Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices generally unchanged for Broiler and fryer live prices I'ght type hens Undertone bare averaged 15 (17 cents a pound ly steady as some dressing plants vv ® ek ; 1 pald van * ec are expencncng weakening ficm a high of 1G.4 cents a pound marketing conditions fsr dress- on Wed to a low of 14 3 cents a cd, RTC, canner type fowl Few f ou " d o M r °" Saks for theweek lots of heavy type hens, not totaled 992 600 head down 11,400 pieviously reported: were nego- ead flom iUS vvcek ~ tiated to be picked up at farms at 17c. Isolated small volume • Chicago flocks of light type hens noted (Continued from Page 2) as low as 4c per lb. in Pa sec- 130 100 last week and 159,800 tion Prices paid at farm; Light i as t year t"pe hens 4% 6, mostly S-SYic, SLAUGHTER STEERS —On heavy type hens TFEWR. Wednesday, Prime 1200-1325 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 29 50-30 25, Fnaelcville load 1377 ll)S - 30 50 on Monday. ® Mixed High Choice and Prime April 30, 1968 1200-1350 lbs 28 50-29 50, Choice 1150-1350 lbs Yield Grade 2 (Prices paid dock weights, cents to 4 27 50-28 50. Choice per lb., except where noted) 950-1150 lbs. 26 50-27 50, Mixed Light Hens 48, mostly '4%- Gb ° ic | 2o ?°f 6 50 J 5%; Heavy Hens 10-22%, mostly 2° 00-25 75, Standard and 15-18; Pullets 28%-32; Roasters G °° d 2425 - 2000 > Standaid 11-34, mostly 22-32; Ducks 26- HFIFERS 30 Drakes 9-21, Rabbits 33-65, » ,? S in « mostly 54-64%. Guineas 100 ° n L ° B2 113, mostly 1 00-1 07, Pigeons lbs - 27 50, Mixed: High Choice , ’ lon9 ns and Prime 900-1000 lbs Yield £n ah1 P f Jumb ° Garde 3 and 4 26 50-27 25, 170 Choice 850-1100 lbs Yield Grade Total coops sold 3,9 2 to 4 25 75-26 50, Mixed Good and Choice 25.25-26.00, Good Advertising serves people . 2425-25.25, Standard and Low government business . em- Good 22 00-24 25. ployers . . employees . con- COWS Utility and Com sumers merchants sales- mercial 18.25-19 50, High Yield men . industry ... labor mg Utility 19 75-20 50, Canner and all within a free society. and Cutter 16 00-19 00 Disc Harrowing Full-width level cuts for “Table Top” seed beds and uniform seed depth Spool-deep penetration Clod-free surfaces for full-coverage herbicide treatment Sized for your needs from B'6" to 20'6" Traction Booster Drawbar gives automatic traction on demand ALUS-CHALMERS Roy H. Buck, Inc. Ephrata, K. D. Z L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa. Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment* Eastern Shore Exchange L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. Nissley Farm Service Washington Boro, Fa. N. G. Myers & Son Bheems, Pa. Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville, Pa. New Holland • Lancaster Auction (Continued from Page 2) CommeiTi.il 22 50 21 75 CALVES 104 —Ve.iL'i s ste, dy. VEALERS - Cnoife 42 50 45; Ciaocl 50 1.5 50, Stand lid .55 10, Ltihtv 01 50 .50 50 Cull 20 51 HOGS 4(s4—Barrows mcl gills 50 75c higher BARROWS & GILTS-US 12 11)0 240 lbs 21 50 22 one lot US 1. 2'55 lbs. 22 50, US 1 3 105 210 SHEEP .59-Spring lambs and slaughter ewes fullv steady lbs. 20 50 21. US 2-3 220 225 lbs 20; one lot US 3, 235'lbs 19 75 SPRING LAMBS-Couple lots Choice 75 80 lbs 33-35 25, one lot Good 65 lbs 31 50 SLAUGHTER EWES—One lot Utility 135 lbs $8 • Vintage (Continued fiom c age 2) VEALERS—Choice 40 50-43 50, Good 37-40, Standard 35-38, Util ity 32-35, Cull 90-115 lbs 29-35. 70-90 lbs. 25 31 HOGS 315—Barrow's and gilts 50-1.00 higher BARROWS & GILTS— US 1-2 200-255 lbs 21 50 22 10, US 1. 210-235 lbs 22 35-22 75: US 13 195 255 lbs 21-21 50 US 2-3 200 230 lbs 20 35-21, US 2-3 240-275 lbs 19 50-20 SHEEP 60 Spring lambs steady to weak SPRING LAMBS—Choice 70-90 lbs 33 37, Good 30-33 Summer Camp Where chil dren go for their parents’ vaca tion | CUSTOM SPRAYING | I HIGH PRESSURE WASHING | = and 5 | DISINFECTING | E in all types of poultry houses. E | MAYNARD L. BEITZEL | E Witmer, Pa. . Phone 393-7227 E -yin ini n n 11111111111 n 111 mimis! n i i 11111 n 5 111 nm i 1111 n 8 111111111111 u 1111 itn i~ GENERAL ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER i ‘ | . Here’s All You Do: : 10 cup capacity 2. Send the hang tag from your General Electric Permatel® Cotfee Maker. Model P5O, purchased now thru May 31,. 1968. To: GE Colfee Maker Refund Offer, P. O. Box 4G, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 10559. A $5.00 refund will be mailed to your address. Offer Expues midnight May 31, 1968 Limit one i efund per family STORE HOURS: 7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. except Wed. and Sat. 7:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. Closed Sunday Clothing and Shoes Houseware and Hardware General Merchandise R. D. 1, East Earl, Penna Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Monday, April 291 h to Finlay. May 3id Mon. Tuts Wed. Thins. WHITE Ex. Fcv. Lg Fcv. Lg Fey. Med No 1 Med Pullets Peewees Ex Lai ge BROWN Ex Fey. Lg Fey Lg Fey Med Pullets Peewees MIXED Standaids Checks Tiend supply fully ample on Laige and Medium. Pullets usually cleaied Extia-laige and Jumbo in close balance. Copyright 1968 by Urner Barry Publications BROKEN BIT The Broken Bit 4H Light Horse and Pony Club will hold their spring horse show on Sun day, May 5, at 12 00 noon at the Mt A.ry Fire Hall Grounds, lo cated 4 miles north of Lincoln Sixteen open Western Classes and a special Grooming and Showmanship class for 4-H mem bers are on tne program 4-H members are requested to show' the current year membership card 1 1. Purchase This General Electric Coffee Maker Reg. Price $39.98 I sale SOT7S i PR'CE / —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 4. li)6B— 27 24'a 27 24>,j 24 24 21 22 16 16 30 30Va 30-30 tb 30 30 29 la 295 24 hz 24 >2 21 22 16 16 26 26 18 18 FANNIE GROFF EST. SALE The sale of real estate and personal p operty Oi the Fannie B Groff Estate was held, last Saturday, at the premise-, locat ed at Mylms Corner, Willow Street The real estate sold for $23,- 000 and prices on some personal items are as follows Old secre tary, $420, Masonic watch, $225; paintings, $lBO, $l3O and $6O; dishes, up to $145, ciearner and sugar, $BO, small coiner cup board, $165 chests, up to $76; Boston locker, $6O, pitcher, $65; cheese mold, $35 wash stand, $55, glass egg, $24, and chicken on-nest. $lO 50 Carl Diller and J Ev ei ett Krei dei, were the auctioneers. Advertising helps keep prices down by stimulatin large-vol ume buvmg and consum'ng. Robert K. Rohrer Sulidozing - Grading Potz Sc!es & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarrvville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 Headquarters for M 3 cups jn Noitlieast for Hart Water ing System We sell and in stall systems for cage and floor houses Write or call today to’- free catalogue Let oui expei lenc ed staff help you solve your wateung pioblems No job too small 01 too Jai ge. Distributors of quality poul try and hog equipment We sell, install and servke Beacon Cages (layer, chick and pullet), Browei Hog Equipment, Brock Feed and Grain Bins Bi amco-Oakes Poultry Equipment, Hen ma lic Feed Caits and Mamue Handling Equipment, end Coolair and Aerovent Fans. EQUIPMENT, =“ ; SS mSm (717) 469-3321 S||;£S|SS Willow Stieet R. D. I. Pa. “Pioneeis of Layer Cages’’ Pii. 445-6156 26 23'/a 23 24-24’a 23 la-24 22 16 30 30 l /2 21 Ms 16 29 30 30 29Ms 24 Ms 22 16 30 29M> 24',2 22 16 3 Frl. 26 Vz 23 Vi 23 21-21% 16 29-30 30 / 29% / 24% 22 16