—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 2,1968 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review March 1, 1968 CATTLE 2400 Compared to last. week’s close slaughtex steers weak to 25 lower, instanc es 50 lower, cows 25-75 lower, instances $1 lower. Bulls steady and feeder steers fully steady Supply included an estimated 55 pei cent slaughter steers, 20 per cent cows and bulls with the bal ance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS Load Choice and Prime 1275 lb $29 50 on Monday, Choice 950- 1375 lb $27-29 25, high-Good to low Choice $26 50-27 50, Standard to low-Good $2l 85-24 50 S L A U GHTER HEIFERS Good 750-950 lb $23-24 50. Couple Choice 25 60-25 85, Standard 22 - 25-23 25 COWS Utility and high yielding Cuttei $lB-19 75, few head 20-20 60 Cutter 16 75-18 60, Canner and low-Cuttei 14 50-17 BULLS Choice $25-25 75, Good 23-25, Utility and Commer cial 23-24 50, few head 25-26 35 with five head 1620-2390 lb 26 - 50-27 35 FEEDER STEERS Two loads Choice 500 lb 28 75, Choice 700-800 lb 26.25-27 65, one lot $2B Load Choice 1100 lb with Good and Choice slaughter fin ish $27 One load mixed Good and Choice 610 lb $27 25, one lot Standard 530 lb $24 25 CALVES 450 Vealers steady. VEALERS Choice $46-49. few head Choice and Prime 49- 50, Good 42-46, Standard 38-43, Utility 33-39, Cull 90-115 lb 26 - 50-33, 70-85 lb 23-27 HOGS 900 Barrows & gilts 50-1 00 lower, sows scarce BARROWS & GILTS Clos ing sales US 1-2 195-240 lb $2l - One lot US 1 213 lb 22, US 1-3 200-265 lb 20-20 75, Cou ple lots US 2-3 260 lb 19 35, US 1-2 175-195 lb 19-19 50 SHEEP 200 Wooled lambs 50 higher, ewes scarce WOOLED LAMBS Choice 65-95 lb. $27-28, few lots 28 50, Good 24 50-27 Utility 22-24 50 FALL LAMBS Couple lots Choice 80-100 lb $32 USDA Warns Turkey Industry Against Overproduction Secretary of Agriculture Or ville L Freeman said this week that the turkey industry is in danger of overproducing in 1968 The Secretary pointed out that the U S Department of Agri culture’s 1968 -Turkey Market ing Guide called for an 18 per cent reduction of the turkey crop from the 1967 record-high levels USDA information on turkey produceis’ intentions this year indicates only about a 14 per cent reduction from the extreme ly large 1967 crop “This situa tion constitutes a threat to the industry,” Secretary Freeman said The Secretary noted that the 1968 Turkey Guide recommended a 22 percent cut in the number of breeder hens on hand Jan 1, 1968 Breeder hen numbers re ported on farms at that date were down 17 percent Also, during January the num bei of breeder hens slaughtered was only 82 percent of the num bet culled a year ago Another indication of insufficient flock reduction is an 18 percent rise from 1967 levels in the number of breeder hens tested tor pul lorum disease during January These two factors seem to indi cate only about a 14 percent turkey flock reduction from the MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 782 Compared to Monday, slaughter steers weak to 25c lower, instances 50c low er on Standard to low-Good; cows 25-75 c lower; bulls steady to strong. Supply included 20 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS' Choice 950-1375 lbs 27-28 50, few high-Choice and Prime 28 50-29 - 25, high-Good to low-Choice 26 - 50-27 50, Good 24’85-26 85, Stand ard to low-Good 21 85-24 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS— Good 750-950 lbs 23-24 50, cou ple Choice 25 60-25 85, Standard 22 25-23 25. COWS Utility and high yielding Cutter 18-19 75, few head 20 20 60, Cutter 16 75-18 60, low-Cutter 15-17 BULLS Choice 25 10-25 50, Good 23 10-25, Utility and Com mercial 23 25-24 50. f ou r head 1620-2390 lbs 26 35-27 35 CALVES 132 Vealers steady to weak VEALERS Choice 46-49, Good 42-46, Standard 38 50-42 50, Utility-34-39, Cull 95-115 lbs 26 - 50-33, few 70-85 lbs 23-26 50. HOGS 257 Barrows and gilts 50-1 00 lower BARROWS & GILTS US 1-2 195-240 lbs 21-21 50, US 1, One lot 213 lbs 22, US 1-3 200-265 lbs 20-20 75: US 1-2 175-195 lbs 19-19 50: US 2-3 couple lots 260 lbs *9 35 SHEEP 32 Insufficient vol ume of any one class for a mar ket test BE CAUTIOUS Overhead wires can be dan gerous if they are forgotten or overlooked, caution extension CATTLE Compared with agricultural engineers at Penn last week’s close, slaughter State University Never assume steers sold 25-50 lower, slaughter that insulated wires carrying