Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 06, 1968, Image 17
Nutrition In The Field While farmers nourish their gross- fertilizer tonnage con crops with over 3,000 grades sumed. of chemiCal fertilizers, mount- The most striking change in ing sales of plant nutrients in- the 1956-66 period, however, was vite a look at the industry’s a rise of 120 percent in use of supplies. fertilizer’s primary plant nutri . . , , „ ents—nitrogen, phosphorus, and America s farmers are reap- p o t assium (tagged N, P, and K, ing ever-bigger harvests wll h e Uvel ) . steadily increasing yields. At * . . . the same time, they’re using Total use of these nutrient ele more and more fertilizer. ments rose to 9.6 million tons in the year ending June 30, 1966 Farmers spent nearly $l.B bil- A nd about 5 ml n lo n tons went lion in 1966 for about 34 million into mixtures alone. These mix tons of chemical fertilizers of- tures accounted for 57 percent, fered in close to 3,300 different or 19 4 million tons, of total ton grades. nage. These sales represented a 57- By 1980, consumption of plant percent increase from only a nutrients is expected to be more decade earlier in the volume of than double that in 1966. ...THE ONLY COMPLETE SOIL FUMIGANT It takes a complete soil fumigant -to protect your tobacco crop from soil- pests to insure a healthy start for every plant. Vorlex is the only complete soil fumigant on the market today. Don't fool around.with "part-job” fumigants . . . insist on Vorlex—the complete, whole-job soil fumigant—you'll get more pounds of tobacco per acre—more profits too! Row Fumigate— AH types of nematodes, soil disease, and weeds, can be controlled by Vorlex when it's applied as a row fumigant. .. and at a cost starting as low as $20.00 per acre! Or Broadcast (overall) Fumigate—Vorlex can also be used as a broadcast fumigant to control nematodes, soil disease, and soil insects. Either method of Vorlex application can provide a healthy stand with even growth; plus uniform maturing and a bigger yield. Each year Vorlex fumigate your entire tobacco acreage ... get more tobacco per acre —more profits for you. / voBUX \ / is great\ I vege«WB tOO /, ; \ try n>. / MtH NWft S*** APPLY VORLEX IN EITHER OF TWO EASY WAYS! MORTON CHEMICAL COMPANY DIVISION OF MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. HO NORTH WACKER DRIVE • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BOBCB What and where are the sources of plant nutrient sup plies—not only for US. farmers but also for farmers abroad? Will stocks be sufficient to meet the heavier needs and demands? What developmnts can be ex pected in the chemical fertilizer industry? Nitrogen, for which Nature’s primary store is the atmosphere, is available to all countries that have a facility for converting it into chemical compounds—nota bly synthetic ammonia. North American plants have the capacity to produce an es timated 27 percent of the world's nitrogen supply, and Western Europe 36 percent U S produc tive capacity for anhydrous am monia was an estimated 17 mil- ANOTHER PEACEOF-MIND PRODUCT FROM.. (Continued on Page 22) Lancaster Farming. Saturday, April 6.1968 SECOND SECTION Spring Sends Out A Call \ _ Even To Stored Corn When spring creeps north, na ture puts out an undeniable call to all living organisms. Even corn in storage "hears” and tries to answer the call to reproduce. Everyone knows that corn be gins to sprout when it is plant ed in the warm, moist soil, but did you know that even in the crib, far above the ground, corn “knows" when spring arrives? At this time of year, corn goes through a physiological change. Even though it is, not planted in the ground, corn seed will try to carry out its repro ductive function It may not ac tually sprout, but the increased activity within the kernels will produce enough heat to spoil the crop. This can happen even when the corn has been dried to 14 or 14V2 percent moisture. Says John Crothers, Extension marketing specialist at the Uni versity of Maryland, “if you have shelled corn stored on the farm or in commercial bins, check it carefully for heating. One of the first obvious signs of heating is the odor of sour corn —but by that time it is too late.” “You have to be on the de fensive if you want to beat na ture at her tricks he adds “If you don’t have heat sensors al ready in the bin, you’d better find some way to take tempera ture readings at several areas. Heat sensors on the market can be installed in most bins ” Crothers says the heating problem is likely to be worse if the corn contains large amounts of foreign material (weed seed, pieces of cob, broken kernels) which forms pockets and may hold a little more moisture than the rest of the bin. “What can you do if the heat sensors do show hot spots? The best thing is to turn the corn by transferring it to another bin. This will be certain to move and aerate- all sections of the bin. It also breaks up any poc kets of foreign material." Croth ers adds. “This job should be done on a sunny day if pos sible.” But even after the corn is moved to another bin, don’t be complacent, Brothers warns. All your efforts may be wasted if the rebinned corn begins to heat again. Usually you can keep the corn in good condition if you aerate it with forced air. Grain can be kept safely through the summer if it does not heat or is not allowed to get damp. But you have to know Mother Na ture and her tricks if you want to stay on the defensive. Jay Irwin Speaks At E-Town FFA Guest speaker for the Eliza bethtown FFA Chapter Parent- Son Banquet held recently in the school cafeteria, was Jay Irwin, assistant county agent. Irwin showed slides taken on his re cent trip to the Soviet Union. In the awards program, Dan iel S. Baum, Kenneth Johnson Jr. and John Risser were made Honorary Chapter Farmers, and a certificate of appreciation was given to Baum’s Bologna, Inc. The Chapter Star Farmer was John Kurtz and the Star Green Hand was James Kreider. These foundation awards were given - Kurtz, Dairy; Steve Al leman, Livestock, Mike Baum, Poultry; Gary Dupler, Farm Mechanics, and Kurtz, Crops The Swine Trophy was pre sented to Mike Baum from the Elizabethtown Kiwanis Club and the Record Keeping Award went to Kurtz from the Elizabethtown office of the Harrisburg Nation al Bank and Trust Co. The Lancaster County Bank ers Award went to Kurtz and was presented by Dr. Phillip Metzler, president of the Eliza- 17