Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 01, 1968, Image 19

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    Enjoy Dairy Foods Often This Summer
SOCIETY 11 Mathias, of Oxford, will show
Society of Farm Women 11 slides of Europe,
recently entertained the ladies SOCIETY 23
of Society 13 in the Quarry- Society of Farm Women 23,
vilie Memorial Methodist Washington Boro met recently
Chinch. in the home of Mrs. Abram
The Rev. Murray Wagner Groff, Mt. Joy at a mother
showed slides of his Far East daughter dinner,
ti ip. Prizes were awarded to Mrs.
The ladies will make sand- Louella Brenner, Mrs. Marian
wiches for the USO on June 22 Mowrer and Mrs. Margaret
and cookies for the open house Flinchbaugh.
of the Farm and Home Center Mrs, Robert Kauffman recited
on June 9. ■ poetry, with a musical back-
Mis. George Baker was guest ground on the piano provided
soloist, accompanied by Miss by Mrs. Ralph Garber.
Helen Snyder. Cookies and sandwiches for
The next meeting will be held the USO dance on June 22 will
June 25 at which time Thomas (Continued on Page 26)
For ap|
Prepare for next year's summer vacation in
the same way that thousands of Conestoga
Bank Vacation Club members did a year ago.
Small, regular deposits add up to a prepaid
vacation when the happy time arrives.
Visit the nearest office of your Headquarters
for Money Matters and take out a member
ship in The Conestoga Bank Vacation Club.
with- a visit to
IS Drapery Shop
9 South Duke St., Lancaster
Our assortment o f curtains,
draperies, cafes, cottage sets,
window shades, etc., are meant
for your home.
Complete selection of
Kirsch Drapery Hardware.
Estimates on custom
made draperies.
•ointment call 392-1221
vacation rum 1 I
7? v •- <*-*» «w» ;«,* , I
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A Trustee fer The Lancaster County Foundation
may be these guest towels, em
broidered with fanciful aquatic
creatuies. The fish designs aie
worked in tropical colois on buck
toweling. You can obtain flee
instructions, including diawings
and stitch details, by sending a
self-addiessed, stamped envelope
to the Needlewoik Editor of this
newspaper along with your le
quest for Leaflet PE 391)4.
Save Rite
743 S. BROAD ST.
Ladies, Have You Heard?...
Get Full Value From Canned Vegetables
To get the full nutritional value from
canned vegetables, serve liquid in the can or
jar along with the vegetables.
You can use the liquid in gravy or add
it to soup.
Soon after canning, water-soluble nutri
ents in vegetables distribute themselves even
ly throughout the solids and the liquid which
makes up about one-third of the total can
Solids therefore contain about two-thirds
the soluble nutrients and the other one-third
are in the liquid.
Consider Leg Fashions For Total Look
Textured and colored hose call attention
to legs
Appropriate hose can make
legs look thinner, longer, short
er, or more shapely.
Heavy legs will appear thinn
er in the wet-look stockings that
give legs a shiny look
Very fine vertical stupes also
make legs appear more slender
liidescent colois or lace hose
give a slimming effect
Medium to dark colors, such
as biown, taupe and grey tend
to make legs appear more slen
Thin legs will look more
shapely or heavy in white stock
mgs. opaque hose, fishnets, geo
metries and pastels or bnght
Need . . .
Buy Now and Save!
' More and more farmers are buying from us for
better value and all around satisfaction.
Delivered any quantity
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You need a sharp pencil plus the specialized financial advle*
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best be served. Farm production must be maintained, even
Increased if possible. Providing the financing to insure this is
Farm Credit’s joo. FarW Credit loans are available nowforany
sound farm need. And, at realistic rates. Farm
Credit interest is based on the unpaid balance
of the loan. That saves you money.
Farm Credit
411 W. Roseville Rd., Lancaster Agway Building, Lebanon
PU. 393-3921 Ph. 273-4506
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 1.1968'
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Two important things
when borrowing money
Wake short legs look longer
by choosing hose that gives a
continuous coloi fiom waistline
to shoes
Select stocking weight slight
ly lighter than the weight of the
dress fabric Heavy wool fabrics
call for heavy textured or opa
que hose Lightweight wool
ciepe and opaque crepe hose
look good together Lightweight
nets or laces go well with cotton
and linen gaiments
For stockings and shoes to
blend in color, hose should be
the lighter color
Tips On Cheddar Cheest
The family of cheeses known
(Continued on Page 26)