Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 16, 1968, Image 16

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    16 -Lancaster Firming, Saturday, March 16,1668
Farmers Union
Is Urging Strong
Senate Bill
A Senate subcommittee Is be
ing urged by Farmers Union to
vvi it<? a strong bill to set up and
insulate from the market a na
tional strategic reserve of feed
grains, wheat and soybeans.
Hearings were held Jan. 29-
30 in Washington on three emer
gency reserve proposals They
were conducted by the Produc
tion, Marketing and Price sub
committee of the Senate Agri
culture Committee.
Farmers Union’s testimony
was presented by Edwin Chris
tianson. national vice president,
and E. W Smith, national ex
ecutive board chairman
Rather than single out one
bill. Farmers Union pushed for
a good sized, permanent, rotat
ed stockpile of gram and food
with sufficient market insula
tion to safeguard farm price
“We urge the subcommittee
to combine the best features of
these proposals, to broaden
them to include more commodi
ties, and to incorporate the safe
guards which we have suggest
ed." the Fanners Union lead
eis said
The bills under consideration
wei e introduced by Sens George
McGovern (D-S D ), Eugene
McCarthy (D-Minn ) and Mike
Monronev (D-Okla )
McGovern led a move last
fall to get the subcommittee to
hold hearings on pending re
serve bills Sen Spessard Hol
land (D-Fla ) chairman of the
subcommittee agreed in De
cember to hold them
McGovern’s bill calls for a
farmer-owned and farmer-con
ti oiled emergency reserve, tak
en out of the market under con
tracts with the government.
Texaco Fuel Chief... (he
finest heating oil money
can buy! Texaco Fuel
Chief ii today’* top-qual
ity heating oU. Result of
the most exhaustive re
search in the heating oil
field. You’ll find Texaco
Fuel Chief dependable In
quality, delivery after de
livery. It’s clean burning.
And it’s economical
elves complete combus
tion from eveiy drop. Or
der Texaco Fuel Chief to
day. We’ll fill your fuel-oil
tank promptly.
We Give S & H
Green Stamps
Garber Oil Co.
Texaco Fuel Chief
Heating Oil
105 Fairview St.
Ph. 653-1821
These reserves would be held
unless market supplies became
"critically low."
McCarthy’s bill Is similar to
the proposal pushed In the
House last summer by Rep,
Graham Purcell (D-Tc\.). It
eventually was killed in Pur
cell's subcommittee.
The Monroney bill is backed
by the Administration and is de
scribed as a proposal that in
cludes the sound features of the
Purcell approach plus some
changes made to counter op
position that helped kill it.
“I have some serious ques
tions about the Administration's
counter proposal," McGovern
told the subcommittee.
"I want to make certain that
commodities bought by the Sec
retary cannot be sold back into
the market to drive farm prices
down ”
The Department of Agricul
ture issued a report critical of
the McGovern bill earlier this
month, citing among other
things a problem of “cumber
some administrative procedure"
needed to carry out its provi
• Farm Vfomen Zimmerman and Miss Mary
(Continued from Page 15) Mellmger were submitted for
Ranck for perfect attendance membership They were accept
dunng 1967 ed and will be initiated into the
Mrs Michael Valavanes gave society at the next meeting
a slide presentation on the Vil- which will be held on April 10 at
lage of Greece and showed in- the home of Mrs Edith Mptzler,
terestmg handwork made by Strasburg The speaker will be
these people Miss Mary Rose, Lancaster, who
The names of Mrs Melvin will speak on “The Mitten Folk”
Heisey 32 Dairy Cone. Heisey 32 Dairy Supp. Heisey 32 Steer Supp. Plain Heisey 32 Steer Supp
Stib. Heisey 50% Steer Stib. Heisey 40% Poultry Cone, and Heisey 40% Hog Cone.
AICACEC Wayne Feeds
i#CC Wayne Animal Health Aids
||£ |”/\n Red Rose Feeds
(Jj | w,ICj Miller Fertilizers, Farm Chemicals and Insecticides
We appreciate your business.
Check with us on carload specials.
This week is grinding oats.
Call collect for a price quotation.
HEISEY Farm Service, Inc.
LAWN, PA. 964-3444
# Hew Yo» Wi,iH
(Continued from Paco 10)
measure the cooking tempera
ture and the degree of doneness.
It's your only reliable guide to
the internal temperature of the
Remember that the roast will
continue to cook’ for a short
time after you remove it from
the heat. It’s best to take it
from the oven or .spit when the
thermometer registers about 5
degrees below the doneness you
A ten or fifteen minute delay
in serving will make the roast
easier to carve, and the meat
will retain more of its natural
About Cottage Cheese
Choose cottage cheeso for a
food that satisfies and is quick
to serve.
Skilled cheese processors
make cheese to your taste from
dry to creamed, from soft fine
granules to large creamy curds.
Cottage cheese is made from
skimmed pasteurized milk plus
controlled amounts of lactic
acid, rennet, and heat to coagu
7:30 P.M. LAWN FIRE HA LL Free Gift For Your Son
. casein,. QIDI XODv-KtyDW—The first
into a soft cued. Intpnalye i n v tfl t o r y of tree
The processor cuts the curd, growth on State Forest land*
drains off the whoy. gives the was completed by the CCC un*
cheese a cold water wash, and der the supervision of the De*
adds just n hit of salt. Last of fitment of Forests & Wafers
all he blends in sweet cream for in 1939. (Dept, of Forests St
flavor. Waters >
but we do a lot of pulling for you. Let us
help you pull down your production costs
with these items and services.
eo is economical Dairy Feeding Heisey 40% Dairy
Urea). Buy a proven Balanced Formula os economic
our own mix.
eisey quality concentrates:
Always at Your Service
The result Is n fresh, sweet, "
slightly acid flavor that blends Success comes to him wh#
well with fruits and other foods, hustles while he waits.
See or call your nearest PIONEER salesmans
; ■ ~ / \ • - BRAND
fe-'jv SEED CORN
■fc i r - -■- : __|
Nipple Pail
Li with purchase of 4 - 50 lb
J hags Wayne Calf Nip or Calf
9 V Nip
rnrr 5 ,bs
■ Kkll Armour Star Ham
■ each t orj 0 f Wayne Hog
JOHN M. HEISEY 653-5718
Clover Baler Twine
Limecrest Products