Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 01, 1968, Image 14

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    ■* 4MN4- ■** . ■ '*■■ I «'■■>■■> I- H>| ■
14—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 1.1968
• Cow Fomiliot
'Continued from Page 13)
plui one granddaughter. There
•re three other granddaughter!
among the hoifen.
Of her producing daughters,
Bruk-Vll Paige Patsy Ivanhoe
is the favorite. She classified.
Good Plus - 83, and milked 2v
13.369 m 512 f: 3y. 17.556 m, 650 f
and 4v, 16 155 m -660 f. Another
daughter Alice Patsy Regal is
Good Plus and milked Sy, 18,-
020 m 597 f.
Another daughter, Beth Patsy
L Ty-Vic had 17.097 m, 644 f, in
less than a year. She is also
Good Plus.
Her youngest Ivanhoe daugh
ter had over 16 000 lb. of milk
in her first lactation.
Robert & Joan Book
Ivanhoe Family
At the Rocoma Farm of
Robert and Joan Book. Lcola,
they are building on Ivanhoe
One of these was started by
Parkchester Osborndale Elsie,
Good Plus, with a 7-2 y record of
21,552 lb. of milk, 788 lb. of
butterfat in 317 days. Elsie
topped 100 lb. of milk a day dur
ing her last lactation and she
Wednesdoy, June 5, 1968 at 9 A.M.
Martin's Sole Barn
Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County
Tractors, Implements, Machinery, hdwe., supplies, posts,
bay and straw.
We sell on commission.
PH. (717) 354-6671
P.S.—AH goods not moved from previous sales wiU be sold.
Sat, June 22,1968 - 9:00 a. m.
Directions: Thirty-eight (38) miles north of Harrisburg;
three (3) miles east of Pillow off Route #225 at Herndon
#l, Northumberland Co., Pa.
Farm Machinery And Trucks
Twenty (20) tractors Two (2) crawlers
Int. ‘TDIB’ w/blade; AC ‘H-3’ w/loader; Z JJD. ‘4020’ fully equipp
ed including power shift; J.D. ‘3020’ RC; J.D. ‘2510’ RC; J.D.
‘1020’; 2 J.D. ‘2010’; J.D. ‘1010’; AC ‘l9o’ dsl.; A.C. ‘D-1T; A.C.
‘D-15’; Int. ‘3414’ Ind. w/loader; J.D. ‘ll2’ lawn tractor and other
makes and models.
Twenty (20) trucks Nine (9) trailers
Five (5) truck-tractors including: 1967 GMC ‘9500’ dsl., twin
screw; 1966 GMC ‘7500’ dsl.; 1960 Ford ‘F-950’; 1966 GMC
‘4ooo’, dump; 1964 Chev. twin screw w/1966 Stoltzfus spread
er; 1956 Ford twin screw w/Stoltzfus spreader and various
makes and models not listed. Six (6) tandem trailers: 1967
Trailco 30’ aluminum dump; 1964 Fruehauf 40’ grain; Frue
hauf 31’ aluminum van; Heil 6,000 gal. capacity fuel and others
not mentioned.
SPECIAL MENTION: 1962 Ford ‘C-750’ tilt-cab with
Daffin feed mobil unit with GMC dsl. 125 H.P. motor and
air unloading unit.
Five (5) Self-Propelled Combines
1966 Gleaner ‘C-ll’ 13’ grain header, 4-row corn head and cab,
all power; Int. ‘4o3’ dsl. 12’ header, 4-row corn head, 100 bus,
grain bin, all power; Oliver ‘33’; MH ‘B2’ 12’ header, 2-row corn
head; J.D. ‘ss’ 12’ header, also other sizes and makes.
Four (4) barters: 2 N.H. and 2 J.D. ‘24-T’, 1967 models. AMERI
CAN AUTOMATIC GRAIN DRYER w/l;000,000 8.T.U., (fully
automatic, .also a full line of plows, planters, wagons, mowers
rakes, manure spreaders, elevators, grain equipment, seed, ferti
lizer, baler twine, minerals or approximately 200 pieces of equip
ment to farm 3,500 acres.
Discontinuing farming due to shortage .of labor, farms are for
sale by .private treaty. .Equipment ip .excellent condition, mostly
being purchased in last 2 -4 years! Come Early to register for
number in order to buy.
Lunch Full particulars later
Terms; Cash or contract, financing available by Associate
Discount Corp. .of Harrisburg, phone: 717-758-2988.
By order of the owner.
Wliitford Sales Company
L. Robert Frame, Auctioneer
Box 128, Exton, Fa. 19311
•Phone: 215-363-7379
“Chester Countys’ Foremost Auction Company”
has a Hector and a Flashy Boy
son in service at local neighbor
ing farms.
