FARM WOMEN NEWS SOCIETY 8 Society of Farm Women 3 met at the home of Mrs. Daniel Fellenhaum, 1580 FruitviUe Pike, Lancaster. Mn. Jlarvey Gehmen served as hosteu. Presiding over the business meeting was tors. Willie D. Stober, president. It was reported that 260 can cel' dressings were completed by the Society during the sea son. A bus trip to Washington, D. C. is planned for May 11, leaving Lincoln Lutheran Church parking lot at 5:30 a.m. Donations were given to the Farm and Home Building and the Hemophilia drive. Mrs. Ivan Eberly, program chairman, introduced Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shirk, of Ephrata, who gave an illustrated 4alk on a recent trip through Europe. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Donald Graybill, Stevens Rl. SOCIETY 12 Society of Farm Women 12 met at Zausner's Tea Factory, New Holland. A short meeting followed at the home of Miss Ethel Kendig, Millersvijle. Mrs. Willis Glicjc was in charge of devotions. It was an nounced by the president, Miss Kendig, that the Farm & Home Foundation will hold open house for the public cn Sunday, June 9. Plans are underway for a bus tup to Washington, D C, on Saturday, June 8 Mrs Bernice Esh eman is in chaige At the next meeting May 25, Society 14 will be entei tamed at the Millersville Fire Hall VACATION LOANS LET YOU ENJOY THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF FUN Harry W. Baldwin is Assistant Vice President of The Conestoga National Bank >.. and a most avid fisherman. During his leisure hours in the months ahead you’ll find "Bill" following his hobby along the , many JveJJ-stscked streams Hi the area. As manager pf our Millersv'dle Branch, Bill has helped countless families turn day-dreams into exciting never-io-be-fprggtten vacations with easily arranged vacation loans- You can make this year’s vacation one your family will long remember with a vacation loan from any of the conveniently located branches of your Head quarters for Money Matters. Come in and let us show yoy how *9 make ypur vacation dreams cyme true. Cone mu mm m mm mm LANCASTER/QENTERVILLE'LANDISVILLE/LITITZ 'MANHEIM TOWNSHIP MILLERSVILLE ROHRERSTOWN MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A Trustee for The Lancaster County Foundation SOCIETY IS Society of Farm Women 18 entertained Society 20 Saturday at the Farm «nd Home Center, with Mrs. Edward Wissler, pre sident, presiding. Devotions were led by Mrs. John Hess. A food sale will be held May 17 at Manheim Square. Open House will be held June 9 at the Farm and Home Center. A Spring rally will be held May 16 for all Farm Women Societies at Collegeville. Mrs. George Russo spoke on photography and showed slides Of New York City. SOCIETY 15 Society of Farm Women 15 met at the home of Mrs. Glenn Ressel, Lancaster Pike, Quarry ville. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Emory Wagner, Mrs. Ed win Witmer, Mrs. Frank Mc- Crab and Mrs. Judspn Wagner. Mrs. Glen Myer presided at the meeting.-Mrs. Ressel had de votions. Members planned a trip on May 18 to New Castle, Del. Mrs. Thomas Greenwald is chairman of plans for the trip. The program was a take-off on the TV program, “The Match Game.” Mrs. Warren Smith was in charge. Another game, pocket book check, was conducted by Mrs. Martin Greenleaf. Also participating in the program were Mrs. Myer, Mrs. E Wag ner, Mrs Granville Trimble and Mrs. John Clendenin. The next meeting will be held at Willow Valley Restaurant for a luncheon on May 16 Membeis will be the guest of Society 20 on May 2 at Knkwood Hall SOCIETY 2 Society of Farm Women 2 Correspondence Courses Flowers are for your enjoy ment. And chances are you'll want to use some of the ones from your garden in a floral ar rangement soon—so you can en joy them indoors as well as out doors. You can emphasize the beauty of cut flowers by arranging them with some thought toward shape, size and color of each blossom. An arrangement makes each flower more interesting, and gives you a new point of in terest in a room. You'll be more pleased with your‘floral arrangements when you keep in mind the relation ship between flowers, contain ers. accessories, and their place ment in a room. An excellent guide for flower arranging is a home study course, “Flower Arrangement,” from The Pennsylvania State University. In addition to giving directions for making attractive arrangements, the course has information on drying flowers and instructions for making cor sages from your garden flowers. To get the course, send your name and address with $2 00 to Flower Arrangement, Box 5000, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Make check or money or der to Penn State University will have a Food Stand on Man heim Memonal Field, today for the VFW Loyalty Day Parade Theie will be baked goods and cold drinks available Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 27,1968-- For the Wife Farm Ladies, Have You Heard?.. # By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Food Needs Of Senior Citizens Many older persons have poor appetites, regardless of their weight. To senior citizens, a good appetite and top physical condition go hand in hand. An active interest in other people and things are aids to keeping a good appetite. Eating four or six small meals each day may also hejp. The healthy combination of fresh air and daily mild exercise can do wonders for the appetite. Limited budgets may determine food choices for some senior citizens. To get more for a food dollar, they need to have the most food value for the money spent. They need to be aware that foods cost less when they are in season or in plentiful supply and when they are not partially pre pared. Xhe best way for older persons to eat well is to have a good appetite and choose a va riety of nourishing, well-pre pared foods. Beauty Routine Includes Facial Start your facial with the usu al all-over lathering of soap and water Rinse only with hot water— not cold. Steam your face o\er a basin ot hot water or apply hot towels to open the pores still more so they have full benefit of the treatment Emollients penetiate best m a very clean skin, and they won’t soften and cleanse as well if pores are clogged Be sure to include your neck in this beauty routine From a cosmetic point of view, it's pait I r and Family of your face and deserves the same care. Laundry Instructions for Glass Fabrics Hand-wash rather than ma chine-wash fabrics of glass fibers. Launder glass fabrics separ ately, using a mild soap or syn thetic detergent. Handle fabrics carefully, and avoid rubbing or twisting arti cles. Rinse fabrics thoroughly Roll or pat ai tides with a towel Then spread them out flat or hang on padded lines to dry Do not use a clothes diyer. Do not non glass fabrics Do not diyclean Tips tor Using Salad and Cooking Oils Add one tablespoon salad oil for each layer when whipping up a package cake miy The le (Contmued on Page 16) 15 THOMAS
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