Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 01, 1968, Image 10

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    ;o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 1,1968
Good 88, foundation of the famous cow
family at Blossomelle Farm. Elaine is
Cow Families
(Continued from Page 7)
with her dam, Willow Bends
Sweetie classified Very Good
twice and at 10 years her udder
was classified Excellent fore.
rear and teats Sweetie’s pro
duction includes four records
over 615 lbs. of butterfat to 691
Good twice and has record's to
13,233 lbs.
The next dam Willow Bends
Sandy was twice Very Good with
records to 579 lbs of butterfat
and the 3rd dam the family
foundation cow Willow Bends
Golden Lily, was classified Very
Good twice and has records by
8y 305 d 12,042 m 513 f.
The Lily cow was very strong
Equipment Co.
1531 Manheim Pike, Lane.
Phone 569-9861
still doing well at past 13 years and has
lifetime credits of over 154,000 lbs. of milk
and 5,488 lbs. of butterfat.
man herd. Ten Duke daughters
h udder and the trait has car- in herd as mature cows clas
ned through the family along . d , g v Good and 2 De
with over-all strength and ~ . , , „ ,
smoothness. - sirable. Shirley was pictured on
The Excellent Shirley has sev- the front pa^e of Lancaster
eral crosses to Willow Bends Farming’s March 23, 1968 issue.
Exclusive Super-Sweep
pickup gets the
short hay you’ve
been leaving behind!
Now you can sweep up most of the short hay and
straw you’ve been leaving behind! New Holland’s
exclusive Super-Sweep baler pickup has six bars
of 20 closely-spaced teeth—a total of 120 hay
picking fingers. These curved fingers keep in
constant contact with the crop, leave the field
clean. Super-Sweep is standard equipment on
wire-tie Hayliner® 268,' 269 and 272 balers;
optional on twine-tie models. Stop in soon for full
details; ask for a demonstration. And remember:
New Holland Purchase Plan financing makes it
easy for you to own the best!
E 3 new Holland
t —J
Ph.: Lane. 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766
Duke, a home bred sire that is
present in the pedigree of all but
seven of the cows in the Brene-
R. D. 3, LITITZ, PA.
The Brenemani are located at
Willow Street Rl.
Arthur Wtijger
Manhcim Grand Champion
The grand champion cow at
the Manheim Farm Show last
year Is a member of Arthur D.
Wenger's top cow family. Val
ley Run Reflection Kitty. Excel
lent, .has records to 17.185 of
milk, and 828 11». of butterfat.
She freshened with first calf at
26 months in October 1963 and
has freshened in-every October
since and is due again in Oc
tober 1968. She never needed a
repeat breeding service.
She has three daughters: Nel
da, Good Plus, milking 89.6 lbs.
of 4.2% milk in thfr second month
as a three-year-old and has an
actual record of 2y 15,326 m 670 f;
Oriole, Good Plus 84 as a two
year-old and making 500 lbs. of
butterfat: and Pearl, due with
first oalf in November.
Kitty’s dam is the Very Good
87 Lucifer Echo cow with 15,090
lbs. of milk and $7B lbs. of but
terfat arid the ne*t dam is the
foundation, 'Very Good, Gold
Medal Dam, Valley Run Sov
ereign Cinder.
Both Kitty and Oriole are due
in October to the service of
Posch Sovereign Ivanhoe. A
great grandson of Cinder is
Get Your Plants Off To A Good Start
Tomatoes & Tobacco
Add To Your Transplanter Water
Use one quart to 50 gal. barrel
ORTHO-GRO is a proven organic liquid fertilizer giving
plants that extra push they need to “start,” and protect
them against transplanting shock.
5 gallon can . . . $14.50
Use 4 ounces per 50 gal. borrel
tion that mixes readily with water and is dei
signed especially for use in the transplanter.
Gives low cost protection against wire worms,
maggots and certain other soil insects.
1 pint . . . $1.85 1 quart . . . $3.48
1 gallon . . . $11.65
Get Your Supply From
scheduled to be wed In Wen*
ger’a Menheim R 2 herd this .fall.
C. Richard Landis
Grand Lucifer
The grand old Lucifer daugh
ter at the C. Richard Landis
Farm, 2300 Horseshoe Road, left
a lasting influence. Pour Cor
ner’s Lucifer Colantha, class!-
fled Very Good 87, had a life
time production of 213,000 lbs.
of milk and 7,610 lbs. of butter
fat. Her daughter by Jess Pabst
Leader, the Martha cow. has in
dividual records to 22,500 lbs. of
milk and 850 lbs. of butterfat.
A son has eight daughters in
the Four Corner’s Herd that are
very pleasing and the first one
to freshen produced 503 lbs. of
butterfat as a two-year-old.
Another foundation cow in the
herd is the Excellent 91, daugh
ter of Roeland Reflection Sover
eign, Besvlew Star Marie. Marie
is now milking over 100 lbs. of
milk a day and has four records
over 20,000 lbs. of milk and 838
lbs. of butterfat. Her three-year
old record is 343 d 23,419 m 985 L
A son by Rosafe Signet from
Marie is the present herd sire.
Paul B. Zimmerman
Excellent & Very Good
Full Sisters
The head of the favorite cow
(Continued on Page 11)
Ph. Lane. 397-3539