A daughter, Brillo Mallary, is
also Good Plus, and both her
three and four-year-old records
are 706 and 721 lbs. of butter
fat. Her top milk record is 19,-
127 lbs.
Rocoma Cora Archie, a grand
daughter of the Elsie cow is
the third generation of Good
Plus cows and has 2-2 y, 358tf,
18 413 m, 628 f. She is back again
milking over 80 lbs. of milk a
Last year, the Book herd was
a member of the over-600-lb.-
average club.
Albert Fry & Son
Three Generations of
Very Good Cows
At the Albert Fry & Son farm,
Manheim R 2. a daughter of
Neillewood Roburke Joe takes
the position as foundation for a
fine family.
Peaceful Grove Roburke Dor
een, a home bred, Very Good 86
point cow, has nine records to
6-7 y 365 d 17,273 m 4.6% 789 f. Her
dam was ‘a Very Good 87 point
cow and had production records
to 905 lb. of butterfat.
Of her 9 calves, 4 were heif-
Write for brochure
era. These heifers art: Dorann,
Vary Good M 'with racorda to
910 lbs. of butterfat and sold in
the Ponna. State Sale to a neigh
bor; Dorllndn. making o fine 2-
year-old record. Dorlou, a bred
heifer and Dorncttc, a yearling
The Pry's have Peaceful Grove
as their prefix.
Herbert & Rheido Royer
Excellent Zsa Zsa
The most influential cow fam
ily at Herbert and Rhcld'a Roy
er’s Blossomelle Farm is found
ed toy the Very Good 88 point
Caernarvon Rose Elaine. Blaine,
still producing «t past 13 years,
has lifetime credits of more than
154,000 lbs. of milk and 5.488 lbs.
ol butterfat. Her best record
came at 7-1 ly when in 365 days
she produced 21,376 lbs. of milk
and 732 tbs. of butterfat.
Her famous daughter, Blos
somelle Zsa Zsa. is classified
Excellent and has four records
that average over 1000 lbs. of
butterfat. At 5-4 y she has 28,
884 m 'and 1204 f, and at 6-lly
365 d 28,368 m and 1151 f. Zsa Zsa
has won many shows with sev
eral honors being All-Penna. 3-
year-old in 1363 and Ist Dry 3&4
year-old, Pa. All-Amerioan Show
"and Pa. State 'Black & White
Show in 1964.
Other famous members of the
family are Jewel, Julia, Zo-Ann,
Black Gold, Black Watch and
Black Secret. In addition to her
immediate family, she has 36
other offspring in the Blossom
elle herd.
The Elaine family has fine
qualities, such as eating habits,
temperament, longevity, texture
of hide, milking habits and they
have adapted easily to free stalls
and automatic hunk feeding.
The Blossoraelle herd, located
at 2025 Oregon Pike, is basical
ly a Rag-Apple-Dunloggon cross.
100 HEAD
Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County
Saddle Standard Bred Consigned
Mixed load lowa Horses and Ponies (40 Head).
Horses hitched at 1:00 P.M.
Phone (717 ) 354-6671 '
AT 5:09 P.M.
Sale Held Under Lights
30 to 40 Tractors
International, Ford, John Deere, Allis-Chalmers, Case,
Massey-Ferguson, Massey-Harris, Oliver.
Cultivators, mowers, windrowers, balers, hay crushers, etc.
Some Lawn and Garden Equipment.
Bring your own surplus equipment in to be sold on
We buy, sell trade wholesale daily.
Used parts for most make and model oF tractors-and
farm machinery.
Conditions by
WENGER'S Farm Machinery, Inc.
South Race St., Myerstown, Pa.
Rentzel and Horst, Auctioneers
Lunch served on the grounds
At present, the herd consists of
90 Registered Hoistelns with 49
In the milking Hnc.
Joi«ph Brill
Excellent It
The Excellent at 92 points,
Poestenkill Model Helen with
1,100 lbs. of butterfat is a mem
ber of the favorite cow family
at Joseph Brill's Brinrkiil
•Farms, Lancaster R 6. Helen has
.two daughters that were sold to
Brasil—Heicne with n two-year
old record of 18,011 lbs. of milk
and 592 lbs. of butterfat and
Helena with a two-year-old rec
ord of 15,311 lbs. of milk and
696 lbs. of butterfat.
There are also granddaughters
of the Helen cow in the Brtar
kill herd, and a son, Briarkill
Admiral Model is a herd sire
with milking daughters to 912
lbs. of butte.fat as two-year
olds. *
Half sisters to the Helen cow
are: Poestenkill Model Judy EX
91 with 2 - 1000#fat records:
Poestenkill Model Bubbles EX
92 With 3 - 900# fat records and
was All-American 4-yr-old in
1954; Maroy Model Abbekerk
EX 96 with 800# fat and nomin
ated seven times All-American.
