Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 16, 1968, Image 22
Farming, Saturday, March 16,1968 Class 1 Base Plan Presented At F&H Center Representatives of the New York New Jersey Class 1 Base Plan Study Committee presented their findings at a meeting for all interested persons at the Farm & Home Center. Wednes daj afternoon About 30 1 arm ors attended Highlights brought out at the meeting were as follows- Purpose A Class I Base Plan permits a daily farmer to adjust his milk production to fit the mar ket requirements Each producer is given a ‘ base" which reflects his pro portionate share of the total fluid sales in the market, plus a leasonable reserve Two-Price Plan A producer receives a higher ‘ base-blend” price for milk cov ered by his “base" and the man ufacturing milk price for any ex cess milk There is no restric tion on the amount that can be produced or sold but only in the amount that can be sold for the higher “base blend price *’ Eligibility for Bases Any dairy farmer who is a producer of record during the month designated for referen dum is eligible to receive a base Cooperatn es or proprietary handlers may not hold bases, except m their capacity as pro ducers Calculation of Bases 1 A producer selects the best 12 months (best January, best February, etc ) of his farm’s production history from the 36 months in 1964 1965 and 1966 His production figures for the 12 months selected are termed his * base period pounds ” 2 “Base-period pounds” for each producer are added togeth er to obtain total base period pounds for all producers in the market 3 The total fluid sales for 12 months leasonably close to start of a Class I Base Plan plus a quantity sufficient to provide a leserve of 10% in addition to fluid sales each month is termed total market base 4 The base milk percentage to be applied for the entire mar ket is calculated by dividing ‘ total market base” by the “to tal base period pounds” for each of the 12 months 5 Base for each producer is computed by multiplying his base period pounds for each month by the percentage of base milk for the market (A producer who qualifies for base, but who delivered milk to the market for less than 12 con secutive months, will have his base period pounds established according to the market’s sea sonal pattern 1 At the end of any year, a pioducer may request that his base be re-calculated Transfer of Bases Bases may be transferred (sold) only among producers, and may be transferred separ ately from any other farm re sources Bases for New Producers New producers are those who do not have a base, or who have failed to deliver milk to a pool plant or bulk tank unit for two consecutive months (haidship cases excepted) Bases for new producers are available from (a) 25% of any increase in fluid sales, or (b) any unused fluid sales in the fund available for hardship cases Hardship Cases Bases may be adjusted for haidship cases, which are- (a) farmeis whose production has been curtailed during the base forming period or after plan has started because of fire, flood disease outbreaks, or other Acts God, and (b) dairymen who tee will study individual cases \tart production after end of an( j m ake recommendations to base forming period and prior t h e Market Administrator, to the beginning of the base program Bases available for hardship to fluid sales each month is in cases may be made up from; eluded in the total market base (a) bases forfeited or surrend- to assure adequate supply to ered. (b) 25% of any increase in cover day to day or week to fluid sales. week fluctuations in fluid sales. 