Weekly Poultry Report Eostern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices of both light and heavy Broiler and fryer live prices type hens unchanged, 1 owever averaged 15.63 cents a pound In instances as high as 6 l Ac not- *^ ls weel V, nc ® s £ aid ran fied ed for good quality Light type from , a J?*®! 1 18,7 cants a floor birds. Offerings of light P° utld on Monday to a low of type though limited, generally ce r nts * P° und T U f In adequate for demand as proces- for tolled 980,- sors only working 2 or 3 days a 800 , down 71AQ0 head from last week in most quarters. Demand wee *- fair on heavy type. Offerings slightly increased and adequate for needs. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 4-6, mostly 5- sVfec. Heavy Type hens 17-18%c. TURKEYS Limited move ment of live turkeys noted for Holiday ice-packed needs. Local offerings generally short of full call with receipts from North Carolina filling needs. Sales TFEWR. Fogelsville April 2, 1968 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb., except where noted.) LIGHT HENS 4-8. mostly 4% 5- HEAVY HENS 9%-17%, most ly 14-17; PULLETS 27%-36%, mostly 32-36; DUCKS 25-37, mostly 33-36; DRAKES 28-40, mostly 34-36; HEN TURKEYS 26-27%; RABBITS 25-59, mostly 49H-55; GUINEAS 95-100; PI GEONS (per pair) 1 00-2 70, mostly 1.35-1 70. Another trouble with political TOTAL COOPS SOLD 626 jokes—they so often get elected! CUSTOM SPRAYING HIGH PRESSURE WASHING in all types of poultry houses. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. :^?co ' t*' 4 52 Gallon Quick Recovery Electric Water Heater Less PP&L Coupon 82 Gallon Quick Recovery Electric Water Heater Less PP&L Coupon Agway Eastern Shore Exchange • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) Receipts of 394 head sold stronger. Males (single) 145-345, (pairs) 315-940; Riding horses 135-550; Driving horses 125-245; Pony mares 40-50; Geldings 35- 40; Killers 8%-9^. Receipts of 1008 head of hogs sold 25 higher. Retail 20.25-21.- 75; Wholesale 1-3, 20-20.35, Heavyweights 18 75-19 75, Sows 14-16 50. Receipts of 119 calves sold $l.OO higher Choice and Prime 41-45 50, Good and L. Choice 38-4050, Standard 34-37 50, Common 20-30. .nidi •> lf"V DISINFECTING , -r - Phone 392-7227 You Poy Only $47.45 You Pay Only $74.05 Bee-Line Supply Center 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH. 717-397-4761 HORSES April 1, 1968 HOGS April 1, 1968 CALVES April 1, 1968 $67.40 19.95 $94.00 19.95 • Lancaster Auction (Continued from Page 2) Cannor and low-Cutlcr 15-17.10. BULLS —' Choice 24.25-24.50; Good 22.50-24.25; Utility and Commercial P 2-24.75, few head 25-25 50; Cuan* and low-Utility 20.50-22. FEEDER } TEERS Good and Choice 985 1100 lbs. in Good slaughter flesh 24.85-26.25. CA. VES 109 Vealers $1 higher, instances $2 higher. VEALERS Choice 43-45 50; Good 39-43.50: Standard 36-40; Utility 32.50-37; Cull 90-115 lbs. 29-32 50. •HOGS 411 Barrows & gilts steady to 50c higher. BARROWS & GILTS US 1- 2 200-225 lbs. 21-2125: 12 head US 1, 190-205 lbs. 2150: US 1-3 200-240 lbs 20 10-20 75; US 2-3 235-260 lbs 19 50-19 85: US 1-3 180-200 lbs 19-19.85; one lot US 3, 250 lbs. 19 25; one lot US 3, 300 lbs. 17.60: one lot US 3. 365 lbs 16 35 Spring lambs SHEEP 179 $l-2 higher -SPRING LAMBS Choice 35- 42 lbs 43-50, Choice 50-75 lbs. 31.25-32 50; Good 60-85 lbs 28- 30. