CALL 194-3047 or 626-2191 TO PLACE YOUR Auctions NOTICE... TOP O’ HILL FARM DISPERSAL Polled Hereford Cattle Farm Machinery plus 2 - 20x50 ft. Harvestores SAT., MAY 11th Start at 10 A.M, Route 202 - 2 miles North of Montgomeryville, Pa. Real Estate DELUXE PACEMAKER TRAILER 1965 56 ft. xl2 ft. model, fully equipped, 2 bedrooms, porch awning, oil fired heat. Also gas range for cooking. ALL FOR $4,250 Call for more information. Nathan F. Bruckhait REALTOR 200 Dogwood Drive Akron, Penna. 17501 Ph: Lancaster (717) 394-1022 or Akron (717) 859-1144 Livestock For Solo 'or Sale Purebred Yorkshire oais, bred gilts and open gilts, arcass championship blood nes Willow Glen Farm, R.D. , Strasburg, Pa. Ph. AC 717- 86 2562. tor Sale -- 6 months Holstein leiEers, dehorned and vaccinat d, ready for pasture. Ph. 656- 591. Female Help oman - to care for and keep ouse for ambulatory elderly Juple Attractive wages and )om and board. Contact Mrs. lelvm Drumheller, 205 Mont imery Ave, Reading, Pa. 19606 i call 215-375-3528. Mole Help en for training in feed mill ork Shift work available. 50 mr week. Paid vacations and mdays. Uniforms furnished, all MILLER & BUSHONG, EMC Rohrerstown, Pa Phone 392-2145 Ask for Ken Brubaker MALE HELP WANTED Full-time or Part-time For manufacturing plant and construction work. Good working conditions, paid holidays and vacation, Hospitalization benefits (must qualify). Phone 445-3911 TERRE HILL SILO CO., INC. Livestock Supplements Watch him make a big pig of himself.... .... with home-grown grains and Young’s pre-mixes and sup plements. Never was the time better to build ar good quality, balanced ration for swine at the lowest possible cost .... with specialized Youngco formula tions. Get in touch with us or the Youngco representative nearest you. EARL L. UMBLE 2460 Willow Glen Dr. Lancaster 717 / 393-3208 CASSELL C. MUMMAU R. D. 1, Mount Joy 717 / 653-4355 ROBERT L. YOHN R. D. 1, Narvon 215 / 445-6388 Youngco, Spring, Pa. Insurance ALL TYPES INSURANCE FARMERS Special Package Policy Fire • Storm - Liability Call us for FREE Survey and Savings. Apartment Tenants or Homeowners .Protect your Personal Pro-[ 'perty and Home from Fire -< [Theft - Storm - Vandalism -[ .Malicious Mischief and many, ‘other coverages. ' >We have several unusual, [combinations that could re-] .duce your insurance costs. , ‘Examples Boats, Autos, < [Seasonal Dwellings, Vacation] .and Travel. < L. W. MUSSER 1951 Larch Avenue EAST PETERSBURG, PA. Phone 569-2876 17520 Male Help Dairyman for an all modern dairy includes house with -every thing furnished, 6 day week with vacation and insurance plus good wages. Apply or wrote: Valley View Dairy Farm, North ampton R#2, Pa. 18067. Form Equipment FICKES SILOS and Feeding Equipment. New and Uied Tractors. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 Used Self-Propelled Fox Har vester with corn head and hay pick-up. FARMERSVILLE EQUIP. CO. Ephrata, Pa. Ph. 354-9221 Various size blower type sprayers LESTER A. SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph. 687-6712 NEW & USED HAY TOOLS WILBUR H. GRAYBILL New Idea - Clay Mach. Shop Lititz Ph. 626-5221 International 4-bottom fast hitch plow. M. M WEAVER &. SONS Leola, Pa. Ph. 656-7702 LINCOLN WELDERS—IBO amp —sB3, 225 amp—s 93. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl, Ph. 426-1101. Buildings and Supplies YOUR BEST BARN BUY! . . for quality and economy is . . . THE CECO CLEARSPAN PACKET BUILDING covered with weathertight corrugated steel CECOROLL with galvaniz ed or baked-on vinyl colors Write or phone for full informa tion and the name of the dealer in your area. GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 210 Sassafras Street Selinsgrove, Penna. 17870 (717) 374-8157 Instructions MEDICAL RECEPTIONISTS NEEDED Work for doctors, clinics, medi cal centers, rest 'homes, etc. Part-time & full-time positions. Our home study course fully pre pares you. Placement service on completion of training. Write: Central Career Schools, P. O. Box 4, Wyncote, Pa. 19095. MOTEL MANAGERS NEEDED. Our Home-Study course trains you. Men - Women - Couples. Central Career Schools, P. 0. Box 4, Wyncote, Pa. 19095 Miscellaneous For Sale —■ Mushroom Soil to beautify your lawns and gar dens. Any amount. Gap New port Mushroom Farm. Phone: AC 215-268-8808. Lane. Area Ph. 394-2611. Tree Service Trees cut down and cut to any length. Make your own fence posts or fireplace wood, etc. Ph. 285-5649. Produce For Sale-Quality potatoes; also wholesale. David W. Glick, 128 Geist Road, 1 mi. SW of Leacock Free To Subscribers FREE. Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one adver tisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to 25 words; All advertisements must be in our hands by Thursday for next week’s paper: No busi noon or same will be held over ness advertisements accepted. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 27.1008—11 Farm Equipment Corn planters 2. 4 and 6 row: cultipackers, disc harrows, ro tary hoes, weeders, rotary mow ers, tractor and horse-drawn mowers, hay crimpers, crushers, and large selection of rakes and balers. New FARMHAND wheel rakes, farm and industrial trac tors. KEENER EQUIP. CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. POTATO EQUIPMENT 10 row sprayer mtd. on truck, good condition, cheap; 1 5 h.p. Wisconsin gas motor, good con dition; over & under potato scales: 1,000 10 lb. mesh-face po tato bags. Phone 687-6863. 504 Farmall and Utility tractors; 141 Combine; 4 - row Potato Planter; Myers Truck Sprayer; John Deere 1010 Crawler C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse Ph. 768-8231 • Used Equipment- New Holland 616 Harvester, Farmall M Trac tor w/2 row corn picker, New Holland 800 Harvester. ABC. GROFF, INC New Holland Ph 354-4191 Used 10 h p. Cub Cadet; Farm all A Tractor w/cultivators; John Deere 730 Diesel; IHC PTO 150 bu spreader. COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence Ph 786-7351 Allis Chalmers G w/plow and Cultivators: Used Brady & IH Hay Conditioners; New and Used Corn Planters AuLEN MATZ, INC. New Holland Ph 354-2214 504 Farmall & Utility tractors; 4-row potato planter; 3 pt hitch 2-row John Deere Corn Planter. C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse Ph 768-8231 Used John Deere 3 pt 2-row Corn Planter, New Case Wind rowers ARTHUR S YOUNG CO. Kinzers, Pa. Ph 442-4186 1962 GMC Stake body truck, V tag; New Idea Hay Conditioner, good condition CHET LONG Akron Ph. 859-1020 Poultry & Equipment Richard R. Forry Ph. 397-0035 Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses. Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. FOR SALE 3,000 ANTHONY LEGHORN PULLETS 10 weeks of age May 3. Will sell any amount from 500 to 3,000 90c EACH Call 717-345-5196 or 569-2166 KirriberChiks & Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link Broiler Chicks - Cobb & Wt. Mt. MOYER’S CHICKS, INC Quakertown, Pa Ph. 215-536-3155 Heavy Embden & Toulouse Gos lings, Muscovy Ducklings, Chicks and Poults. Hoffman Hatchery, Gratz, Pa. Phone: 365-3407. Poultry & Equipment SHAVIR DP SfSr LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. BURLING'S Golden Tri-Cross BEST BROWN EGG LAYERS IN 1967 PENNA. RANDOM TEST Earned $2 209 income over feed and chick cost, 6th best among all 30 entries in test - Averaged 243 7 eggs per bird housed (350 days) - 4.27 feed efficiency, best for all brown egg entries - 5.32% laying house mortality. Alio: Burllng-Lawton Ooldro Buff Sex-Binki, Harco Sex- Llnka, Broiler Begat Beghoma, W&. Cornlali Croaaea If you like friendly service and quality chicks at fair prices, call or write BURLING’S HATCHERY OXFORD, PA. Ph. 932-8286 MUSSER M 327 LEGHORNS 52 Years of breeding and still going strong! Musser M327’s are leaders in the field of disease resistance. Let’s stop kidding our selves about this disease problem. It takes more than sanitation and good manage ment. There is an unknown factor! Why not try M32Ts this year? Musser Leghorn Forms R, D. 1, Mt. Joy, Pa. “Serving Egg Producers Since 1916” Hiestand, Inc. Direct Factory Poultry Equipment Distributor with Complete Warehousing & Service VENT-O-MATIC f*rm ah conditioners—CHOßE-TIME feeders and waterers STORM eggomation systems MELVIN’S incinerators LINCOLN electric and hot water brooders POCK MAN cages—MASTERBILT egg cooIers—HEALTHWAY medicators and waterers HART cups GROWING cages STANOMATK7 cross augers and feed carts BULK bins and flex ang ers. Contact us for help in any remodeling, ventilating or problems with poultry house equipping. MARIETTA, PA. Phone 717-426-1101
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