There tore many more excellent
daughters of Amcana 'Dictator
Model with impressive records.
Cows of similar pedigrees are
the whole breeding program and
will represent the future of Bri
arkill. They are Poestenkill
Model Sheila with 946# fat 2x
in 346 days: Poestenkill Model
Lady with 27,213 milk and 967#
fat: Poestenkill Model Sarah
with 19,311 milk and 896 fat;
Poestenkill Model Nudine mak
ing 15,000# milk and 650 fat, 2X
at 2 years; Briarkill Model Elsie
with a sensational udder and
milking 60# milk daily at just
20 months of age.
The herd is founded on a close
line-breeding program based on
the Intense Ormsby families of
Wisconsin Fobes sth.
Nominated for Recognition
Several Lancaster Countv cow
families have been nominated
for recognition by Northeaatern
Breeders Assn. One is the Rach
el family at FuHonway farms
from which NEBA has two sices
—WYLWYN, a son of the 18-
year-old Rachel and Fulton, a
son of Rachel's Dean daughter.
Rachel Ann.
Rachel is still living and pro
ducing with lifetime credits to
date of 224,806 lbs. of milk and
9,140 lbs. of butterfat. Her great
est record came at 14-lly when
she produced 22,301 lbs. of 4.3
percent test milk for a total of
899 )bs. of butterfat, in 365 days.
At 13-ly she had 20,840 lbs. of
milk and 884 lbs. of bufeerfat.
She is classified Excellent 92.
Rachel Ann is Very Good 89
and has 1,018 lbs. of butter Pat
total for her 8 year-old record
from 26,632 lbs. of 3.8 percent
milk in 365 days. She aUo has
913 lbs. of butter fat at 6-10 y
and her latest S. A. record is lOy
365 d 22,600 m 3.9% 940 f.
The other nominated family is
the Caernarvon Rose Elaine
family at Herbert and Rhelda
Rpyer’s Blossomelle Farm. The
son of Elaine and Ivanhoe at
NEBA is Black Watch. This
family is covered under the
Blossomelle Farm report.
Yarn-dyed cottons usually are
deeper and richer in color, and
tend to be more colorfait than
dyed piece goods.
Moil Box Market
For Sale-St. Bernard puppies,
Swiss type, Reg. father (Rough)
Purebred mother
papers. Also Reg. adult ferpale
for pet. Drumm's Hi-Lo Kennel.,
Ph. 548-2805.
-.I * *
NOTICE— June is strawberry,
month, organically grown, or
der now. Starting June lO>K»‘filT
orders Jacob S, King, Quarry
ville R 3, Vz mi. east of Quarry
viMe along Valley Rd.
.For Sale-Holst'ein heifer- out of)
Curtiss - sires, bred to A.B.C.j
sires Also one Jersey heifer, alii
due in June, some Beg. heifers!
due -in Aug. Will sell as spring--
ers. Ph. 215-267-5209.
For -Sale Old Fashioned fence
nails, also firewood to order. Aa-.
non.Zook, .StraSburg JRL 1% ,mi.
east of New Providence on White
Oak Road.
For Sale-New Idea transplant
er, good condition, complete
with fertilizer attachment. Hen
ry E. Beiler, 129 S. Maple Ave.,
Leola, Pa.
For Sale-John Deere ifB Mow
er, 7 ft cut, good condition Also
Oliver 4 j bar rubber tire rake.
Phone 215-445-6453
For Sale-3 Bred Holstein Heif
ers, vaccinated, springing, pas
ture bred after Aug 23 J Don
ald Watmer, Pequea il, Ph.
For Sale - Reg. Duroe Boar, 3
mo old. Production registered
from litter of 11. F. Ruoss, Eph
rata R 2 Ph. Akron 859-2264.
/For Sale-John Deere -24 T baler
with ejector, good condition. JPh.
For Sale-AKC Reg. St. Bernard,
male, 4 yrs old, good with chil
dren, $lOO. Call 284-4589.
Sole -Register ,
MON. EVE, JUNE 3 - Horae &
Pony Sale, Martin’s Sale Staples,
Blue Ball, Pa. Paul Z Martin.
WED., JUNE 5, 1968 at 9 A.M-
Martin’s Sale 'Barn, Blue Ball,
Pa. Farm machinery and equip
ment. Paul Z. Martin.
WED., JUNE 5 at 5 P.M. - Public
Sale under lights of Tractors &
Farm Machinery by Wenger’s
Farm Machinery, Inc., S. Race
St., Myerstown, Pa.