I ' HONORED AT THE PENN MANOR Father-Son Banquet last week, (left to right),.Clair Erb, Chapter Red Rose Farm *P‘ IV/fanrki* tlie Penn Manor High School, Erb and Leßoy Eshleman are %jrenn IVlallOr MlUersville, was held last week Keystone Farmers Nfs Holds Father ct the West Wlllow Fire HalL The DeKalb Award went to %-r _ . Awards went to the following Eshleman and Nelson Newcom- Snn Kanmipr members: Star Red Rose Farm- jn.ni.rc , _ 00n oanquei er _ Clair Erb . Chaptep star er received the Public Speaking The eight Annual Father-Son Farmer. Claude Miller Jr ; and award - Banquet and Awards Program of Star Greenhand, Glenn Zwally. Ag Production went to: Poul- STAYS MIXED, WON’T CLOG for fast, one-application weed control in tomatoes Enide® 50w Is a pre-emergence diphenamid weed killer. It mixes quickly and stays mixed because it*s a 50% wettable powder with extremely fine particles. Application is fast because sprayer nozzles and screens won’t clog. Enide gives you: K Up to full-season control with one application. K Control of most grasses and many broadleaf weeds. A Reduced cultivation costs. A Faster and cleaner harvests. A Higher yields and profits. A You can apply Enide at seeding, transplanting or within one month following transplanting. This year have better weed control. Stop in today and ask for Enide 50w. NIAGARA CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE Intercourse LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER CO. Quarryville 786-2547 OMAR BEAM Elvetson N. RICHARD JACKSON Kirkwood 529-2320 JAMES LANDIS Quarryville CHESTER B. NOLT FRANK PEIFFER 12 Graybill Rd Mt. Nebo 284-4449 Bareville er; Leßoy Eshleman, DeKalb Award; and Claude Miller, Jr., Chapter Star Farmer. L. F. Photo 4 , 79 JOHN Z. MARTIN New Holland 354-5848 786-3189 768-8451 BENJAMIN LANDIS Paradise 687-6535 H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse try, Claude Miller Jr.; Farm the Public Speaker who won first Mechanics. John Murry: Dairy. at Lampeter ■ Strasburg last Charles Hess; Livestock Dave monlh wm rccognuetl . Hoover and Crops. Gary Neff. Honorary Chapter Fanners were Chester L. Eshleman. Dan- DID YOU KNOW lei S. Erb and Orville Bass. According to a 19(15 sinvej Certificates of Appreciation 17 .072.900 acres of for wire given to Ernest Lefcver, Clyde Hunt. Harold Herr and ll,nd and 11.7J2.000 acres ol John Elcholtz. non forest land in Pennsyhanin, Both the winning county Par- The total land area is 2(1.804,001 lamenlary Procedure Team and acres. ftetthese features wrtfi... Nu Gbejj • 45% NITROGEN Highly nneentrafod “NuQresn" MMIU I«M nWtNlal» hand)* time and labor saving!. • LEACH-RESISTANT • NON-CORROSIVE Organic “NuGram" won’t Ht-up aqripmwi,.. makas fc list long*. • FREE FLOWING and NON-CAKING “NuGreen” comes in easy-to-use shot form for spreading. It also dissolves readily in water for spray or Irrigation application. For profit boosting yields and the best dollar return on your Invest ment, practice a fertilization program based on a complete fertilizer •nd Qu Pont “NuGreen” urea fertilizer. IiMWHMW Smoketown, Pa. 397-3539 768-3431 656-6898 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. May 4.1968—1 9