Kansas Farmer Saves His Hay Crop With New Butler Stor-N-Feed Structure Alvin Beachey of Hutchinson, Kansas, says, “This year some of my neighbors lost most of their second crop of hay because of the rainy weather. I saved mine because I could put up low moisture silage (LMS or haylage) in one day.” Beachey has 45 cows with a herd average of about 14,000 pounds of milk. He has had an increase in milk production since switching to the Butler Stor-N-Feed system. He says, “The cows clean up all the LMS. 'When I was feeding baled hay, I had to clean out the stems, and cows refused hay every day. I have no bloat problems with newly ensiled LMS, and I can’t see any drop in milk production when I switch from filling to feeding.” Beachey also comments, “The structure unloads fast; it only takes me 4Va minutes to fill a 60’ long feed bunk. I like the quality of the feed coming out; the cows like it and eat more of it than they did baled hay.” Beachey also has a concrete stave silo. In 1966, he topped off his Butler structure with the sorghum and put the remainder in his concrete stave silo. He re calls, “The silage in the Butler sealed storage was a better color and smelled better than that in the stave silo. The cows preferred it, too.” Butler Agri-Products Division Now Available in Bottom or Top Unloader DESIGNERS and BUILDERS of SYSTEMS MSI- R. D. 2, Ephrata STOR#FEE£>; Builders for the farmer who's in business to stay W\ JAMESWAY " J SALES & SERVICE We are your Butler Agri-Builder for low cost farm buildings, Stor-N-Feed livestock ■ and dairy systems. One source responsibility. INC. Phone: 717-354-5374 Saturday. March 2, 1968—17 Lancaster Farming, Ruffer Bros. At York Named Gold Star Guernsey Breeder Rutter Bros., York, Pennsyl vania, have been named Gold Star Guernsey Breeder for 1967 by the American Guernsey Cat tle Club. This is the fourth straight year that they won this coveted award Rutter Bros met all of the re quirements for this award dur ing the past year. Some of these requirements were that all Guernseys over eight months of age owned by the farm weie registered, that the herd includ ed at least 10 registered Guern sey cows with production re cords made official during the year with at least 70% of. them homebi ed, that the herd was on with a lactation average at least official AR or HIR-DHIR test 15% over the breed average for either milk or butteifat 305 2x M E and that 80% of the cows with official recoids completed duung the yeai weie classified with an aveiage score for the group ot 82 5% oi better The Pi eduction summary of Rutter Bios, heid showed 60 cows with 63 recoids averaging 12,461 pounds of milk and 627 pounds of fat, 305-2 x ME, and with an average classification for 59 cows of 85 5 pei cent To win a Gold Star Guernsey Breeders Award a herd must also meet rigid health requne ments and an applicant for the award must be an active mem ber of both a State Guernsey As sociation and the American Guernsey Cattle Club Rutter Bros will receive a special certificate from the American Guernsey Cattle Club in recognition of their Gold Star Guernsey Bleeder Award for 1967 PLENTY HOT WATER Is what you’ll enjoy with « Texaco Fuel Chief Water Heater. Fully automatic. Pro- duces hot water faster thanit’sneededforbath ing, dishwashing, laun dering—and at a frac tion of the cost of old fashioned waterheaters. Come in and see them!. let us analyze your needs. No obligation. [FueiChiefl We Give S & H Green Stamps Gather Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating OH 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA Ph. 653-1821
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