1,200 Forest Fires Reported To Date In Pa. A total of 1 200 fires, involv ing over 10,743 acres of forest land, were reported throughout Pennsylvania as of and includ ing Sunday. May 12. The report was submitted by E. F. McNamara, Chief, Division of Forest Protection, Depart ment of Forests and Waters, who indicated there still exists the danger of fire in our State forest land and, as a result, the fire towers will continue to be manned until the district for ester decides, depending on lo cal conditions, that this opera tion is no longer required In the meantime airtankers and helicopters, aircraft used Not included in the most in fire suppression, have been recent fire total, which averaged iiiii Now is the line Te Order WEED CONTROL CHEMICALS Weedone LV4 Atrazine Let Agway and their new model 650 with a trained operator do this job for you. Leafhopper - Alfalfa Weevil - Spittlebug Agwaj «b>SA#» *l*.l » *** NEW HOLLAND LANCASTER QUARRYViLLE 354-2146 394-0541 786-2126 removed from their bases of operations except at Big Pocono where the fire danger is still High. This year’s spring fire season was one of the worst on record and necessitated, effective April 19, a proclamation from Gov. Raymond P. Shafer prohibiting fires “within woodlands or with in 200 feet of woodlands in any county of the Commonwealth.” At that time there was report ed nearly 1,000 fires which swept over 9,464 acres or about twice the amount of acreage burned during the entire 12 months of 1967. ■We «g— > * > FOR CONTROL OF Alfalfa-Spray 22E Gets them all without the fear of residues in miik It’s the spray that thousands of Northeastern dairy men used last year. Agway Alfalfa Spray 22E is a convenient, ready-to-use liquid formulation of Du Pont Methoxychlor plus malathion, and is highly recom mended for the weevil and other pests. Ask your AGWAY man for 22E again this year and “play it safe/spray it safe". Will Apply - Atrazine & Lorox Ramrod ★ ★ USE • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 725-900 lbs. 24 00-26.00; Good 650-850 lbs 23.25-24 50. COWS Utility 21.60-23 00, couple 23.60-23.75; Cutter 19.85- 22 35: Conner and low-Cutter 18 25-20 00. BULLS Choice 25 25-26 00: Good 24 00-24.75; Utility and Commercial 23.35-24 85, Five head 25 60-26 00. CALVES 289 Vealeis $lOO - 00 higher. VEALERS Choice 43 50- 47.00; Good 41.00-45.50; Stand ard 39.00-43.50, Utility 36 50-40 - 00; Cull 90-115 lbs 3250-37.00, 70-90-lbs. 29 50-3450. HOGS 398 Barrows and gilts weak to 25c lower. BARROWS AND GILTS out to nearly nine acres per fire, were 1640 acres of grassland. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 18.1968 • Chicago (Continued from Page i) heifers were steady to 25 low er. Cows sold steady to mostly 50 higher. Bulls were generally unchanged. Receipts 18,200 compared with 17.500 last week and 17.- 700 last year. Twelve market receipts 130,600 compared with 141,200 last week and 148 800 last year. SLAUGHTER STEERS On US 1-2 180-240 lbs. 20 75-2160 US 1, 220-240 lbs. 2175-22 00, US 1-3 190-250 lbs 20 25-20 75 US 2-3 240-250 lbs 19.75-20 25. SHEEP 170 Spring lambs $l.OO lower. Ewes steady. SPRING LAMBS Choice 55-100 lbs 31.00-34 00, few head 35 00-36 50; Good 45 80 lbs. 27.- 00-3100. SLAUGHTER EWES Utili ty and Good 5 50-9 50. Cashmere Wool Six oi’ more goats are requir ed to provide enough wool to make one cashmeie sweater of aierage size Cashmeie wool is made from the downy fleece winch lies under the boat’s long ban An average-sized goat gives only three ounces of this fleece Uncle Sam wants to establish police training schools ovei the country to teach officers how to carry limp protest beatniks for live television CUSTOM SPRAYING For Whitewashing Spray the modern way Use CARBOLA Spray Carbola dries white, disinfects, kills flies, up to 90% less cobwebs. No wet floors. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. 392-7227 SOYBEAN GROWERS... Get the most WEED CONTROL for your money (ffiwt) »ec usmi *f f LOROX TRADEMARK P. L ROHRER & BRO., Inc. Smoketown. Pa. 397-3539 Wednesday, Prime 1225-1325 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 29.00- 29 50, Mixed High Choice and Prime 1175-1375 lbs 27 75-29 00, Choice 950-1350 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 26 50-28 00. Mixed Good and Choice 26 00-26.75, Good 25 00-26 00. Mixed Standard and Good 24 25-25 00, Standard 23.- 00 24 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Mixed High Choice and Prime 900 1050 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 26 50-27 00. Choice 850-1050 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 25 75-26.- 75, Mixed Good and Choice 25.- 00-25 75. Good 24 25-25 00, Stand ard and Low Good 22 00-24 25. COWS Late, Commercial 18 00-19 50, Utility 19 00-20 50, few High Dressing Utility 20.75- 21 00, Canner and Cutter 16.50- 19 75 mostly 17 00 19 50 BULLS Throughout the week, Utility and Commercial 22 50 25 00, individual 2590 lbs. at 25.75 and 25 15 lbs at 26 00. WEEKLY SHEEP Slaugh ter lambs 1 00 higher, slaughter ewes steady Receipts 400 as compared with 550 last week and 300 a year ago Twelve mar ket total 22 000 as compared with 21,400 last week and 34100 a year ago Carlot diessed lamb at Chicago 1 00-2 00 higher. SPRING SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice and Prime 75 90 lbs 30 25-31 00 SHORN SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 93-94 lbs No. 1 and 2 pelts 28 50 SHORN SLAUGHTER EWES Cull to Good 4 00 7 00 5