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) CALVES 308 Vealers $l-2 higher. VEALERS Choice 44 50- 4b 50; Good 41 50-44 50; Standard 37-41, Utility 33 50-38: Cull 90- 115 lbs 28-35, 70-85 lbs 23-29 HOGS 284 Barrows & gilts 50-1 25c higher BARROWS & GILTS US 1-2 190-240 lbs. 21-21 25; US 1-3 195- 245 lbs 20 25-20 85 SHEEP 207 Supply mainly 30-70 lb spring slaughter lambs Spring lambs fully steady SPRING LAMBS Good and Choice 25-40 lbs 40-49, one lot 27 lbs $57, Good and Choice 40- 60 lbs 33-43 50, Choice 60-85 lbs 29-35. Classified Ads Get Results Lancaster Farming Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 6,1968 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, April Ist to Friday, April slh Mon. WHITE Ex. Fey. Lg, Fey. Lg. Fey. Med. No. 1 Med. Pullets Peewegs Ex. Large 34% 30 29 22% 16% 35-38 BROWN Ex. Fey. Lg. Fey. Lg. Fey. Med. Pullets Pecwees 33 32% 30 22% 16% MIXED Standards Checks 31% 22% TREND Market shows better demand for fine large white as store orders begin to come m Balance irregular. Copyright 1968 by Urner Bany Publications • Chicago (Continued from Pase 2) Receipts locally 16 000 com pared with 18 600 last week and 18 800 lasi ;,ear Twelve market receipts 133,500 compared with 157,000 last week and 157,800 last year. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, four loads Prime 1250-1350 lbs. Yield Giade 3 and 4 30 75-3100 High Choice and Prime 1150-1525 lbs 28 75-30 00 Choice 1150-1375 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 27 75 28 75, Choice 950-1150 lbs 27 25-28 25. Mixed Good and Choice 26 25- 27 25 Good 25.50-26 25 Standard and Low Good 22 50-25 50, with several loads 1200-1300 lb Hol stein steers 24 00-24 50 SPEED YOUR HAY HARVEST with Allis-Cha/mers 829 Mower-Conditioner Put conditioned hay in the windrow fast! Do it all in one trip! One man with a tractor and an 829 Mower-Conditioner combines three conventional haying operations. Check the features of the AUis-Chalmera 829 ... 9-foot cutter bar... end-to-end header float.,. 4-bar pick-up reel... adjustable con ditioning roll pressure ... adjustable windrow deflectors...hydraulic ram and hose standard. Save hay ... save time ... we'd like to show you the way. JSk Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R. D. Z j§%. ~ L. H. Brubaker auis-chalmers Lancaster, Pa. Grumelli Form Service Nissley Form Service Quarryville, Pa. Washington Boro, Fa. Allen H. Motz Farm Equipment New Holland L H. Bruboker N. G. Myers & Son Lltitz, Fa. Rheems, Pa. Tucs Wed. 34% 34 % 30 23 29 28% 21 21 16% 16% 35-36 35-36 31 31 31 31 30 29 21 21 16% 16% 31% 31 22% 22% SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday, High Choice and Pxime 950-1050 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 27 00-27 25 with load 1078 lbs 27 50 on Tuesday. Choice 850-1050 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 26 25 27 00. Mixed Good and Choice 25 25 26 25 Good - 25-25 25 Standard and L o Good 22 00 24 25 • Lancaster (Continued from Page 2) 27, One lot Prime 100 lb fall crop lambs $3O SPRING LAMBS Choice 25- 45 lbs 38-50; Choice and Prime 40-75 lbs. 31 25-38; Good 60 85 lbs 28-30. SLAUGHTER EWES ity and Good 5-8. 3 Frl. Thurs. 35-35% 33-34% 28 27% 20 16% 35-36 35 34 29 28% 21 16% 35-36 31 28 29 20 16% 31 30 29 21 16% 28-29 20 28-29 21 Util-
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