Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 30, 1968, Image 20

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    20—Lancaster Farming,•Saturday, March 30,1968
Pa. Grange Endorses All
Constitutional Proposals
Harrisburg The Pennsyl- present constitution”
vania State Grange Tues. an- The Grange, Scott added, will
nounced its endorsement of ail join in a statewide effort to en
five proposals drafted by the re- list “five ‘yes’ votes” for final
cent Constitutional Convention adoption of the new constitu
tor revising the commonwealth’s tion at the April 23 primary
basic charter. election.
John W. Scott, state master, Fulton Grange #66 met Mar
said the Grange’s action was 25 at Oakryn Their Charted was
taken at a joint meeting of its draped in memory of two de
executive and legislative com- ceased members, Theodore
mittees of which Carl Deibert, Beck and William K. Walton.
Bedford, and William H. Ring
ler, Berlin, R. D. 1, are the res
pective chairmen.
Action on each proposal was
taken separately and in all in
stances was unanimous.
Scott said not all features of
the various proposals met with
immediate favor, but that each,
when considered in its entirety,
was given approval “with the
confident belief it offered de
finite improvement over the
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Hayliner® 269 baler
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New Holland’s twine or wire Hayliner® 269 PTO
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Its long tongue has more offset for use with
wide-tread tractors, A new Super-Sweep pickup
with 120 hay-picking teeth helps you get the
short hay or straw you’ve been leaving behind!
It’s standard on the wire-tie, optional on the
twine-tie “269.” Stop in and see for yourself,
or phone for a demonstration.
[S3 New Holland
R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa.
350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster
Phone: Lane. 397-517 9 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766
The Home Economics Com
mittee had food sales stands at
the Beck sales March 16 and 23
and will be in charge of the
Grange’s annual roast turkey
supper April b‘ from 4 to 8 p.m
at the Grange Hall.
The Youth Committee held a
code-reading class March 16 at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Todd Jr. and went bowling
afterward. They will sponsor a
dance March 30 from 8 to 11
p m. at the Grange Hall, for the
.youth of the community, with
(Living End Orchestra furnish
j ing music.
The dates for conferring de
grees has been changed. First
and Second Degrees will be giv
en May 13 and Third and Four
th May 27.
Mr Nat Netscher, from the
Public Relations Department of
the New Holland Division of
Sperry Rand Corporation, spoke
on “The World Of Agriculture
Today’” and showed a colored
film “The Depth Of Our Root ”
J Robert Reed favored with
violin solos accompanied by
Mrs Richaid Jackson on the
The Grange youth will fill
officers chairs at the next meet
ing and will present the pro
_ Ne\t meeting will be April 27
MAKE THE FIRST TABLE* at. the home of Mis Richard
CLOTH of spring. 'White linen King, Mountville, with Mis An
and lace are in perfect harmony. nie Livengood as co hostess
The lace edging and insertion are, ■ -
crocheted of cotton thread. This
lovely cloth should inspire a din-
ner party to welcome the coming Society of Faun Women 5
season. Free instructions are m et recently at the home of
available by sending a self-ad- Mis. J Graybill Longenecker,
dressed, stamped envelope to the Manheim R 1 Devotions were
Needlework Editor of this news- given by the hostess
paper along with your request Miss Elizabeth Workman,
for Leaflet PC 9465. president, was in charge of the
Livestock Equipment
• 8 Models ail steel welded farm and feedlot gates
• 2 Models all steel welded head catch gate
• All weather salt and mineral feeder/face fly control
• All steel hay and silage bunks
• Grain troughs 4 models
• Pickup stockracks
• Lifetime free stalls: "unequalled in quality"
• Rickie Waterers and Behlen Steel Buildings
For prices, contact: Fred Frey, Mgr.
— 35 ™ FREY BROS.
R. D. #2
Quarryvllle, Penna. 17566
Its spgeiaity is
semi-liquid manure
Hauling beddingless, high-moisture construction of the 70 prevents soupy
manure from paved barnyards and stuff from running out before you get
feeding areas can be a real head- to the field. Stop in soon. We have
ache. Not so with a sturdy side- dependable John Deere conventional
unloading John Deere PTO-driven 70 spreaders, too. Use our convenient
Flail Spreader. Leak-proof tank-type John Deere Credit Plan.
Wenger Implement Co.
Buck 284-4467
Landis Bros. Inc.
Lancaster 393-3906
• Farm Woman
(Continued from Page 10)
Mrs. Maud Mohler led group
Thirty-five members respond
ed to roll call by naming their
favorite TV programs. Miss
Nancy Herr entertained by giv
ing several readings.
A Lenten Message was given
by Rev Menno Good, pastor of
Chiques Methodist Church
The Society will have a food
stand at Mrs. Saloma Musser's
household sale near Rheems on
March 30.
Shotzberger's M< S. Yeo rsley & Sons
Elm £65-2141 West Chester 609-299*
meeting. Donations were voted
by the Society for the Crippled
Children’s Foundation as well
as the Cancer Society.
The Society will have a food
sale March 30 at Mrs. Harry
Graybill’s Sale, 5810 Main St.,
East Petersburg. A bus trip is
planned for May 20 for the
flower show at Hess’ Store, Al>
The program featured a
“Make It, Buy It, Bake It, Any
thing Auction.” The next meet
ing will be held at the home o£
Mrs. Henry Stehman, Manheim
Rl, on April 27.
“Cumber some, regressive,
awkward, unenforceable these
are the more polite denuncia
tions of President Johnson’s pro
posed tax on travel.” Marquis
Childs (Syndicated Columnist)
DID YOU KNOW—The first
survey for oak wilt in Pennsyl
vania was undertaken in 1951.
Oak wilt was discovered in 1959
near McVeytown. (Dept, of For
ests and Waters)
A. B. C. Groff, Inc.
< New Holland 354-4191
< * i ,