Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 16, 1968, Image 10
—Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. March 16,1968 10 CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 TO PLACE YOUR Sole Register TUES. MAR. 19 at 1 P.M.. Public Sale of Fv:m Equipment located u j mi. N of Lititz, Ms mi E of Kt 501 at Spruce ViHa Dairy. Teims by Milton Brubaker TUES , MAR 19 Commission Sale near The Buck. WED , MAR 20 All Day Sale Equipment and Household Items, Antiques for John Huber, Jr South of New Danville. THURS, MAR 21 12.00 Noon Full Line of Farm Equipment including some antiques, locat ed rm S of Millersville STC, Shenks Lane. Millersville, Pa Tei ms by R G Herr. SAT, MAR 23 at 930 AM Public Sale of Farm Imple ments at R D 1, Elizabethtown, 2% Mi N of Elizabethtown, off Rt 230. Ist farm on Hoffer Rd. Tei ms by V D Leisure. SAT, MAR 23 Gideon Stol tzfus Complete Reg Holstein Dispersal, East of Intercourse SAT MAR. 23, 11 A M - Public auction of Farm Machinery, lo cated on Centerville Rd between Marietta Pk and Lincoln Hwy. West, Lancaster, Pa Teims by James Noll Estate, Esther Noll & The Fulton Natl. Bank of Lane , Executors WED MAR 27, 9AM- Farm Equipment Sale at Martin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, Pa. Terms by Paul Z Martin JVED. MAR 27, 1968, 8:30 A M - Blue Ball, Pa. Farm Equipment We sell on commission. Paul Z Martin. PENNA. INVITATIONAL YORKSHIRE SHOW & SALE Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Penna. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1968 Show 10:00 A.M. Selling 40 Bred Gilts, 15 Littermate Pairs of Open Gilts, 15 Boars. WELLINGTON A. HIESTER R. D. 3, Fleetwood, Pa. ALL TYPES INSURANCE FARMERS Special Package Policy Fire - Storm ■ Liability Call us for FREE Survey and Savings. iProtect your Personal Pro-, 'peity and Home from Fire - ]Theft - Storm - Vandalism ■’ .Malicious Mischief and many, othei coverages. 1 We have several unusual | combinations that could re-' duce your insurance costs. , Examples Boats, Autos, 1 'Seasonal Dwellings, Vacation] and Travel. < L W. MUSSER 1951 Larch Avenue EAST PETERSBURG, PA. Phone 569-2876 17520 SAT, MAR 30 - Household Items, Antiques, Farm Equip ment for Musser Herr, Stras burg Boro For information contact Insurance Apartment Tenants or Homeowners Sale Register Sale 1:00 P.M. 215-944-8579 Household Goods SINGER ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine, late style, slightly used. Monograms, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes. No attachments needed. 5 year Parts and Ser vice guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $5O 60 or pay payments of $5.75 per month. Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr., till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-43*1 UNCLAIMED LAY-AWAY New 1967 Zig-Zag Sewing Ma chine must be sold. Built-in con trols, does everything. No attachments needed. 5 year Parts & Service Guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $36.70 or terms of $5.00 per month. No money down. Call Capitol Sew ing Credit Mgr., till 9 p.m. LANCASTER 392-4341 Mail Box Market For Sale-Hydraulic Barn Clean er, unit, 3 cylinders, elevator, 75 ft good track. Sale or trade on small 3-point hook-up tractor. Phone 687 6361. For Sale - 1959 Ford Galaxie 2 dr hardtop, V 8 (sharp): also Simplicity garden tractor, plow, disc, and cultivators Phone 768- 8011 For Sale - Riding Horse, 3 year old, gelding, quarter horse, gen tle Call 859-2503 , For Sale - Good spring wagon, new bed and‘good : 'gear. C. Si Miller,, RJ; paradise. ' jfearO» r M Sf M ||| Name Address Moil Box Morket For Sale - 400 gal. Mojdnnier bulk tank. Phone 872-5579. For Sale - One second calf heif er, Guernsey and Jersey mixed Good fan lily cow. Aaron W. Zim merman. Phone 733-4207. For Sale - John Deere 4 bottom 14” mounted plow; 3 DeLaval Magnetic milker units (old style); 1 stainless steel milk strainer. Phone Area Code 215- 869-2201. Unfurnished Apartment, coun try, firsc floor, three rooms & bath, newly remodeled, single person or married couple. Ph. 687-6652. Help Wanted - Man with poultry experience, to help with, poultry and local egg deliveries. Living quarters available Ph 354-0370. For Sale - 2 Ezee Flow lime drills, one 10 ft., $95; one 8 ft., $59 Phone 354-0338. Wanted - Peacock Hen. C. S, Miller, Paradise Rl, Pa. WHY? YOU ASK? WHY SHOULD YOU LIST YOUR COUNTRY PLACE, FARM, LAND OR LOTS WITH WENTZEL? Because Wentzels have many waiting city buyers who many times pay higher prices than your local buyers; because everybody knows Wentzel advertises regularly; Wentzels help arrange financing; Wentzel has a whole barn-full of ex farmer boys negotiators) to help sell your present place more qnicjdy and efficiently and to help you buy or7build L ySur nert uome. Phone 394-3763 today. REALTOR; SfANLEY M. WENTZEL ' ~' f 7" S W. Orange Street, Lancaster Get a Second Classified Ad Advertise in the "Lancaster Farming Classified Section" j. The newspaper your neighbor reads from " front to back! Sell, sell, sell, sssss?s lease runTtny 2 ads or one ad two times JSSSs* - ’f " .. „ , ,4', > Mail to Lancaster Farming, P. I FREE! Enclose Real Estate WARWICK TWP. 14 Acres of farm land, IVz story frame and concrete block house with 7 rooms and 2 baths built in 1955. Has many extras including office, rec room, shower. Also bank barn, garage and 28’xl5’ building. All for $42,500. Call for more information. Nathan F. Bruckhart REALTOR 200 Dogwood Drive Akron, Penna. 17501 Ph: Lancaster (717) 394-1022 or Akron (717) 859-1144 Moil Box Morket For Sale - Farmall 200 tractor fast hitch and cultivator. Phone 354-5692. iter 1.17543 « S 1