Cow Families (Continued from Page 10) family at Cocallco Farm, owned by Paul B. Zimmerman. Ephrn ta Rl, Is Lassie Keyes Sovereign, who is Excellent and has four daughters (three in milk) and two full sisters that nre Very Good at 87 points. Sovereign Martha Posch, a 19.37« l lbs. of milk daughter of Lassie, has a son who is classi fied Very Good 88 wi.h 7 daugh ters that average 85 points in classification and have a pro- duction average of 17,500 lbs. of Donald Hershey milk. The oldest daughter of _ , . . 7 Posch is Very Good 86 and in the Consistent Hlllmac present lactation has in 250 days, A consistent producing Hill -21.130 lbs. of milk and 754 lbs. mac Sovereign daughter is the of butterfat, as a four-year-old. foundation of a good cow family Another daughter of Martha is a J *>nM Hershey's Hershvale Very Good and has a four-year- arm ’ R2. Conoy Hill old record of 18.157 lbs. of milk EmpressGoodPiusSShasa and 708 lbs. of butterfat and a re^ d of 905 d }*'' full sister, Sovereign Posch Las- 4 °2 m 685 - sie, is Very Good 87 with pro- not gomgun “ s ~]l tha * duction records to 22.081 lbs. of average lb. of milk and milk and 824 lbs. of butterfat. 609 lbs - of butterfat. This Lassie cow has three t Empress had only three daugh daughters; Janet. V 6 86. 21,040- ter f but ail , are . f to P P™dw»rs m 730-f: Rose, Excellent at 4y, and all are c j a I !f lfie 0 d l Good Plus. 20.091 lbs. of milk and 848 lbs. Con u nie ’ G? od Plus 84 by Land or and Eodha, Good r~ : ; * ■ ■ * Plus 84. 15,560 lbs. of milk and 572 lbs. of butterfat. Also a great, great grand daughter of the foundation cow Is Very Good 86 and at 2y has over 15,000 lbs. of milk. The third milking daughter of Lassie I<eyes Is Good Plus at 83 points and has a record of 18,- 000 lb. of milk and 725 of butter fat. Over half of the Zimmerman herd trace to the old Excellent Sovereign Cow. WIGHTWICH GLENAFTON RACHEL, Her lifetime production totals are 224,- Excellent 92, foundation cow at Fultonway 806 lbs. of milk and 9,140 lbs. of butterfat. Farms is still producing at past 18 years. Good Plus 82, by Rag Apple mals on which Willis M. Martin, Sovereign Texal, has 4-lly 365 d New Holland R 2, is building his 17,989 m 602 f; and Carol, Good herd. Ona Hays Burke has at Plus 83. by Ivanhoe, has two 20,- 7-ly 21,983 m 3 6% 803 f and at 000 lb milk records to 4-7 y 351 d 9 ly 338 d 21,159 m 3 6% 755 f. 20,981 m 896 f. Her daughter Ruby has an in- Both Connie and Carol have e 'J,f ar recor^ good milking daughters in the of 16 ’ 284m 584 - She has two Hers'hvale herd. In fact, the only young daughters in the herd. complaint about this family, is , A " other cov V\ Mar m the 18 bull calves and only 8 »>«£• carrying the home prefix heifer calves that have arrived Marto, has a 19,263 lb. milk from it record with 670 lb of butterfat and a 3 5% test Her dam Rutsor Pnlly Abegweit has five records WIHIS Martin that average 15.000 lb. of milk Two-Time 21,000 Lb. and 500 lb of butterfat and all A two-time 21,000 lb milk were made in 305 days or less cow is one of the foundation am- SAFETY.. . standard with every Gehl box • Quick-action safely bar. Ruggedly built for mile-after mile of big load hauling ana « 7' inside width. -handling. Gehl Boxes are un matched for safety, speed and • Up-front clutch and speed capacity. See us today! Ask control. about the Gehl Forage Boxes ~ . toughest boxes ever built, • Choice of 2 rear unloaders, and the safest your money can buy! Financing available. Gehl Self-Unloading Forage Boxes are built to give you .. ... continuous year ’round safe Make os Prove it with crop hauling and handling, „ Demonstration! And, with Gehl, safety is standard equipment Look for the "quick-action” safety bar. Touch it and you stop unload- M mj I ing motion instantly! You JFj J _ f!■ can also stop unloading action * # t|| with the side lever. FARMERSVILLE N. G. HERSHEY EQUIPMENT CO. & SON R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. Manheim Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 1.1968 There are also two younger members of this family coming along. Martin’s latest DHIA herd av erage is 15,796 lbs of milk and 613 lbs. of butterfat Two distinct cow families, started as far back as the 1930’5, make up the foundation for Don ald S Eby’s present Breezy Glen Farm Herd. The Francis family, which makes up 50 percent or more of the herd, and the Agnes family. Present members of the Fran cis family are Ivanhoe Nancy, Good Plus, 5-6 y 328 d 20,705 m 865 f: Regal Eva, Good Plus, 5- (Continued on Page 12) Donald Eby Started In the 1930's Give me a chance to explain F T MARK KREIDER 416 Faxrview Avenue Lancaster, Pa. I’m your local HARVESTORE* representative. I can explain to you the difference between a storage structure and a HARVE STORE feed production and processing system. I can give you facts and figures to prove that a HARVESTORE system can give you the capacity and the flexibility to feed for greater profit. All it takes to get me started is a phone call. Call collect 35^5171 Penn Jersey s®" l Harvestore „ 309 Diller Ave, . - New Holland, i it 11
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