heifers were steady, cows sold current between buildings are steady to 25 lower, bulls were safe to touch because insulation unchanged In the carlot dress can be ineffective with age It ed meat trade at Chicago, steer is best to avoid running wires beef sold 50 to 100 lower, heif across buildings (Continued on Page 3) Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? N Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday —10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager Auction Only February 28, 1968 PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, - Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Vintage Auction February 27, 1968 CATTLE 786 Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers mostly steady: cows strong to 50c higher; bulls fully steady. Supply included 26 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice & Prime 1100-1460 lbs. 28.85-29 85, five head 30-30.- 75; Choice 1000-1375 lbs. 27 25- 28 85; high-Good to low-Choice 26.50-27.50; Good 25.25-27.10; Standard to low-Good 22.75-25 50. COWS Utility & high-yield ing Cutter 18-20, 12 head' 20 25- 21; Cutter 17 25-19, low-Cutter 15 50-17.50. BULLS Good & Choice 23 - 75-25 60; Utility & Commercial 24-24 85, couple 26.35-26 50. FEEDER STEERS Around a load of Good & Choice 950- 1100 lbs 25-26 25 CALVES 479 Vealers steady to $2 higher VEALERS Choice 45 50-48 - 50, Good 43-46, Standard 38-44; Utility 32 50-39, Cull 90-120 lbs 28 50-33 50, 70-90 lbs 26-29 HOGS 221 Barrows & gilts uneven, US 1, steady: others weak to $1 lower BARROWS & GILTS US 1, 200-270 lbs 22 10-22 75, US 1-2 200-255 lbs 21 10-21 85; US 1-3 195-265 lbs 20 10-20 85 SHEEP 49 Wooled lambs steady to strong WOOLED LAMBS Choice 80-95 lbs 27-28 50, 7 head 29-30; Good 24 50-27 SLAUGHTER EWES Utility and Good 6-9 Chicago Cattle Weekly Review New Holland Auction February 29, 1968 CATTLE 726 Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers uneven mostly 25 lower, small supply high Choice and Prime steady, with some sales Good 50 lower Cows steady to 50 low er. with least decline on Canner and Cutter. Bulls steady to 50 lower Supply included 31 per cent cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1150- 1350 lb. $28.85-29.85, few head 30-30 50 Choice 1000-1400 lb 27 - 25-29, high-Good to low-Choice 26 35-27 50, Good 25 27 25, Stand ard to low-Good 23-25 COWS Utility and high yielding Cutter 18-19 50, few head 19 60-20 .Cutter 16 7.5-18 50, Canner and low Cutter 15-17 BULLS Choice 25 25-26 50, Good 23-25, Utility and Commer cial 22 75-25.25, couple 25 50- 25 85 ' CALVES CALVES 359 Vealers $l-3 February 26, 1968 higher Receipts of 105 calves sold $1 VEALERS Choice 47-50, lower Choice and Prime 45 47, Good 44 50-47 50, Standard 42 50- Good and L Choice 38-44 So, 45 50, Utility 34 50 41, Cull 90- Standard 32 50-37 50, Commoi 115 lb 28 50-33, 70-85 lb 25-30 50 15-30 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, February 29) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New Yot4 March April 26.87 May June 26.27 July 26.25 26.15 August September 26.20 October 26.25 November 27.00 December a-asked b-bid n-nominal Trend Cattle higher; Hogs irregular and Potatoes higher. r~ ORDER NOW & SAVE on ORTHO UNIPEL FERTILIZER The unique Ortho Manufac turing process gives you two different forms of nitrogen and phosphate fast acting and long lasting. Available in the following analysis 16-16-16, 20-10-10, 10- 20-20, 13-34-10. Available i n bags and bulk. CONTACT US NOW FOR EARLY SEASON PRICES AND LIBERAL DISCOUNTS. T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. off. Ortho and Unipel P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC SMOKETOWN COWS February 28, 1968 Receipts of 61 cows, 6 bu'ls and 2 heifers sold stronger fresh cows. Holstein 375-475; other breeds 300-350; Bulls 165 225; Heifers 225-335. HORSES February 26, 1968 Horse receipts totaled 318 head and sold steady. Work horses (single) 175-275, (pair) 375-560; Mules (single) 150-340, (pan) 475-665, Riding horses 110-310, Driving horses 125-245, Poi\/ mares 45-55, Geldings 35 40, Killers 8-9 HOGS February 26, 1968 Receipts of 863 head sold 50’ lower Retail 21 50-22 75, Whole sale. No. 1-3 20 85-21 50, Heaw weights 19 50-33 75, Sows 15 55 18 19.50 19.05 19.60 20.25 20.65 : - „„ -—r^3Esi Ph. Lane. 397-3539 *. n' >'J| 1.81 2.01 2.44 2.32
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