12—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 1.1968 MR*'*'*- « «* —■ POESTENKILL MODEL HELEN, Ex cellent 92. with production records to 1,- Cow Families (Continucd from Page ID lly 339 d 19.978 m 727 f Dean Ca rol. Good Plus, 3-3 y 305 d 17,660 m 675 f, Carol had Milk and Honey: Ivanhoe twins Jennie. Good Plus 84, 2 1 334 d 12 347 m 566 f and Jill, Good Plus 82, 2-2 y 332 d 13.222 m 582 f. Dean Snowball, another mem ber of the family is Good Plus with this record- 5 5 307 d 16,063- m 628 f. Her Milk and Honey daughter made 2y 11,651 m 468 f. The Agnes family has these members now in the iordon ville R 1 herd; Dean Bevie, Good Plus, 6-ly 307 d 17,873 m 804 f Bevie’s two Ivanhoe daughters are Vichi, Very Good, 4-ly 353 d 21.054 m 924 f, and Connie, Good Pius. 4y 258 d 11.196 m 523 f Vichi and Connie each have a Model daughter making 10,000 lb milk records as senior yearlings Connie’s Dictator daughter made 14,195 m 564 f as a two-year-old Other members ar£ Ivanhoe Tiny, Good Plus 84, 6-4 y 332 d 19,520 m 912 f, Polly Ann, Good Plus, 4-0 y 312 d 16,960 m 628 f; Ty Vic Laror, Good Plus 83, 5-6 y 309 d 21,377 m 771 f Laror’s Ivan hoe daughter Violet is Good Plus with 3-9 y 305 d 16,855 m 658 f and her General daughter is Good Plus with 3-10 y 269 d 17,258- m, 710 L The Efby herd was second in County DHIA averages last year with 14,962 m and 645 f. K. D. & Else Linde Traced to a Gold Star Dam A twice 700 lb butterfat cow, Lmdenhof Butterfmgei’s Thea, is the fine Registered Guernsey cow that has founded the favor ite family of K D and Else r.imi-™- S * i r SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 W, High St.,' Manheim, Pa. Phone - 685-Z258 4 < 100 lbs. of butterfat. is a member of the favorite cow family at Briarkill Farms. and a great granddaughter Linde, Oxford HI Thea was a has just finished a senior daughter of Osborne Hal fere- j ea rlmg record of 305 d 10,655 m sa’s Anne who traced back to 4 gtj 4ggf_ Osborne Hill Baron’s Theda a , ’ ~ . . . Gold Star Dam Thea’s sire was Another granddaughter of the ~ r „ , r!,,, foundation cow has just finished he famous Curtiss Candv But- 21y ter!mger record: 305 d 10.462 m 51% 533 L The Lmdes milk 40 head of Registered Guernseys. The Lindenhof foundation had seieral owner-sami ler records as a young cow and mads on of ficial DHIA test the following 2 excellent records' 5-4 j 14,445 m 4 9% 702 f and 6-3 y 15.849 m 4.7% 747 f. Thea has three daughters with that lived two weeks short of 19 records in the herd, the highest 'years, founded the fine Beets record cow being Ruth with 3-1 j family at John E Kreider s 305 d 13,422 m 45% 610 f Theda Trout Spring Farm Trout Spring has tour records from 505 lb Lucifer Beets was born Nov. 17, of butterfat to 580, and Thida 1947 and died Nov 1, 1966. She has nearly 600 lb. of butterfat as left many pleasant memories, a four-year-old. offspring and a lifetime prodqc- Theda also had four daugh ters. two of which have mature records over 501 lb. of butterfat John Kreider Great, Great, Great, Great Granddaughters A grand old Lucifer daughter tion of 211,092 lb. of milk and 8,- time credits of 174.855 m 8,821 f 035 lb. of butterfat. Neighbors and still doing well. A grand used her sons and. of her three daughter of Beth topped the daughters, two remain In the Reading Sale In 1968 at $1220, herd. and a son of the Gold Medal Betsy, the youngest daughter Da"’ Is now the Excellent herd of Beets, has in four lactations site in the Kreider herd. One of 78.489 lb. of milk and 30000 'b. of his daughters has completed her Beth, another daughter by 4,8 ,c 811f> Hillmac Sovereign Is Very Good There are now two heifers in and. Gold Medal and is herself the herd that are great, great, almost 15 years old. Her best great, great granddaughters of record is at 9y when she had 20 - Beets, the foundation cow. 389 m 4.1% 835 f and she has life- (Continued on Page 13) CONTROL WEEDS IN ALFALFA WITH BUTYRAC-118 'Apply 2 to 4 weeks after alfalfa emerges. Controls broadleaf weeds in seedling or established legumes. This remarkable selective action killing many broadleaf weeds without affecting certain broadleaf crops has been proven by research men and commercial growers throughout the country. We are distributors for a complete line of WEED KILLERS llll.llWili.Ml Smoketown, Pa. 397-3539 second lactation with 19,156 m
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