Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 16, 1968, Image 8
•—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 16,1968 Production-Of Feed Grain Is Up 12 Percent Feed grain production was 12 percent higher in 1667 than in IMt and - the highest on record. Prices are sharply lower. There is great danger that this will «a«se a serious overproduction •f Meats and eggs in 1968. This unfavorable situation is primarily the result of govern aieiit programs and action. Wheat acreage allotments were increased one-third in con junction with pleas from Wash ington that much more wheat was needed to help feed a hun gry world. Feed grain and soy bean producers also were en aouraged to step up their pro duction. The resulting bumper crops Mti depressed prices of these crept will encourage increases mi the production of livestock and poultry products which are already in over-supply. Produc ers of hogs and poultry are es pecially vulnerable in the com ing months. Dr. Karl Hobson, of Washing ton University, makes the fol lowing outlook predictions for hags, cattle and lambs in the yew ahead; “Some improvement in hog prices gan be expected this Spring as it is usual at this time of the year. Prices ■ext fall and early winter, how ever, are likely to be the lowest in the present cycle. That’s be cause the large supplies of cheap corn in the Corn Belt seem to make an increase cer tain for next spring’s pig crop. “Recovery from the low hog prices of late 1968 will be slow. Thee isn’t likely to be much money in hogs again until about 1970. “The next period of favorable cattle prices seems likely to tune around 1970-72 if weather favors good pastures and feed crops at that time. A strong holdback in cattle for increas ing herds may be under way by then, and pork suppliers may be ■ear the low point of the next hog cycle. “No big change in cattle prices seems likely for 1968 un less there’s a severe drought or a sharp change in economic con ditions. “Fed cattle marketings are likely to be fairly large next spring, bringing some decline in prices from winter levels. The cattle-on-feed reports show a substantial increase m feed lot animals that will reach mar ket weights and finish in the spring. If spring prices are weak, the usual summer re bound can be expected “Lamb prices are likely to be moderately higher in 1968. Few er lambs are being fed, and the coming lamb crop will be smaller again. “Sheep and lamb numbers in the US. declined in 1967 for fee eighth successive year.” It is estimated that January 1968 stocks of frozen turkeys Were over 100 million pounds larger than the stocks a year ago. A» 18-percent reduction in the number of turkeys raised for market next year was re ccMMcended by USDA m its 1968 turkey marketing guide. To help accomplish the re duction, a 22-percent decrease in the number of breeder hens ma Jan. 1, 1968 was suggested by Department officials. Such a reduction of the tur key flock from 1967 levels is expected to result in a producer price averaging between the levels of 1966 and 1967, the De partment said. Idaho Farmer Enjoys Low-Cost Cains in Crowing Cattle Rex Wood of Hazelton, Idaho, figures his feed cost at 12c per pound of gain on a growing ration of corn silage and alfalfa LMS (haylage). He puts cattle on feed at about 400 pounds, feeding % corn silage and % alfalfa LMS. Changing $lO per ton for the silage, he has a feed cost of 12 cents per pound on these growing cattle. In one 66-day period, he got 1.9 pounds per day gain and he says, “My gains usually are 1.6 to 1.7 pounds per day year-round.” When he feeds alfalfa LMS only, he feeds two pounds of gram per day. Wood feeds out 1,000 head of cattle per year with his two 600-ton Butler structures. Before purchasing the Stor-N-Feed Systems, he fed out 150-200 head of cattle per year on chopped baled hay and grain. He sold the rest of his hay crop for a cash crop. Wood says, “I was looking for a better way to handle my hay crop. I couldn’t get labor to stack bal- Butler Agri-Products Division Now Available in Bottom or Top Unloader y- - ' . ■ -a DESIGNERS aW BUILDERS of SYSTEMS A(RI R. D. 2, Ephrata We are your Butler Agri-Builder for low cost farm buildings, Stor-N-Feed livestock and dairy systems. One source responsibility. - Builders for the farmer who's in business to stay ri JAMESWAY L 1 J SALES & SERVICE ed hay; sometimes it would lay in the field two weeks before I could get it out. Now, I need no extra labor during hay harvest. I figure I get one more ton of dry matter per acre on the hay crop when I put it up as LMS, and there’s not as much field loss. I believe this is the answer for the hay producer.” Wood gets three cuttings of alfalfa per acre with yields of 12-tons and 50% moisture haylage per acre. Wood says, “The savings in harvesting costs alone will pay for my structures. I save $7.00 per ton on harvesting costs. It costs me $2 per ton to harvest LMS, where it was costing me $3.50 per ton to bale hay, $3.50 to stock the hay, and another $3.50 per ton to chop it before feeding.” Wood likes the feed coming out of his Btuler struc ture. He also says, “I have had excellent service from Butler. The unloading is fast (10 tons per hour), and I am well-satisfied with my structure.” Wood prefers this method of feeding cattle. He says, “It takes very little labor to feed the cattle; in fact, I would have the same labor whether I fed cattle or not.” Wood is considering some double-cropping with small grains. He harvests winter wheat in July, and in 1968, he is going to try replanting barley for silage. He believes it will be in the boot stage by t October for a silage crop. STOR-N-FEED • -INC. Phone: 717-354-5374