Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 06, 1968, Image 13

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    winter. It’s especially impor
tant to remove studded tires
early in the spring. Studs wear
ns quickly ns the tread itself on
... . . , . ... bare pavement and tho studs
Now that spring is here, it s nre usually worth seven to nine
t me to get those snow tires off dollnrs pei . tire>
the family car. says Thomas H,
Remove Snow
Tires Now.
Williams, extension agricultural Snow tires should be stored
at the Universlty of flat on wheels, says Williams.
Snow treads wear r«pdly * a , V !fJ
'in , d n a^f^ n^eeks r of P hlchwnv ing and demounlin « tires twice
tr.«l will lake off muehrfSe ot'™?e tole ‘ h ' P ° S! "'
snow traction you’ll need next b,llty of tue damage '
> <
•< /
YOU HAVE A ROMANTIC EVENING in your future. Be prepared
to look lovely. This lacy blouse is the answer for starry predictions.
The lace motif is crocheted and placed over a basic fabric shell,
which may be home-sewn or ready-made. Free instructions are
lavailable by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the
Needlework Editor of this newspaper along with your request for
, Leaflet PC 3687.
, Ful-O-Pep Dog Food
2.9 L
Talk about fast gains ... on less feed per
pound of pork! Let us tell you how hogs fed
Ful-O-Pep Gro-Pork 45 and ground corn—lo
weeks to market—can produce a lb. of gain
on only 2.9 lbs. feed.
Extra feeding efficiency —extra pork from each
ton of feed —can make a big difference in your
Harold H. Good
Terre Hill
Stevens and Leoia
Several area feed dealers and their
farmer customers were among 300 agri
cultural leaders who were recent guests
of Allied Mills when they toured the Wayne
Research Center in Libertyville, 111., to
learn of new profit opportunities in animal
agriculture. They included, (1 to r): front
iow: Paul Grubb, Jr., Wayne dealer,
Grubb Supply Co., Elizabethtown, Pa.; J.
Roscoe Hummer, farmer of Elizabeth-
A View From The Governor's Office
He was Governor of this State
when the Constitution under
which our Commonwealth func
tions was drafted That was 1873
—95 years ago
That document had many fea
tures that were sound and en
during, but in the mam it is not
strong, not elastic and not suit
ed to the problems of modern-
day society
Over the years it has confined
our State and local Govern-
merits, it has cost our taxpay
ers millions; it has impeded ad
ministration of justice and, in
short, has forced government to
steam toward the 21st Century
without being able to adapt to
the urgent demands of today
and tomorrow.
I want to change that, with
your help For the first time in
nearly a century, we will have
an opportunity to do just that
net returns. Get the extra efficiency of Ful-O-
Pep Gro-Pork 45 —for top feed conversion at
low cost.
Come in. Check the record on Ful-O-Pep Gro-
Pork 45. It could be the most profitable 10
minutes you’ve spent this year! And we’ll be
happy to visit with you.
Grubb Supply Company
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. April 6.1968
town, Pa.; Janies E. Horton, farmer of
Elizabethtown, Pa.; Fred A. Brandt,
Wayne dealer, G. D. Brandt Sons, Leban
on, Pa.; back row: A. M. Burkholder,
Wayne dealer, Paradise Supply Co., Gor
donville, Pa.; William Godwin, Wayne
salesman, Ephrata, Pa.; Richard H.
Grubb, Wayne dealer, Grubb Supply Co.,
Elizabethtown, Pa.; V. Robert Grubb.
Wayne salesman, Quarryville, Pa.
On April 23—Primary Election
Day we will vote on five
amendments to our Constitution
that will eliminate the creaking
and groaning that is inherent in
the old Constitution
The Constitutional Convention,
just concluded, has drafted
amendments which in my
opinion deserve a yes vote
This is not a partisan, political
plea Republicans, Democrats
and Independents helped frame
the amendments and they have
the support of both political par
I told the delegates, on the fi
nal day of the Convention, that
there will be those who will try
to persuade the people not to
adopt the proposals Some will
argue they don’t go far enough;
others, that they go too far or
that they don’t represent what
some individual or group per
sonally wanted
To have the total effort of the
Convention fall to this kind of
opposition would be the highest
and saddest folly of this century
foi Pennsylvania and her future
The five questions on the bal
lot concern four subjects local
government, taxation and fi
nance, the administration of
justice and apportionment of
the Legislature
A yes vote on the local govern
ment question would wash away
the antiquated barriers to ef
fective self-government
A yes vote on the judiciary
question would centralize admin
istration of courts under juris
diction of the State Supreme
Court It would also bring badly
needed reform to the justice-of
the-peace system and eliminate
the fee system.
A yes vote on the apportion
ment would clarify and streng
then the method of redistricting
to conform closer to actual
changes in population
A yes vote on the taxation and
finance questions would, among
other things, remove the present
limit on Commonwealth borrow
ing one million dollars to
tally unrealistic in a State that
I am the first to admit that
spends $7 million a day.
these revisions in our Constitu
tion will not automatically bring
a new heaven here on earth for
Pennsylvania But they will do
one thing:
They will give our governors,
1 e g i s 1 ators, judges, mayors,
councilmen now and in the
future the means to deal far
more effectively with the prob
lems that press m on them, and
on all of us
With your help and acti\ e
support, the cieation of a mod
ern Constitution for Pennsylva
nia, so badly needed for so many
years, will become a reality.
I urge fi/e yes votes on April
A bridge over the Missouri
River near Decatur, Nebraska,
was built over dry land, a few
years ago. Then, the river was
routed under it and the pioj
ect saved many thousands of
* *
People become strong and
healthy, not so much from what
they eat, but from what they
digest and assimilate Is this not
tiue of the human mind?’
Funk’s-G wins Pa. Corn Yield
Contest 216.3 bu. per acre.
This is the 6th time Funk’s-G
has won this contest. Real proof
of Funk’s-G extra yieldability!
High Yields of Quality corn is
what you get when you plant
these great Funk’s G-Hybiids
G-4697 G-4644 G-5757
Ask your Hoffman
Seedmanfor details.
A. H. Hoffman
Seeds, Inc.
Landisville, Pa.
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