennsylvania Statp University correspondence course on beekeeping. Placed in front «f an empty hive a swarm usually enters readily and sets up housekeep ing Feed sugar syrup"until nec tar is available in large quanti ties if you expect a swarm to develop into a strong colony. Requeen swarms soon after von hive them Old queens leave former colonies with the swarms Young queens are need ed for then- superior egg-laying ability The future beehive pop ulation depends on the queen Old-time beekeepers used swarms to increase their colony numbers But with modern management, increase is made <+•• -v ->v FUL-O-PEP SALUTES THE DAIRY FARMERS FUL-O-PEP DEALERS EVERYWHERE Elizabethtown Salunga Kirkwood DAIRY by dividing colonies without the covresnondence course. Send problems of chasing and hiving your name and address with swarms. $2.75 to Beekeeping Box 5000, To learn more about honey- University Park, Pa. 16802. bees enroll in the Penn State Make checks to PENN STATE. No Other Protein Need When You Feed USE ONLY Va 18. SPECIAL TANVIIAC PER HEAD PER DAY WITH GRAIN AND ROUGHAGE - GET BIGGER PROFITS i FOR MORE PROFITS—MAIL COUPON j 1 THE TANVILAC COMPANY, INC I ■ 4th t Corning Avcs , Box Si, Highland | | Park Station, Dos Moines 13, lowa • | • Please Send Me Additional In'orma- i i lion about Special Tanvtlac _ I < i have. I NAME. 1 ADDRESS. BIRD-IN-HAND It's your month, Dairy Farmers! June Dairy Month is our time to thank you for the delicious and nourish ing Dairy Foods you send us all year long. Your friends and neighbors salute you for a job weU done. Stop and Visit Us At .Calll* C. 0. NOLI LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR Leola Stevens Terre Hill SPECIAL TANVILAC Feeders Say , « . "The Most Economical Feeding Plan of All“ No trouble with scours or cattle corns off feed. You’ll be more thaa satisfied with our feeding program for jou’ll get healthy stock, quick gains at low cost. Remember, there’* a FEED LOT PROVEN TANVILAC CULTURE PRODUCT FOR EVERY FARM-FEEDING PURPOSE. Phone Lane. 397-0751 03 :MONTI
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