Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 25, 1968, Image 12

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 25.1968
KI) NOTE: “Good Morn Ins;
3,336 People Starved Last
NightN taken from a report
by George C. Tolls. Manager
ni the Washington operation of
Computer Usage Company,
Inc. The report is tilled, “Com
puters And Food".
Many experts are becoming
acutely concerned with the pop
ulation vs. food problem. In a
fi 11 page advertisement in the
Mew York Times recently, the
headline read. “Good Morning
While you were asleep last
night, 3.3.36 people died from
starvation." The ad, which was
placed by the* Campaign to
Check the Population Explosion,
c nne right to the point From
the time we go to bed. to the
time we get up each morning an
estimated 3 336 people in unde
\ eloped nations die of illness
caused by malnutntion Mostly
Hard facts to_believe in a
country where the food problem
\ievved as too manv calorics
Watch 'em go for-.-PURINA!
Horses really go for Purina. Now you can choose
from two great Purina horse feeds—new Purina
Horse Chow Checkers with built-in hay or Purina
Omolene, a favorite of horsemen for almost 50 years.
Purina Horse Chow Checkers are a revolutionary
idea in feeding horses. The
hay is built in, eliminating
the fuss and muss of hay.
For those who prefer to feed
hay there’s the horsemen’s
standby—Purina Omolene.
We offer both of these re
search-developed Purina
horse feeds in handy 50-lb.
bags at our store with the
Checkerboard Sign.
Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph: 367-1195
West Willow
Farmers Assn., Inc.
Ph; 464-3431
West Willow
John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Ph: 442-4632
But the United Nations esti
mates that more than 300-mil
lion children are retarded physi
cally—and in some cases men
tally—because of a deficiency of
proteins and calorics in their
Recently, the Food and Agri
culture Organization of the Unit
ed Nations conducted its third
world food survey. The survey
concluded that although the qual
ity of average food diets had
improved slightly since before
the second world war. up to one
half (about 15 billion) of the
world population suffered from
hunger or malnutrition, or both
Since then, world population
has continued to increase by 8.-
(100 every hour or approximate
ly 70 million people per year A
number equal to the population
of France, Belgium and Holland
taken together is added every
year to the people Ining on this
earth It is estimated that the
population of the world, which
in the year 1900 was only 1 5 bil
lion, w ill be close to 7 billion by
the vear 2 000 (and that estimate
is considered by many to be con
servative) Experts estimate ,
Ira B. Landis
Ph: 569-0531
779 Valley Road, Lancaster
James High & Sons
Ph; 354-0301
Gordon', ille
3,336 People Starved Last Night
John B. Kurtz
Ph: 354-9251
R. D. 3, Epluata
that food production has to be
tripled by the year 2.000 to pro
vide adequately . for ail the
world’s inhabitants.
Here’s the impact population
growth has on food production.
the much publicized Aswan
Dam in Egypt, built by Russia,
is one of the most spectacular
leaps forward in food production
anywhere in the world. The dam
increased Egypt’s agricultural
production by 15 percent—a boon
for the starving fellahin. The
somber truth, however, is that
during the 12 years it took to
build the dam. Egypt’s popula
tion increased 35 percent.
The dimensions of the food
problem are staggering
• America's grammes— once
spilling over with surplus—are
down to the reserve point, con
sideied adequate for our own
needs, right now
• U.S. cities take at least 1 5
million acres of open land each
year—so percent more than a
decade ago reducing prime
• Barring major war or fam
ine, the World will be “standing
mom only” bv the time the 21st
Centir ■ rolls around 'More peo
- 2.000 A.D.
.an all the preceding genera
mns combined
' i
Twin Rakes on the new Allis-Chalmers 303 Bale-Chief make bales
solid, square-tied tight. The kind an ejector can throw. Bales resist
buckling because “Elbow Fork” action takes out windrow wads
that can make other bales pop their twine. Takes heavy windrows into
the chamber in clean, sweeping action. Forks retract completely up and
out of hay each back stroke. No drag or auger-churning to shred leaves.
Big capacity. Come in and see this new 303 Bale-Chief now.
L. H. Brubaker
Lancaster, Pa.
Grumelli Farm Service Nissley Farm Service
Qiiarryville, Pa. Washington Boro, Pa,
N. G. Myers & Son L. H. Brubaker Roy H. ®« C n'o ,nc *
Rheems, Pa. Lititz, Pa. Eehrata, R. D. Z
While the sociological and bio
logical implications of this arc
incomprehensible, nothing is
even remotely ns important as
the problem of feeding tills mul
While America's crop yield
continues to improve the world's
ritUation worsens. Latin Amer
ica, with the highest birthrate in
the world, is actually producing
less food today than 10 years ago.
Meeting the Problem
Fortunately, as the problem
grows so do the means of meet
ing it. Modern technology has
already put into man's hands
some of the tools necessary to
stive the ptoblem:
Research into new varieties of
plants and livestock which pro
duce a much greater yield than
the varieties they replaced;
New agricultural machinery
rnd ways of automated farming
which will produce more food
with less human effort.
Modern methods of forest man
agement, and scores of radical
ly new forest products:
New fish-finding and fish
catchxng techniques? and new
ways of getting the catch to the
consumer in the freshest condi
' Research into cultivating sea
weed and other forms of algae
Allen H. Motz Farm Equipment
New Holland
"mariculturc" which «n
rich in protein.
All this and other simitar de
velopments are designed to meet
the threat of this simple bit
menacing equation—lf food pro
duction continues merely to
match growth of populatioi,
there will be about twice 5
many hungry people in the wor 0
in the year 2,000 ns there are t'
It looks pretty somber. B r
technology in the United Stau,
has already taken huge stride,
in increasing food' production
and developing economic s\-
tems for farmers. A closer low?
at American utilization of moc
ern farm technology may p-o
vide some clues to broader op
plications in less product,!«
areas of the world. The m.i,
thrust of U S. agriculture ho,
been to increase efficiencj r
the production of present fooci«
The biggest single advance 1,,
the use ol computers in agnai,
ture. In fact, e\perts preu c“
computer usage in agriculu,i e
will be widespread by 1975
A Close Up: The Computer
On the Farm
When the Rural Electnfic.ino.
Program uas put into effect
the 1930's most people thuuait
it was simply a on
“make-work" program. I. t
doubtful that anyone thought rn c
wall outlet in the quaint tan
(Continued on Page 81