you should know about HH 3 W»y Anhydrous Ammonia is a Superior Fertilizer -'I. The most concentrated form of nitrogen (82% N). 2. applied in the fall remains in the non-leaching ammonium form over the winter. ,3. Spring applied anhydrous ammonia Converts to the fast-acting nitrate nitrogen when soil temperatures rise ,to 60° or higher. , '4. Versatile. Can be applied in the soil or in the water. Excellent for preplant, sidedressing, plowdown and i water application. 5. In the ammonium form available to plants immediately. 6. The ammonium form of nitrogen is long-lasting attracted to clay and organic matter and will not leach out of the soil. 7. Does not move readily to the tops of beds, where it would become unavailable to plants stays in the root zone. Anhydrous Ammonia for Prepiant 8. Fall or spring applied anhydrous ammonia will remain the ammonium form longer, reducing chances for leaching. 9. Preplant ammonia starts immediately to decompose residues and releases other plant food. 10. Soil moisture and physical conditions in the spring or .fall are facts usually optimum for ammonia application. 11. Preplant anhydrous ammonia is efficient and economical. 12. Labor is more available. 13. Preplant ammonia is equal to other times of application for obtaining maximum crop yields and profits. Anhydrous Ammonia for Sidedressing 14. The nitrogen is placed deep where the roots are growing. 15. Ammonia reacts with soil moisture and forms ammonium ions and will not leach out of the soil. , 16. In one to three weeks, most ammonium nitrogn is converted to nitrate nitrogen which moves throughout the root zone and is rapidly absorbed by plant roots. 17. With anhydrous ammonia applied as a sidedressing, there is less movement of the nitrogen to the top of beds where it becomes unavailable. 18. Sidedressing with anhydrous ammonia adds needed nitrogen at the proper time just ahead of the period when plants require large amounts of nitrogen for top production. Special Advantages of Anhydrous Ammonia 19. Anhydrous ammonia is a proven nitrogen fertilizer used successfully Anhydrous Ammonia Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 16,1968 by corn growers in the mid-west for' over 20 years. 20. Demonstrations and research showing it to be applicable to soils and crops in Lancaster County. 21. Anhydrous ammonia is effective, economical and easy to apply. Who to See About Anhydrous Ammonia 22. all your anhydrous ammonia needs see Bill Brubaker, Organic Plant j Food Co. 23. You’ll find personnel who have been professionally trained in proper application methods they will make - sure your anhydrous ammonia is applied at proper depths and at the right time for maximum yields'. 24. And at Organic Plant Food Company you’ll find the finest ammonia facilities and equipment available to help you obtain higher yields and greater profits this fall. 5