Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 25, 1968, Image 10
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Mav 25.1868 10 Mail Box Market For Sale - Pnrmnll A Tractor, lights. starter. hydraulic lift and cultivators. Good condition. Ph. 3(17-3246. For Sale - RHUBARB for freez ing. We pick it fresh for each or der for the next 3 weeks. Phone 665 4153. For Saic-Timothy hay. Marlin R. Noll. Mnnhelm Rl, Ph. 665- 2962. PASTURE for real with stream, south of The Buck. Phone Hen scl 548-2702. For Sale - White German Shep herd pups. 6 wks. old. Robt. H. Kauffman. E-Town #l. 367-3550. For Sale - 4 Jamesway gas brooders. Phone 626-6014. For Sale - Used Starline cow stanchions. Ph. 786 3831. Something To Sell? T-w n rincc!fieri Ad For Sale-Alhs Chalmers 780 For- Try O V-lOSSITiea MO age Harvester 2 row corn In Lancaster Farming head and pick-up attachment, in »- antu * ,cr 3 Phone Hensel 548-2877. HORSE AND PONY SALE MON. EVE, MAY 27.1968 at 6:00 P.M. MARTIN'S SALE STABLES Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County Load of good loud colored saddle and driving (some reg.) lowa horses for Norman Dobson. Standardbreds. Consigned and Commission Horses PAUL Z. MARTIN Ph. (717) 354-6671 CUSTOM SPRAYING For Whitewoshing Spray the modern way Use CARBOLA Spray Carbola dries white, disinfects, kills flies, up to 90% less cobwebs. No wet floors. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. 392-7227 PUBLIC SALE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1968 AT 5:00 P.M. Sale Held Under Lights 30 to 40 Tractors International, Ford. John Deere, Allis-Chalmers. Case, Massey-Ferguson, Massev-Harris, Oliver. FARM MACHINERY Cultivators, mowers, windrow ers, balers, hay crushers, etc. Some Lawn and Garden Equipment. ATTENTION DEALERS and FARMERS: Bring your own surplus equipment in to be sold on consignment. TERMS - CASH We buy, sell trade yvholesale dailv. Used parts for most make and model of tractors and farm machinery. Conditions bv WENGER'S Farm Machinery, Inc. South Race St., Mverstonn. Pa. 717-866-2138 Rent/el and Horst, Auctioneers Lunch served on the grounds * Moil Box Mortal For Rent - Near Brickcrville - smalt 4 room single home with bath and electric. $25. Tenant must do some repair work. S. G. Darlington. Lititz R 2, Pa. Ph. 026-7440. For Sale - Good garden tractor, with plow and cultivator. Would make excellent tobacco hoer, $7O. Edward F. Smucker. Eph rata R 2. Pa. 17522, Ph. 656-6644. For Sale-12’ Van body made by Harrisburg Truck Body Co. with Daybrook Power Tailgate 7'x3'. 1962 Chevrolet pick-up truck. 44,000 miles. Phone 426-1539. For Sale-Massey Ferguson Su per 92 Combine with mtd. John Deere 14 T baler, in good condi tion. Good price. Titus M. Hess, Call 656-6944. For Sale-14 Reg. Holstein Heif ers, 18 Reg. and Grade cows due June. July and August. Phone Elizabethtown 367-2015. Mail Box Market' For S*le-10 to 12 tons of clean, crushed, timothy hay; a few tons of wheat and barley straw; also one 3-can milk cooler, unit in ex cellent condition. Geo. L. Bow man. R#4, Lebanon,' Pa. Ph, 717-887-2097. For Sale-12 ft. double duty meat case, like new; scales, grinder, meat block, slicer, 10,000 lb. Fairbanks platform scales, steam boiler and kettles. Ph. 284-4612. Agitate Pump Spread System • The HUSKY PUMP affords complete agitation. Handles heavy thick manure. Pumps 1250 gpm. Adapts to pits 4 to 14 feet. • The HUSKY SPREADER with 1250 gallon capacity, equipped with a mechanical agitator gives controlled spreading from 30 to 40 feet. • Free Demonstration Buy direct from the distributor and save. SHENK'S FRUIT & VEGETABLE FARM Lititz R. #4 * Phone 626-7420 COMING JUNE / Lancaster Farming Special DAIRY ISSUE • SPECIAL DAIRY STOR • ADVERTISING • REPORTS FEATURING LOCAL COW FAMILIES To Get Your Favorite Cow Family In The Local News. HELP US HELP YOU CELEBRATE! lancaste^Farminq Circulation Dept." Mail Box Market FREE. Subscriber* to Lancaster Farming will receive one adver tisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following ;ules; Limit your advertisement to 25 words; All advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday fcr next week's paper; No busl noon or same will be held over ness advertisements accepted. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU SEND US SUCH INFORMATION AS: THE FOUNDATION COW; Reg. Name; Classification; Production Records, Etc. HER DAUGHTERS & GRANDDAUGHTERS: Include Records, Names and a few Comments and General Family Tree. ALSO INCLUDE: Your Name, Farm Name or Prefix, Address, & Location. Because of the busy farm work schedule at this time of year, the deadline for getting copy on your favorite cow family to us has been extended to the beginning of next week. AND AN P. O. Box 266, Lititz, Penna 17543 Sola Register WED., JUNE 5. 1968 at 9 AM.— Martin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, Pa. Farm machinery and equip ment. Paul Z. Martin. SAT., JUNE 5 at 5 P.M.-Publlc Sale under lights of Tractors St Farm Machinery by Wenger’s Farm Machinery. Inc., S. Race St., Myerstown, Pa. SAT., JUNE 8 at 1 P.M, - Dis persal of Sugar Loaf Farm Clydesdales at Front Royal Va. Livestock Market.