Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 23, 1968, Image 5

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    ...use anhydrous ammonia this spring!
For higher yields and profits, nitrogen... phosphorus... potassium... and
lime are necessary in your soil.
Of these, nitrogen must be applied every year, especially for top corn yields.
One of the most efficient nitrogen fertilizers is anhydrous ammonia (NH 3 ).
It contains 82% nitrogen and NH 3 can be plowed down... applied after plowing
or sidedressed.
Anhydrous ammonia can he applied to soils and crops in Lancaster County,
as shown in recent demonstrations. Also NH 3 has been a proven source of
nitrogen to com growers in the Midwest for over 20 years.
For more information about anhydrous ammonia see the fertilizer experts
at Organic Plant Food Company in Lancaster... the complete service company.
Anhydrous Ammonia
u s s
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 23.1968
fa 11...