Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 25, 1968, Image 16

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    i6—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 25.1968
Wool Is A Flame Stopper
U.S. Test Study Reveals
When it comes to fire safety
in clothing - and furnishings,
wool is rated far superior to
most fibers studied in a test in
the United States. In fact, the
test revealed that wool actually
extinguished itself when the
tlame is withdrawn from direct
Main conclusions were that
lest fabrics of 100 per cent wool
showed a noticeably greater re
sistance to ignition when expos
ed to flame, than the other sev
en fibres, and that a tendency
to continue to burn after igni
tion was less in wool than the
A report by the firm ACH
Fiber Service Inc. of Boston,
Massachusetts, says: “The re
sults of the study are most per
Apply 2 to 4 weeks after alfalfa
emerges. Controls broadleaf weeds in
seedling or established legumes. This
remarkable selective action killing
many broadleaf weeds without affecting
certain broadleaf crops has been
4 proven by research men and commercial
growers throughout the country.
We are distributors for a complete line of
Smoketown, Pa. 397-3539
Silos fill faster with Badger's High Capacity Forage Blower and ‘ground*
controlled’ Silage Distributor. Large 4S-inch adjustable paddies blow
•ven stubborn forage to the top of your tallest silo. The companion
Badger Silage Distributor gives mora uniform forage distribution, better
■Mage fermentation inside the silo. Ask vs about the Badger Forage
me end eenvenient Badger financing.
Isooc W. Hurst R, M. Brubaker & Son
Blue Ball Salunga
Corl L. Shirk Grumelli Farm Service
Colebroolt Rd., Fontana Quarryvilie
suasive in revealing that the re
sistance of the wool fabrics both
to the ignition and spreading of
flame is superior to all other
types examined, and significant
ly so is the case of most of the
fibres tested.
“The wool samples became
even more resistant to ignition
and flame-spread after they had
been subjected to normal clean
ing procedures.”
Several of the other fibres
showed a greater propensity to
ignition and flame-spread after
dry-cleaning or washing, mainly
because of the removal of fire
resistai.t finishes.
The technical investigation
described by ACH as a “limited
study” was aimed at deter
mining the relative levels of
flammability of fibres used gen
erally in households, commer
cial enterprises and transporta
tion facilities. It was largely
based on officially recognized
flammability test methods.
Glass and asbestos fibers were
excluded from the tests.
Ninety-eight consumer items
in 18 categories were tested In
cluding shirting, nightgowns,
dresses, baby blankets, cur
tains, upholstery, and carpets.
Eighty-one consisted of 100 per
cent of a single fibre type, 11
were blends of wool and other
fibres, and six were carpet sam
Of the samples that burned,
most of the wool samples took
“significantly longer” to catch
fire, before and after cleansing,
than the other fibres, and were
self-extinguishing after fire was
According to the report, the
time or flame-spread is related
to fabric construction an d
weight. Generally, the heavier
the construction, the longer it
takes for a flame to spread. In
the tests, for instance, heavy
Livestock Equipment
I >
• 8 Models oil steel welded form ond feedlot gates
• 2 Models oil steel welded head (Batch gate
• All weather salt ond mineral fjeeder/foce fly control
• All steel hay ond silage-bunks '
• Groin troughs 4 models
• Pickup stockrocks
• Lifetime free stalls: "unequalled in quality"
• Ritchie Woterers ond Behlen Steel Buildings
For prices, contact: Fred Frey, Mgr.
786-2235 ,7,7, FREY BROS.
R. D. 42
Quarryville, Penna. 17566
1 ..
John Deere
480 Mower
and Conditioner
Yf cuts,
conditions, and
windrows in one trip
The John Deere 480 Mower and Conditioner
is a timesaver. In one pass through the field
It cuts, conditions, and windrows an Wool
9-inch swath.
cleaner cutting. Fast roll speed, large rol
diameter, and wide roll opening practically
eliminate conditioner plugging and
See us soon about a new 480 Mower and fIPSB
Conditioner. Use our Credit Plan*
M. S. Yeorsley & Sons
West Chester 609-2990 AB . Q Groff, Inc.
New Holland 354-4191
Landis Bros. Inc.
Lancaster 393-3906
• Farm Women
(Continued from Page 15)
me Mitchell, recently deceased
member of the Society.
Cookies will be donated for the
dedication of the Farm & Home
Foundation Center on June 9.
It was voted to give $lOO dona-
weight wool blankets did not
ignite after extended fire appli
“Several non-wool fabrics of
lightweight construction dis
played a great readiness to be
ignited by a flame and barely
passed the official standard test
in this regard. Among these
fabrics are some which display
ed dramatically rapid flaming
Some of the synthetic fabrics,
depending upon their melting
point temperatures, tended to
melt and drip when burning,
“introducing an additional' ha
zard of burns quite aside from
direct contact with a flaming
fabric since they became a mol
ten mass of plastic.”
tlon to the Quarryvllle Fire Co.
Members will serve as host
esses for the USO Dance on
June 26.
| The next meeting will be held
in June at the Black Rock Re
treat, at Which time the county
officers wjll be entertained, and
Farm Women 17 and 20.
Mrs. Esther Eby Glass, of Lan
caster, spoke on the topic,
“There’s a Daughter in the
House”, at a recent mother
daughter meeting of Society of
Farm Women 8 in the Willow
Valley Restaurant, with 53 per
sons present.
Solos honoring mothers were
sung by Mrs. Ann Brown, ac
companied by Mrs. Noah Krei
der Jr. on the organ.
Mrs. J. Harold Frey, presi
dent, tabled all business until the
next meeting which will be held
in the home of Mrs. Lizzie Keen
er, Manheim R 4 on June 22. She
will be assisted by Mrs. J. H.
Frey, Mrs. Elizabeth Shueman
and Mrs. Mary 'Minnich.
Wenger Implement' Co.
Back 284-4467
Elm 665-2141