I'L. 13 NO. 16 FFA Chapter Presents $350 To Farm & Home T'.<- Lampeter Strasburg High Sch«o) FFA Chapter presented a $l5O check to the Lancaster County Farm & Home Founda tion Thursday evening, at their annual Parent and Son Banquet held in the school cafeteria Ba ud ftohrer made the presenta tion to B. Snavely Garber. 1 gold medal in record book competition was won by James Higa Henry Givler, Area Vo-Ag Supervisor, made this presenta tion High also won the Produc tion Credit Award, Dairy Farm ing 'Queen Dairy Award (also von last year); was the high Junior and Senior Seed Sales man and was recognized as one ot tne Keystone Farmers Ciair Esbenshade was named the Red Rose Star Chapter Farmer, Paul Eckman was named Chapter Star Farmer and Clair Witwer is the Star Gieen Hand The Sears Gilt awards went to Glenn Livengood and Witwer (Continued on Page 12) Farmers’ Assn. Plan Meeting The Lancaster County Farm ers’ Association has announced an annual spring meeting to be held March 26 at the new Farm & Home Center, Arcadia Road Time for the meeting is 7 "30 p m According to Noah W. Wen ger president, the speakers for this educational meeting will be Charles Ord, administrative sec letarj, and Chester Heim, leg islative director, both from the Pennsylvania Farmers’ Associa tion They will speak on the theme “You Can’t Go It Alone” Farm Calendar Sunday, March 17 17-21 National Farmers Un ion Annual Convention, Min neapolis, Minn. —Manchester Pony Club meet, John Gibson Farm Monday, March 18 1 00 pm Lancaster County Swine Producers Assn Spring Carcass & Evaluation Con tests, Vintage Sales Stable 7 30—Manheim Young Farmers meet, (corn production), Vo- Ag Room 8 00 p.m —4-H Redevelopment Fund Committee meet, Farm & Home Center Tuesday, March 19 7 30 p m —Lincoln Community 4-H Club meet, Mt Airy Fire Hall. 30 p m —Cattle Feeder meet, Farm & Home Center 30 pm—Wayne Dairy meet , Lawn Fire Hall. 30 p m.—Garden Spot Adult Farmer meet, Vo-Ag Room 30 p.m.—Farm & Home Foun dation Board meet, Farm & Home Center. 30 p.m.—4-H Tractor Main tenance Club Round-up, Lan- on Page 3) DANIEL BURKHART took office practice for his work experience m the Vo-Ag Course under the direction of Phillip Ogline at the Garden Spot High School. The seniors at the school are working several afternoons a week to gain experience in Agri-Business. L. F. Photo Eggs Should Be In Every American Refrigerator Shouldn’t e\ery refrigerator in America ha\e eggs on its shelf? Dr Cecil E Howes, head of the Department of Poultry Sci ence, Virginia Polytechnic In stitute, thinks they should Speaking at the final education al meeting of the current series sponsored by the Lancaster County Poultry Association on Wednesday evening, Howes said, “We have a good product and we should ‘cackel’ about it We don’t tell people what we have ” The Virginia professor ac cused the poultry, enterprise of simply taking orders and not really “selling” the product not advertising all the good qualities of eggs and poultry “As long as you simply take or ders you aie not marketing,” he said In a table of comparative perf ect value foods Howes listed hu man milk at 95% eggs at 94, cow's milk 90 mer 77, beef, 76, potatoes, 67 and corn, 60 He said that you know milk is nature's most perfect food be cause dairymen ha\e advertised it to be But the professor show ed where eggs are actually more perfect than cow’s milk “There is nothing phony about the war on hunger.” Howes said He showed where land in Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 16.1968 North America and a part of South America are the only land places where food production can be expanded The lively speaker showed slides along with his presenta tion to show “Our Industry (Continued on Page 9) POULTRY MEETING PRINCI PALS. Carl Brown (second from left) re ceived a plaque from the Lancaster County Poultry Association Wednesday night, at their educational meeting, for service and use of the Farm Credit build- Agriculture Students Are Exploring Agri-Business Sixteen senior vocational ag ncultuie students at Garden Spot High School in New Hol land are now participating in the 1968 Agri-Business Work Ex perience Program under the di rection of Phillip Oghne, Vo-Ag Teacher in charge The boys stait their senior class work by exploring careers in Agriculture At this time the study centers around full de tails of the farm situation and the opportunities to be a farmer Then they actually (on paper) buy a farm, finance and farm it foi a year, keeping all rec ords and making repoits on their tiansactions They take field trips and have experts in e\ery area of the farming en terpnse into the class room to increase the effectiveness ol the course Former Local Dairyman Speaks On Dairy Management Problems Dairymen were told Tuesday, that they'must have a balance -among eight factois in dairy farming Samuel Dum, Farm Manage ment Specialist from Penn State and a former Lancaster County dairyman, speaking to 300 dairy men at the annual Dairy Day, held at the Guernsey Sales Pa vilion, listed these factors in dairy profit or loss - Size; Pro duction; Feed costs; Invest ment, Labor efficiency. Rec ords, Production program, and Prices (See Photo Page 13) Under production costs Dum said feed amounted to 50 per cent of the total And DHIA rec ords for 1966 showed herds that had 9,500 pounds of milk per cow had only $238 above feed costs whereas those having 12,- 000 pounds made $336 per head ing as a meeting place. John Hess, presi dent, made the presentation. Dr. Cecil E. Howes, (left) was the featured speaker and Allen B. Graybill, vice-president, (right) was in charge of the meeting. $2.00 Per Year Now, they are taking a look at business off the farm “To let the boys see the alterna tives,” as Oghne says “Many times he ends up thinking it’s best at home ’’ Each senior has the chance to choose the type of work ex perience in the Agri-Business world that he would like to try. This year a boy on a small farm wanted to work on a larger farm Possible employers are con tacted in the interest fields and each boy actually applies for a job and is accepted or rejected the same as any other job seek er This year the starting date for the project was February 26 and it will end March 22 The boys work on-the-job. Monday, (Continued on Page 6) over feed cost He said the $335 level was the average The herds having 16,800 pounds of milk per head had $517, over feed costs “It is my contention,” the specialist said, “that many herds in the state can produce at the 15,000 pound (Continued on Page 9) Combine Meeting Of Young Farmers To Be Held Tuesday A combined meeting of the Penn Manor and the Ephrata Young Farmers will be held Tuesday, March 19 in the Penn Manor Vo-Ag room at Millers ville The subject for discus sion will be wise credit use A panel discussion will fea ture George Lewis, Conestoga Bank; Stanley Musselman, Farmers Bank; and Carl Brown, Production Credit L. F. Photo