rtfmTnrrtnrvyvyrtnfffvrryi Amos Herr, of Landlsville, Ilf . ... showed color slides and related farm WOiliUil events of his travels to Madeira and Portugal. ISL IB B 0 iSLSUULSLXSLQSJUUiSLSiSj The Society made plans for a Society 4 food stand at the household sale Society of Farm Women 4 of Mrs. Bessie Graybill, East met Saturday at the home of Petersburg, on March 30. Mrs. Mrs. Richard Wile, 129 E. Main Anna Krall is co-chairman of St, Mountville, with Mrs. Rich- the Ways and Means Committee, ard King presiding. The next meeting will be held Mrs. Robert Garber was co- in the nome of Mrs. Graybill hostess and Mrs. Charles Shel- Longenecker, Manheim Rl. lenberger led devotions. Society 26 Mrs. Richard Kauffman, Co- Society of Farm Women 26 lumbia Rl, was elected to mem- met Thursday evening at the hership. home of Mrs. Jay Hershey, Man- The Society voted to support heim R 2, with 26 members at the Farm and Home Center as tending. Mrs. J. Harold Esben a County project. shade, president, was in charge. The program consisted of a Devotions were led by Mrs. talent show given by daughters Kenneth Martin The program and friends of the Society. for the evening was a cake de- Miss Karen Shellenberger, Co- corating demonstration by Mrs. lumbia R 2, played the flute; the Allen Fisher, Mount Joy. McKonley Sisters, Mindy, Cindy, The cakes were auctioned by and Judy, sahg folk songs. , s iient bid A bus trip to King of The next meeting will be held Prussia Shopping Center is at the home of Mrs. Harrison planned for April 3 A food sale Nolt, Marietta Pike. is planned for April 12. « The next meeting will be a a/w.iatv * talent show on March 28 at the society of Farm Women 5 , „„ . held a meeting Saturday after- J? 1 "® Mrs F 1 yd Kreider ’ noon at the home of Mrs. Harry °. y ’ Lefever, Manheim Rl, with Miss vemence Elizabeth Workman presiding. SOCIETY 23 Mrs. Samuel Longenecker led Society of Farm Women 23 devotions. met recently at the home of Mrs. FARMERS’ PREMIUM FERTILIZERS AND DONEGAL LAWN FOOD “As Good as the Best, and Better Than The Rest” SINCE 1904. MANUFACTURED BY: FARMERS' FERTILIZER WORKS ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 17022 PHONE: -367-1211 JOHN a DEERE PAY MONDAY, MARCH 4th FREE DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING ROLL GUARD WITH SEAT BELT Farm, SHOTZBERGER'S EQUIPMENT BIG DISPLAY of Lawn and Garden Equipment * FREE LUNCH ¥ MOVIES Elm, Pa. 10:30 A.M. PH. 665-2141 Leroy Funk, Washington Boro Rl. Mrs. Clayton Charles, pres ident, was in charge. Devotions were led by Mrs. Andrew Nlssley. Plans were made for a refreshment stand at three farm sales Feb. 24. March 2 and 16. The ways and means chairman, Mrs. Funk, is in charge of the stands. A money gift was sent to the Society's adopted Korean or phan. Donations were given to Moments of Glad Tidings and Home Builders. The program was a message on tape by Mrs. Wilbur Erb, Harrisburg, entitled, “Facing Difficulties.” Mrs. Robert Roh rer was m charge of the pro gram. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rohrer, Washington Boro Rl, on Mar 28 SOCIETY 27 Society of Farm Women #27 met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Raymond Martin. Mrs. Russel Svvarr assisted her as hostess Mrs. James Garber led in devotions. 23 members at tended. The program was a demon stration on weed craft by Mrs Russel Swarr and cake decorat ing by Mrs. John Hershey and Mrs. Ray Sauder. (Continued on Page 16) • For The Form Wife (Continued from Page 14) CELERY CASSEROLE 4 cups sliced celery 1 teaspoon minced onion Vz cup water Vz teaspoon salt 1 can condensed cream of cel ery soup Vz cup chopped nuts 3 tablespoons butter Vz cup cracker crumbs Boil celery, onion, water and salt about 10 minutes in a cov ered pan; dram. Add undiluted soup and nuts and mix Put into a greased VA quart casserole; top with buttered crumbs and bake in preheated 375 degree oven about 20 minutes 6 serv ings Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 2.1968 or ti Farm Wife and Ladies, Have You Heard?... By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Tips On Freezing Cooked Meat Freezing cooked meat is not recommend ed except in combination dishes where a solid pack can be prepared for freezing Higher quality is obtained if you freeze uncooked rather than cooked meat Tests show this is true for deep-fat and ovendi-ied clucken, braised beef, round steaks, meat patties and loaves, and rib and loin pork roasts In general, results indicate poultry and meats roasted and fried after freezing have a more atti active appearance and better flavor than those cooked before freezing Keeping Family Business Papers It’s good business to know what family re- THOMAS cords you need to keep, where for love How can you satisfy to keep them, and why this requirement? All ta\ returns (income, real Show an interest in things estate, personal property, fed- that are important to him. eral, state, and local) should be Remember what it was like to kept at least six years. be a child and try to see things from his point of view Take your child into your con fidence and encourage him to confide in you Take time to enjoy being his parent. Bank statements, deposit slips, check stubs, and cancelled checks should be kept at least three years If you use them as evidence in tax deductions, you must keep them si\ years Retaining Egg Quality Refrigeration is essential to maintain egg quality Leftover egg yolks can be cohered with cold water and stored in the re frigerator in a tightly covered container Use leftover yolks or whites within a day or two Children Need Love Your child has several emo- tional needs, including a need HUSKY, HEAVY-BODIED HEIFERS —in a hurry! ...with Ful-O-Pep Calf Ration Get your future milkers off to a sound, early start for top pro* duction. Keep them hale and hearty, grow them big-framed and husky —in a hurry —with Ful-O-Pep Calf Ration. It’s ummmmmm good. Tempting and tasty, calves start nibbling at 3 to 6 days. Feed along with Ful-O-Pep Milk Replacer, gradually increasing Calf Ration until calf is eating about 4 lbs. a day. Antibiotics help prevent scours and protect health. Special proteins, vitamins and minerals pack a (eat growth punch. Complete Ful-O-Pep Calf Ration helps your calves develop ttig frames, deep chests, and good feed capacity. Ask us for more, feeding details. HAROLD H. GOOD w h,„ Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Grubb Supply Co. Stevens Elizabethtown H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer @®gMBli =r-?K?=rJ Family Tips on Selecting Quality Potatoes Appearance has a lot to do with quality when you’re select mg potatoes Well-shaped, firm potatoes free from blemishes and sunburn (a greenish discolora tion under the skin) are best be cause you have no waste in prep aration Avoid potatoes witK large cuts or bruises, and sprouted or shriveled potatoes 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers