lew Approach Found or Milk Fat Testing For the first time in nearly 80 Manfred Kroger, assistant pro years. milk fat testing in the fessor of food science at The United States may use a new ap- Pennsylvania State University, preach. An instrument develop- If legally accepted, the new e d'in Denmark, faster and safer method will replace the present thflri methods used since the Babcock test and the Gerber 1890’s, is making a bid for ac- test. ceptance. The Danish instrument uses Testing of the Danish instru- the principle that opaqueness of merit' is underway in university milk is caused by protein and andl' industrial laboratories in fat globules suspended in emul sev*oral countries, according to slfied form throughout the milk. RijKHbhfi tk stat/ Rear-Attached MOWER CfIPD ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc. I|| |jP Denver New Holland CHK ' S nucrs ca • 215-593-51 87 Lancaster « penna. R MAKING H QUALITY HAY . ranc C0.W68 ' Sprint’ La Can s^^ss®srSS*“ cabinets, s « d n ew ana They are oi“ pear Friend: • of D a^ We ““I S'fiSSt SBJSgSf®^- \>aler tw uie pieces. ... X, e interested gJgTUa* Vou . ; r on Gmp® - x*io.tje© carload oJJgf settees, arrived. Taas 3* at Be " Cb „be l«*M t I SS6& *® wr r^«^ atCW Co. The fat and protein cause light to be scattered and absorbed throughout the solution. When the milk protein is dis solved and the remaining fat globules are homogenized to a uniform size, light dispersion and absorption depend only on the number of homogenized fat globules which are proportional to the fat content of the milk. Light passing through a sample is picked up by a photometer and indicated as milliamperes on a scale reading per cent fat. Fat percentage of a milk sam ple can be determined in about 30 seconds. Dr. Kroger says. In contrast, the Babcock test and the Gerber test require about 20 minutes to determine fat con tent. No flammable solvents or acids are used in the Danish system as with the other meth ods. Dr. Kroger and associates be lieve this Danish milk fat tester will be especially useful for milk companies handling large num bers of butterfat tests daily. It will also benefit the Dairy Herd Improvement Associations which test milk samples among herds in all states. Such testing helps to evaluate cow performance In addition, federal, state, and local control agencies use milk fat tests to determine whether market milk has the required minimum fat content. Tulips Bloom At Hershey John P. Meszaros, director of the Hershey Rose Gardens & Ar boretum, announced that unsea sonably warm weather has ad vanced by one week the peak bloom period of the 30,000 tulips Best bloom is now expected from April 21 thru May 5. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 27.1968 Foot-Mouth Virus Separated A more sensitive test for mouth disease is the great do studying the structure of foot- gree of differentiation of the and-mouth disease virus shows causal virus. It has seven dif that a preparation of pure virus ferent serolo g icnl types, corn can be separated into two sub- . ... ® , ~ strains, aU. S. Department of P ared Wlth threc ° r P° lio Agriculture scientist said recent- virus. Each foot-and-mouth dis ly. ease viral type has up to 25 sub- Dr. Keith M. Cowan, a re search microbiologist in USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, said that the key to finding two viral sub-strains lies in studying antibodies in blood samples col lected 7 days after a laboratory animal is infected with the dis ease. Ordinarily, the most sensi tive tests are done with blood collected at least 30 days after infection. Dr. Cowan spoke be fore the annual meeting of the Federation of American Socie ties for Experimental Biology in Atlantic City. N.J. A major problem confronting scientists who study foot and TRUDAN The New Wonder Grass 9 • Fastest thing on roots, has actually grown a measured 4 feet in 22 days. # Leafier plants Truddh is a totally new achievement equally valuable for hay grazing, green chop, haylage or silage. REIST SEED COMPANY SINCE 1925 MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-4121 types, which in turn can be classed into a large number of strains. Dr. Cowan’s research complicates the classification even further, by showing that there are sub-strains which have different chemical characteris tics, causing them to produce separate antibodies. It remains to be seen what the true nature of the two strains is, how they may influence the disease process, and whether vaccines prepared from them are equally good. Dr Cowan said. 19
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