Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 09, 1968, Image 7

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    Freeman Announces Trade Mission
Secretary of Agriculture Or- cotton, tallow, hides and skins,
villc L. Freeman announced to- fruits, vegetables, and poultry,
day that he will lead a special The tra d e mission will be
trade promotion mission to two made up of Members of Con
leading agricultural dollar mar- gross, governors from agricul
kets of the Far East during the tural Slates, farm organization
period April 3-13. leaders, and agricultural trade
Two countries will ho visited specialists. Wives will accom
—Japan and Taiwan. Together* pany some of the mission mem
they comprise a booming mar- bers.
ket for American farm prod- "The purpose of the mi ision."
ucts $l.l billion worth in fiscal Secretary Freeman said, "is to
year 1967, more than 86 percent establish and strengthen high
in the form of dollar eaining level contacts among the go\-
commercial purchases. They are eminent and business leaders in
leading buyers in the Far East these countries who make the
for U.S. exports of wheat, feed ultimata decisions as to what
grains, soybeans, rice, tobacco, agricultural products will be ira-
That Conies
Doing A
Good lob Of
It’s a great feeling to know that you are the
master of your farmlands . . . that when you
treat your soil right, it will treat you right.
Liming is one of the most important factors
' in keeping your soil in the highest productive
range. A good pasture with a pH of 6.5 or
higher, for example, will make 300 to 400 lbs.
v Of beef per acre and produce up to $lOO gross
. , income per acre. This means with the help of
* lime, profits from pastures can compare favor
. ably with feed or grain crops.
Order Now For Prompt Delivery
Blue Ball, Pa. 354-2112
'liSiilk ■^®i^>
Ful-O-Pep “Packs”
What Your Grain Lacks
Grubb Supply Company Harold H. Good H. M. Stauffer
Elizabethtown Terre Hill & Sons, Inc.
* **ti*
Gap, Pa. 442-4148
from your
home grown grains
ported, how much, and from
"To this basic purpose wo arc
adding a new dimension that wc
have not had in our trade mis
sions in the past and this will
he the furtherance of direct con
tacts with consumers, the people
who have the ultimate voice as
to whether our products will be
purchased in the i oo d shops.
This responsibility will be car
ried out by the women members
of the mission
"Government and i n d u s try
leaders in the Far East 100 of
ten have had the impression that
we Americans are more inter
ested in doing business with Eu
ropeans than we are with them.
By making our presence felt, at
a nigh level, we intend to show
our appreciation of their busi
ness and our serious desire to
do e\ en more business with
“This will be a selling mis
sion not m the sense of having
order books with us but in the
sense of selling government, bus
iness, and consumer leaders on
the desirability of maintaining
and expanding their purchases
of American farm products ”
Competition to sell in the Far
Eastern markets is growing
daily, Secretary Freeman said,
and among strong agricultural
exporting competitors he named
Canada, Australia, New Zea
land, Thailand, Argentina, South
Africa, and Communist China
“They’re all competing with
us for Far Eastern sales,” the
Secretary said “We have no
choice but to intensify our own
sales efforts
“These sales have become an
important part of the income of
American farmers And the dol-
~ :cj/
Robert Oohrer
Bulldozing - Grading
Potz Sales & Service
Barn Cleaners - Silo
(Jnloaders - Cattle Feeders
Quarry ville, R. D. 1
Hensel 548-2559
Let us help you step up the feeding
Value of your grain by grinding and mixing
it with dependable Ful-O-Pep Concentrates.
These concentrates contain many of the
valuable nutrients your grain lacks ... in*
eluding a variety of selected proteins, vita*
mins, and minerals. A little Ful-O-Pep goes
a long way . , , helps you make a balanced
ration at a low out-of-pocket cost.
We have proven formulas for almost any
feeding situation. Come is and see us sooeu
Inrs these sales bring back are
critically important to our coun
try’s balance of payments.”
Secretary Freeman noted that
US. agriculture's export earn
ings have risen so m.nkedlv
during the lilGO's that its net
balance of I r a d e contribution
(the earnings of agricultural e\
ports minus the cost of agricul
tural imports) is gicater than
that of any other sector of the
foreign markets for products
from the 50 million or so acres
our farmers hold in reserve, our
Nation could forget its balance
of payments problems ”
The trade mission’s first stop
will be Tokyo where Secretary
Freeman will open a U S Food
and Agricultural Exhibit which
is being held April 521 under
pint sponsorship of the Depait
nient of Agriculture, 12 partici
pating State governments, U. S.
agricultural commodity groups,
and the U S food industry. It
will be the largest U S food
sales promotion event ever held
in the Far East.
The Secretary and other mis
sion members will meet with
Japanese leaders in a senes of
trade conferences in Toyko Jap
anese participants will include
government officials, trade as
sociation leaders, and food and
fiber importers, processors, and
Women members of the mis
sion will meet with consumer
representatives, food editors,
and women’s organization lead
ers, will appear on daytime
home - and - family television
shows that are popular in Japan,
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 9,1968
"If we could build additional
Plan jour spang program now and sa\e valuable time in
the spring
Coll on Organic Plant Food Co. for:
• Bulk Blended Fertilizer The.ideal plow down fertilizer
tailored to YOUR crop needs and Held conditions.
• Custom Spreading:
Spreader truck Spreader Rentals
• Super Q and other complete fertilizers
• Pesticides a complete line
• Custom Spraying
• Soil Testing and Tissue Tests
• Yield Checks The e inal proof.
Grofftoun Road P. O. Bov 132
Lancaster, Pa.
392-4963 or 392-0374
and will take part in the open
ing ol American food promo
tions in some of Tokyo's largest
department .stores
Sccrclaiy Freeman said that
the women mcmbeis of ilie
group will icceive no compensa
tion lor their contributions to the
missions They will travel in the
mission’s chatteled plane with
out charge but will pay foi their
own meals, hotel expenses, and
all other personal costs, lie
After a week in Tokyo, Con
gressional membeis of the Mis
sion, farm and trade leadens,
and five of the State governors
will accompany Secretary Free
man on the trip to Taiwan Five
governors will lemain in Tokyo
to be hosts to a senes of trade
promotion events featuring U S.
agricultmal regions Ten addi
tional governors who expect to
accompanv Secretary Freeman
only as far as Toyko will con
tinue on to visit counterpart Jap
anese prefectural governors as
part of a long-established State
Department exchange program
under which U S and Japanese
governors have been exchanging
visits in alternate years
“The intention apparently is
to avoid interfering with the
dirty shirt set, skylarking stu
dents and other minimal spend
ers But the modest American
who has put aside $l,OOO say,
$2OO a year for five years for
the expenses of three weeks in
Europe will find he now needs
about 15% more, which w ill
prove painful if not prohibitive ’’
—Wall Street Journal