16 -Lancaster Farming. Saturday, March 2.1968 S. W. White, Jr. (left), president of Oliver Corporation, presenting honor award to Clydeth Buch, Farmersville Equipment Co., Ephrata R 2. The presentation was made at Nassau, Bahamas, at a meeting of the President’s Honor Council. Need For Bargaining JBawer Is Challenge Says Tony Deehant ■<*T f W The clear need for bargaining power to influence prices and terms of sale for years has chal lenged farmers and farm organ izations according to Tony T Dechant, National Fanners Un ion Farmers have always occu pied a weak and disorganized position in the maiket,” he said “Rroducers of farm commodi ties are one of the few economic ■-groups, if not the only one, that must sell in markets largely con trolled by buyers, brokers, com mission agents, and other buy er representative ” Speaking to the National Farm Institute in Des Moines, lowa, recently, Dechant said, “Farm ers Union is taking the back seat to no one in seeking a workable and effective and legal approach to greater farm bargaining pow er ‘We have put together a pro- 9 MpNEYMAKING ALFALFAS DnPuit Vernal Buffalo Ranger Cayuga Narragansett Haymor Northwest Common Northwest Grimm Saranac 8 MONEYMAKING CLOVERS Certified Pennscott Select Pennscott Penna. Medium Red Midw est Medium Red White Blossom Sweet Clover yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Mammoth Alsike Fresh seed mixed and Inoculated (FREE) Save with REIST’S Seeds . REIST SEED COMPANY Mount Joy, Pa. Ph. 653-4121 Finest Quality Seeds (Since 1925) posal to provide farmers with the legal framework for com modity-by-commodity bargain ing for price with buyers, hand lers and processors "We insist that farm programs be continued to guarantee that the market won’t be glutted af ter farmers win a decent price. Too much supply, like we had in nearly every commodity this past year, would make bargain ing for pi ice an unworkable ap proach “There can be no effective bargaining for farm prices with out effective and consistent sup ply control,” he said The farm spokesman said Farmers Union proposal calls for minimum participation in farm bargaining by the Secre tary of Agncultme or anyone else in government ‘We want farmers doing the bargaining, with government’s role limited to guaranteeing their ability to do it,” he said Quartet A gi oup of fom, each of whom ‘thinks the oUic-i three can’t sing O Farm Woman • the State Convention. The group will go to the County Home in (Continued from Page 15) voted to support the Mental March to visit the folks there. Health Association as their coun- Next meeting will be March Mrs. Leon Schnupp and Mrs. ty project. 28 at the Donegal Presbyterian Witmer Shcrer gave reports on The Society and Society #1 Church. 1 Perfection Can Put Pipeline In WHY BUY A PIPELINE? For An Average 40 Cow Herd You Can . . . sss rs* 292 ' ons 01 rT i Save 200 hours per year I ] / ' s v^sl,. on an average herd. | 1/ | Produce higher quality iST&z4' , r '~'-~ * ~r-i Ifi 1 milk. T - 1 Increase your milk J | production. ; Save walking 100 miles a year. WHY BUY A PERFECTION PIPELINE? 1. Engineered for the modem dairy farm of today as well as the dairy farm of tomorrow. Around the bam pipelines and milking parlors. The only milkhouse control unit that is assembled at our modern new factory on a stainless steel panel. Pretested for trouble free operation, self-draining, with patented washing features. Built and guaranteed by Perfection Milker-Division of Sba-Rite Indus tries, Inc., of Delavan, Wisconsin, a recognized leader in -home -Water systems and agricultural components. TRANSFER STAT 24 Hour Milking Equipment Service installation and Service CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT Agway Bee Line’s Local Commodity Technicians are: MR. FRED KERLIN MR. HAROLD KINSEY WINCO Traitor Alternator-Generator SAIE * “ J <u J_ ' ,-i V_; r»-Tj I 12000 Watt Winchorger P.T.O. Generator List Price $Bl9 00 Sale Price $525.00 * H \ Winchorger P.T.O. Generator - List Price $837.00 Sale Price $.598.00 > - 1 1 * 15000 Watt Winchorger P.T.O. Alternator List Price $897.00 Sale Price $&3.5.00 200 amp. •100 amp. Agwaj 15000 Watt Mobile Power Troile American Double Throw Transfer Switch ■ (Industrial, 'Ram Tight Enclosure) List Price $100.35 Sale Price $7J>.9O List Price . .. $ 74.10 Sole Price $56.04 WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL BEE LINE SUPPLY CENTER * 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH. 394-0541 , * 3000 Watt Portable Alternator Complete with B. & 6 h.p. Engine List Price $499 50 Sale Price $375.00 A Any Bern »■= ~~~9 rf" $198.50 I 1 r ! *
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