VOL. J 3 NO. 18 Douglas Royer Is Wildlife Winner Doug]?. 1 Royer, Millersville Ri, won first prize in the Lan caster Crunty 4-H Wildlife Club's Annual Roundup, held at the Farm & Home Center, Wednes day evening. The 15-year-old had a fishing reel project. Other winners were: 2, Mel \in Kauffman, Millersville Rl, a tackle box; 3, Robert Delp, Lititz R 3. a container and min now bucket: and 4, Jeffrey Kauffman. Millersville Rl, a plastic container. Prizes were donated by the Woodstream Corp, Lititz The judge was George Lewis, Con estoga Eank. Olmsted Is New Ag Office Olmsted State Airport, Build ing 145, Middletown, will be the new location of the Pennsylva nia Department of Agriculture’s District VI office. The district office, formerly located in the Agriculture Build ing. 2301- North Cameron St., Harrisburg, services Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster. Lebanon, Perry and York counties The switch in locations be comes effective April 1 Co. Dairy Management Meeting Set, April 4 The Lancaster County Exten sion Association is conducting a Dairj Management Meeting, April 4 at 7:30 p m in the Farm & Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, according to Victor Plastow, Associate Coun ty Agent." The meeting will feature la bor efficiency by Dr Samuel Dum, Farm Management Spe cialist at Penn State Farm Calendar Monday. April 1 1-4, Garden Spot FFA Com munity Clean-up Week. 7:00 pm l —Soil & Water Con servation Dist. meet, Plan ning Commission Office B.oo—Southern Soil & Water 4-H Club meet. Tuesday. April 2 7 30 p m.—Garden Spot Adult Farmer meeting. School Vo- Ag room. 7 30 pm —Southern Holstein 4- H Club meeting, Solanco High School Wednesday, April 3 8 - 00 am —Lancaster Co Hol stein Tour to York County, leaving Conestoga Transporta tion Company 4.30 pm —Vo-Ag Teachers Meet. Solanco High School 8-00 pm—Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef & Lamb Club meeting, Farm & Home Center. Thursday, April 4 7:30 pm.—Dairy Management Meeting, Farm & Home Cen ter. (Continued on Page 11) DOUGLAS ROYER, Millersville Rl, accepts the Ist place winners ribbon from Victor Plastow, Associate County Agent, at the Lancaster County 4-H Wildlife Club Roundup, held Wednesday evening at the Farm and Home Center. Farm-Women Are Disappointed The Second Time By Baroness For the second time in recent months Lancaster County Farm Women were disappointed by Baroness Maria Von Trapp, when she failed to appear in the County at a scheduled per formance at the Centerville Junior High School, last Satur day night. The earlier program had been set for November 4. When Lancaster Farming contacted Mrs Paul Witman, hostess for the event, she said she thought it really was bad weather that kept the Baroness from coming this time. “But will not schedule her again, though I would go to hear her if she came into the area. She is a lovely woman,” she said. The first scheduled appear ance was canceled when the Baroness went to Europe. “You can understand it the first time,” Mrs. Witman said “We were lucky only 138 people showed up for the program 1,- 100 local fans had tickets which were being refunded. Several carloads of people from Lebanon and Chester Counties arrived at the High School Saturday evening only to be informed by Mrs Scott Niss ley, president of Lancaster County Farm Women, that the appearance had been canceled. An answer to the perplexing question of why the Baroness was unable to notify her hos tess, Mrs. Paul Witman, Mount Joy, past county president of Farm Women and chairman of the event, until mid-afternoon was a puzzle The first inkling of the can cellation came when her hus band, Paul Witman, was paged at Olmsted State Airport just after the flight was scheduled to arrive The phone call from the Baroness’ agency in New York Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 30.1968 simply stated, “Weather is bad in Stowe . . Air taxi not avail- able, therefore we regret that the engagement of the Baroness Maria Von Trapp is canceled ” This mltiated a chain relay of telephone calls to 28 local So- cieties, to newspapers, to radio and television stations. By 4 p.m Saturday those in key positions were notified and passed the information to their ticket holders who were inform- ed to request a refund by send- ing the tickets with a stamped self-addressed envelope to Mrs. John Frantz, Christiana Rl. Mrs Nissley expressed her disappointment not only from a cultural view point, but in the loss of funds to the County Project, The Farm and Home (Continued on Page 13) PARLIAMENTARY PR 0 C EDURE TEAM from Penn Manor that won first place at the FFA County Contest, Tuesday night. They are (left to right) seated, Abe Fisher, Dick Rohrer and John Martin. Farm & Home Membership Approves Mortgage Loan With 27 of the approximately 250 members present at the Farm & Home Foundation Mem bership Loan Meeting in the Farm & Home Center, Tuesday evening, unanimous approval was given for the increase in the mortgage limit of the Cen ter’s building project. The vote was taken by a standing count According to an official of the Foundation, the meeting had to be called to obtain the mortgage the directors approved at their previous meeting, because Penn sylvania law requires non-profit organizations to have the vote of full membership to obtain loans. The Foundation by-laws say quorum is m effect when 21 persons are present Local NFU Hears Wilcox L. F. Photo “We have asked for this 28 cents this y«?ar and, we got it,” Hank Wilcox, director of organ ization for the National Farm ers Union, told the annual meet- of the La P C ,j oS , t ,f r . L0 j 3 , NF J{ meeting, held Wednesday aight at Jr e Rhoads Spanish a '? rn m Referring to the f econ | boost ia pr f lO , O , f* *. as . „ over due ’ but 11 s a m | bo , p . rn „ . a Kto „ the „ P n]y ' plan P hlch protecls the f armer “a Base Excess pj aa does nothing to curb pro auction,” he stated Wilcox compared the 77 per cent C i ass i utilization in Dela ware Valley Order last year to this year’s 72 percent and said the Base Excess plan works that way. “You see more and more of your base going into Class 2 A farmer should have the historic right to his share of (Continued on Page 12) A letter addressed to Phares S. Risser, Association Treasur er, from the Conestoga National Bank was read prior to the vote. The letter said m part, “We are pleased to inform you that our Board of Directors approved the Farm & Home Foundation mort gage loan application for $235,- 000 with interest at six percent ” In previous meetings, the Farm & Home Board had made it clear they would not use any part of the available loan money not needed Risser reported $410,000 al ready paid and $224,000 will be needed to pay accounts as they become due After the short membership meeting, those who wished to attend the Lancaster County Farmers Association Meeting in progress next door in the Cen ter’s auditorium were dismiss ed The Farm & Home directors then moved to the regular board meeting room to conduct their monthly meeting It was at this meeting that the interchange concerning an alleged damaging article in a daily newspaper took place Penn Manor FFA Speaker & Team Wins Contest The FFA parliamentary pro cedure team from Penn Manor High School won first place at the county contest held Tuesday night at Lampeter - Strasburg High School. The Solanco Chapter was sec ond, followed by Grassland and Warwick Chapters Manor and Solanco will represent the coun ty in area competition April 18 at Ephrata High School. First in public speaking was (Continued on Page 10) Standing, Paul Bahner, advisor, Dave Hoover, Carl Erb, Don Breneman, Dave Kilheffer, Larry Harnish, and Richard Hackenberger, advisor. L. F. Photo $2.00 Per Year
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