4th ANNUAL COMMISSION SALE Tuesday, March 19 11 A.M. Vi mile South of Buck Tractors, all kinds of farm and tobacco equipment, tools, etc. 2 silos full of corn silage. Lunch available J. EVERETT KREIDER PUBLIC SALE Location: 2 miles northwest of Wakefield along road from Wakefield to Fishing Creek, Fulton Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27,1968 12 NOON Oliver 66 tractor with cults., Farmall Super C with 7 ft. mower, Farmall cub with fert. attachments and mower, McCor mick #9l 10 ft. s.p. combine, hwd reel (good), J.D. #5 mower, T.D. 4 bar rake. New Holland #56 rake, NH 331 PTO spreader with extra sides, 2 bottom Oliver Raydex 14 in. on rubber, 12 ft. spring harrow, 24 disc harrow, Stauffer 2 row tobacco planter, Pownell single row mounted transplanter fits cub or A, 2 sets 18 ft. double tobacco ladders, single tobacco ladders on wagon, 2 Minnich tobacco presses, double tobacco hoers, rubber tired wa gon with bed, 2 wheel trailer, 275 gal. water tank with pump and motor, 275 gal. fuel tank, Surge SP 11 pump with unit, double SS tubs, used lumber 2x4, 3x5, etc. hot bed sash, cradle, 50 sets new hinges 1” to 10”, IHC weed chopper, swivel wheel cart. 60 TONS EAR CORN 50 TONS HAY 8 tons straw, 10x40 silo of corn silage, 4 Holstein heifers, 3 Angus bulls (150 lb.), 1 Chester White gilt. Terms by A. William Jackson Kreider & Diller, Aucts. FARM EQUIPMENT INCLUDING SOME ANTIQUES Vi mile south of Millersville State Teachers College, Shenks Lane, Millersville, Pa. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1968 FORD “POWERMASTER 800” TRACTOR (excellent) mounted 2 bottom plow, corn planter, mower, loader; CASE “VAC” TRACTOR with 2 disc plow; ALLIS-CHALMERS “G” with cultivator and hoers; FARMALL F-20 TRACTOR. (All tractors have very good rubber.) McD. 24 disc harrow, Ezee-Flow 10’ fertilizer drill, Case 13 disc drill, N.I. spreader, Stauffer 2 row transplanter, 30’ Ruth elevator, Cardinal 16’ elevator, McD. 8 ft. pulveriser, Papec 14” ensilage cutter, 2 rubber tire wagons (1 McCor mick), 2 bottom 14” Little Genius plow, 4 section McD. har row, 3 ladder wagons, peg harrow marker, Case roto-beater, McD. side rake, single harrows, walking plows. Barnes portable pump, water tank mtd, on Army trail er, Champion out-board motor, air compressor, Porter Cable 7-inch saw, electric fly sprayer (fogger), Stewart cow clippers, 500 lb. chain hoist emry with motor, Craftsman wood turning lathe, Craftsman table saw, 5 ton hydraulic jack, handy man jack, wrenches, wedges, 100 ft. heavy cord, 75 ft. rope, bolt cutters, 3 iron water troughs, litter tub, grind stone, chicken crates, belts bag-wagon, reel and barb wire, (2) feed carts, scalding trough, shop cabinet, (2) fencers, tobacco shears, spears, log chains, iron posts, hose sprinkler, 500 lb. platform scales, Mitchell stanchions and dividers, mitre box, socket set, 7000 tobacco lath. 1861 wagon jack, old hinges, 4 license plates 1916-17-18- 19, old forge, pot belly stove, string of bells, ice tongs, car riage or sleigh tongue, beam scales, old milk cans, harness bench, (2) iron kettles, copper kettle, 3 foot double trees, shoe lathe, fanning mill, hay hook, 2-horse wagon bed, wooden wheelbarrow, articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 12:00 Noon Sharp by R. G. HERR Carl Diller and J. E. Kreider, Aucts. (Not responsible for accidents.) . Lunch by Young People of Millersville Mennonite Church ' v A' Hardship 'itoview''Commit-'' Reserve A reserve of 10% in addition FULL LINE OF ANTIQUES """»'*■>■» -i.'T’Wk7»v*v ’ ‘ • i,% i * ' PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY SATURDAY, MARCH 23,1968 LOCATED on Centerville Road between Marietta Pike and Lincoln Highway West, Lancaster County, Pa. ALLIS CHALMERS D-17 Tractor, 16” 3 bottom trip plow, 7 ft. mower 80R model. ALLIS CHALMERS D-14 No. 400 loader, 200 series culti vator, with hoers & chisel, 4 row cultivators, pull type 500 series corn planter 4 row, 2 barrel sprayer. ALLIS CHALMERS G. Cultivators & hoers 36 Ford V-tag Stake with dump body V 8 engine, New Holland 205 bu. No. 510 manure spreader, New Holland Super 76 baler P.T.O. 36 ft. Smoker bale elevator, A.C. graindrill on rubber, A.C. 10 ft. Transport type heavy duty disc, 104 Brillion cultipacker on wheels, 12 ft. harrow, 2 false front unloading wagons with power unit, 2 New Idea running gears with 24 ft. tob. ladders & 16’ & 18* flat beds, other flat bed & tobacco wagons, Stauffer 2 row trans planter, 20,000 lath, 2 Minnich presses, 2 platform scales, 3500 bu. grain drying bin with gas fired drying unit, 3 loading angers, 4 bar rake. Small tools & equipment. Hog feeders, 2 feed carts, pull-type road grader, 9 h.p. Gocart, 4 ton of straw, 3000 bu.' good ear corn, Rodson grain tester, 500 gal. water tank. Food stand by Farm Women. Esther Noll and The Fulton Natl. Bk. of Lane, Executors Alspach & Ryder, Attorneys J. OMAR LANDIS AUCTION SERVICE Call (area code 717) 665-4506 RD #1 Manheim, Penna. J. Omar Landis t Tom Girvin Licensed Auctioneers ALL DAY COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE Vz mile east of Intercourse along Rt. 772, Lancaster Co., Pa. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1968 9:30 A.M. SHARP 70 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN 40 milking age, 30 heifers (of which 10 are bred) 2 SERVICE AGE BULLS 30 day tested for out-of-state Owner-sampler records Herd Average: 15,021 m. - 531 f. Mostly Atlantic Breeders Coop, sired and also N.EJB.A. in cluding dtrs. and granddtrs. of Ivanhoe, Kingpin, Lucifer, Lassie Leader, etc. ‘ Sample: Fannie, (Lucifer dtr.) 8 yr. 295 da., 19,732 m., 726 f., 3.7% Bred to Kingpin; she has 2 dtrs. and 2 granddtrs, selling. Hilda, (Lucifer dtr.) 9 yr., 24,701 m., 869 f., 3.5% Bred to Performer Rewayne dtr., 4 yr. 327 da., 18,134 m., 602 f., 3.33% Misty dtr., 2 yr. 321 da., 15,006 m., 513 f., 3.42% Sharon (grade), 22,051 m., 836 f., 3.79% “Be sure to inspect this herd as you will find many young cows, plenty of dairy type, size, pleasing udders. EQUIPMENT Including: (2) FARMALL “350” TRACTORS, T.A., (1 power steering); FARMALL SUPER “C” with 2 Bottom Plow; SILVER KING TRACTOR; Int. “33-A” Loader, Tillage Tool, Int. Mower, Cult., Carrier; Int “816” Mower-Conditioner. Smoker 24’ elevator, N.H. 56 rake, N.H. flail-bar, J.D. 14-T baler, Int. (fast hitch) corn planter, 5 wagons, (2) McD. - (1) N.H., Ont. 14 disc drill, Superior hoe drill, Brillion seeder, 2- bottom 14” Raydex plow, Dunham cultipacker, McD. 3-section harrow, 10’ lime fert. drill, 2-row Hershey planter, 24-K-B.A disc, McD. (heavy duty 9” spacing) disc, McD. harrow, spike harrow, water coaled McD. engine on potato digger, Iron-Age po tato planter, (2) 16’ hay racks, 6 hole hog feeders, 16’ Smoker elevator, pasture mineral box, (4) ventilating fans. A-CORN BARN CLEANER FOR 40 HEAD 8,000 lath, 5 shears, tobacco fan, old pot belly stove, Minnich box, 3-sets single 24’ ladders, 3 platform scales, potato cotter, (2) feed carts, (1) ensilage, 500 gal. water tank, 20 milk cans, chicken picker, corn sheller. 1400 LB. DELAWARE VALLEY MILK BASE, (3) SO LB. DELAYAL (New type) UNITS, 500 GAL. GIRTON 5-h.p. (ap proved) TANK, (3) S.S. buckets; (2) S.S. strainers, Sputnick & pump, S.S. tub, 30 gal. gas water heater, gas room heater. 30 TON EAR CORN, HAY, STRAW Marquette electric welder, shields, Vz ” drill press, bench vises, Handyman jack, air compressor, large steam boiler, large butcher block, copper kettle, crocks, stuffer. Order of sale, small tools, household goods, machinery, milk base, cattle. For catalog write: CARL DILLER, 1101 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster, Pa. SALE BY GIDEON S. STOLTZFUS Carl Diller & J. E. Kreider, Aucts. and Sale Mgrs. AT 11:00 A.M. §ale by: James Noll Estate LUNCH AVAILABLE . i£.