2 —Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 30,1968 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review March 29, 1968 CATTLE 2900 Compared to last week’s close, slaughter steers uneven, mostly 25 to 50c lower, small supply high-Choice and Prime steady to weak; cows 50-1.00 lower; bulls 50-1.00 low er; feeder steers steady. Supply included an estimated 55 per cent slaughter steers. 25 per cent cows and bulls with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1050- 1110 lbs. 28.85-29.50; Choice 950- 1300 lbs. yield grade 2 to 4. 26.- 75-28 50, few head 28 50-28 85; high-Good to low-Choice 26.10- 27.25, few 900-1000 lbs. 25.50- 26.50: Good 24 35-27; Standard to low-Good 22 50-24.50. HEIFERS Choice 700-950 lbs 24-24 75: Good 650-900 lb slaughter heifers 22 75-24 COWS Utility 17 50-20. few. mainly on Monday 20-21; Cut ter 16.75-19; Canner and lou- Cutter 15-17. BULLS Choice 24 75-25 75, few on Monday 26, Good 22 75- 25. Utility and Commercial 22 - 25-24.85, few head 25-26 50; Cut ter and Utility 20 75-21 50 FEEDER STEERS Choice 475-590 lbs 29-30; load Good 500 lbs , 28; Load Choice 1025 lbs. in Good to lovv-Choice slaughter ilesh 27 25; load mixed Good and Choice 1000 lbs. in Good slaughter flesh 25 65 CALVES 400 Vealers $l-2 lower, lease decline on Cull and Utility VEALERS Choice 42-44, few head 45-46; Good 38.50-42; Standard 35-39; Utility 31-35 50; Cull 95-115 lbs 27 31, 70-90 lbs. 23-29. HOGS 1400 Barrows & gilts 50-$l lower Sows scarce BARROWS & GILTS US 1-2 205-240 lbs 20-20 50; Few US 1, 195-215 lbs 21: US 1-3 190-270 lbs 19-19 75; US 2-3 250-270 lbs 18 10-18 60; US 3, 290-370 lbs. 16 35-17.25. SHEEP 400 —Slaughter lambs fully steady WOOLED LAMBS Choice 65-105 lbs 27 50-28 50, few head 29, Good 25-27 50; few Choice and Prime 80-95 lb fall crop lambs 30-32 SPRING LAMBS Choice 55- 75 lbs 35-37; Choice 30-40 lbs 42 44 SLAUGHTER EWES Ity and Good 6-8 HONEY GLAZES HAM Like a glossy, golden glaze on ham 7 Mix one-half cup of honey with one cup of brown sugar Stir in two tablespoons orange juice, one teaspoon grated or ange rind and one teaspoon lem on juice Spread over the ham during the last 20 to 30 minutes of baking time Rehabilitation, not just treat ment, is one ot the aims of mod em medicine When physicians say that an ill or injured person has been rehabilitated, they mean he has been brought back to self-sufficiency Rehabilitation benefits the patient, his family and the community. Robert K.Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Potz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 1039 Compared to Monday, slaughter steers unev en, mostly 25-50 c lower, small supply high-Choice and Prime steady to weak, instances 75c lower on Standard and Good: cows weak to 50c lower; bulls 50-1.00 lower. Supply included 9 percent cows and 8 percent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1100-1325 High-Choice and Prime 1050- lbs. yield grade 2 to 4 28.50- 1325 lbs. 28.85-29.25; Choice 950- 29.60; Choice 1000-1400 lbs. yield 1300 lbs. 26.75-28 85; high-Good grade 2 and 3 27.50-28.75, with to low-Choice 26.10-27.10, few late sales 27-28.75; high-Good to 900-1000 lbs. 25 50-26.50; Good low-Choice 26-27.50; Good 24 50- 950-1300 lbs. 24 35-26 75; Stand- 26.75; Standard to low-Good 23- ard to low-Good 22 50-24 50. 24.75. (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) April May June July August September 26.10 October November December February 26.22 March TREND Cattle are steady; Hogs are stronger and Potatoes are stronger. Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. Util- LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday —10:30 A.M. Fat Bogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager Auction Only . March 26, 1968 March 27, 1968 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, March 28) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York 27.02 26.37 26.10 25.97 26.07 a-asked b-bid n-nominal PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows. Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Bt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Vintage Auction March 19, 1968 CATTLE 876 Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers uneven, high-Good to Prime steady to 26c higher, - although closing sales steady to weak; Standard and Good steady to 50c lower with closing sales' fully 50c lower: cows 25-50 c lower, in stances 75c lower on Utility: bulls steady to 25c lower. Sup ply included 21 percent cows and 8 percent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS ■wwv-U. \ 19.20 20.50 21.60 22.00 21.70 20.65 h.-** V A sale No. 1-3, 19.75-20.25; Heavy* CATTLE 1030 - Compared to * eightS 18 - s °- 19 - s ° : S ° WS IM& ’ last Thursday, slaughter steers CALVES 25-50 c lower, instances 75c low- March 25 1961 er on Standard and Good: cows Receipts of 116 head sold 50-1.00 lower, bulls 50-1.00 low- steady. Choice and Prime 38.- er. instances sl.jo lower on 50 -43.50; Good and L. Choice 35- Ltloice ' • 38; Standard 32-34.50; Common SLAUGHTER STEERS - 20-30. High-Choice and Prime 1100-1325 lbs. 28.35-29.25, few head 29.35- _ ——— 29.75; Choice 950*1350 lbs. 26 60- fTf\ 28.50; high-Good to low-Choice vHUIC 26-27.25; Good 24-26; Standard RfiviAtf to low-Good 22-24.50. ° * Keyie * SL A U GHTER HEIFERS - CATTLE Compared with Choice 900-1015 lbs. 25.35-25.85. the previous Friday. Slaughter COWS Utility 17.50-19.50, steers steady to 25 lower, with few head 19.60-20.60; Cutter 17- the decline primarily on Choice 18.75; Canner and low-Cutter and Prime. Slaughter heifers 15-17.25. - mostly 25 lower. Cows steady BULLS Choice 24.35-25.50; and bulls 50 higher. Good 22 50-24 25: Utility and SLAUGHTER STEERS Commercial 22-24 35, individual On Wednesday, Prime 1200-1300 2525 lbs. 26; Cutter and low- lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 29.50- Utility 20-22. -30 00, three loads at latter price. CALVES 288 Standard to Earlier in the week two loads Choice vealers $l-2 higher, Cull average to High Prime at 30.25- and Utility mostly steady. 30 50. High Choice and Prime VEALERS Choice 43-47; 1150-1400 lbs. 28 50-29.50, Choice Good 41 50-45.50; Standard 37.50- 950-1350 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 41; Utility 32-38; Cull 95-115 lbs. 4 27.25-28 50. Mixed Good and 27 50-33, 70-90 lbs 22-28 Choice 26 25-27 25. Good 25.25- SHEEP 14 Insufficient vol- 26 25 Standard and Low Good ume to test trend, few Good 22 50-25 50. 1.64 2,17 and Choice 35-50 lb. Spring slaughter lambs 26-30. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday, load High COWS Choice and Prime 1025 lbs. 27.- March 27, 1968 00 Choice 900-1050 lbs. Yield Receipts of 235 cows, and 2 Grade 2 to 4 26.00-26.75. Mixed bulls sold steady. Holsteins 385- Good and . Choice 25.00-26 00. 800; Guernseys 150-255; Other Good 24.25-25.00. Standard and breeds 255-350; Bulls 130-385. Low Good 22.00-24.25. COWS ~ 0n Thursday. Utili „ ri Lo ty and Commercial 18.00-2000, 2 Ji’ l9 ?* , ~ High Yielding Utility 20.00-20.- Receipts of 416 head sold 25. Canner and Cutter 16.00-19.- stronger on better horses. Mules qo, limited volume lower than (single) 160-320, (pair) 430-600; average yield Canner during the Work horses (single) 145-350, week at 13.00-16.00. (pair) 505-695; Riding horses nxTT T „ TT ..... j „ 120-300; Driving horses 135-255; „ | ~ and Com ‘ Pony mares 45-60; Geldings 40- mercial 2100-2450. 55; Killers BVz-9Vz. FEEDERS String 110 head ' Choice yearling steers and heif- HOGS ers, 28 00 and 668 lbs. for steers March 25, 1968 and 25.00 and 577 lbs. for heif- Receipts of 901 head sold 50 ers, 1 lower. Retail 20.25-21.50; Whole- 2.33 2.67 New Holland Auction March 28, 1968 (Continued on Page 3)
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