Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 03, 1968, Image 9

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    'ficers of the Southern 4-H Soil &
Water Conservation Club. Left to Right
Gary Dean, News Reporter; Robert Hess,
Game Leader; Paul Scheuing, Vice Presi
dent; Lloyd Weld, President; Darlene
• County 4-H lamb club
(Continued from Page 1) T Champion pen - Ted Hess
Leola Rl, (trophy) Heistand
R 3, (trophy) Grubb Supply Co, Feed Mill, Salunga
Elizabethtown. Reserve champion pen - Bec-
County Champion show man ky Bushong, Columbia R 2, (tre
at Harrisburg - Lynn Heistand, phy) Wenger’s Mill, Rheems
Manheim R 4, (trophy) Grubb
Supply Co., Elizabethtown
Let Purina help you get it!!!
Milk prices influence the size of your milk check. So does
the amount of milk you sell. The Purina Dairy Program
promises to help dairymen get lots of milk to sell.
Now, with milk prices on the rise, it's just good common
sense to feed your cows the Purina Dairy Chow that best
fits your herd and your roughage. More milk from the
same cows can make your milk check grow bigger and
bigger. Keeps down the overhead expense of adding
more cows.
Feed Purina Dairy Chows.. . Complete or concentrates.
They are backed by Purina Research and proven by
leading dairymen in this area. Ask us for details of the
Purina Dairy Program. It’s designed to help produce big
milk checks.
West Willow Farmers
Assn., Inc.
Ph; 4(54-3431
West Willow
Ira B. Landis
Ph: 569-0531
779 Valley Road, Lancaster
John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Ph: 442-4633
Hoover, Secretary-Treasurer and Leßoy
Welk. Game Leader. These officers were
elected at their organizational meeting
held on January 22nd at Vincent Hoover’s
home in New Providence.
Single lamb champion - Tom
Hess, Leola Rl, (trophy) Miller
John B. Kurtz
Ph: 354-9251
R- D. 3, Ephrata
Wenger's Feed Mill,
Ph: 367-1195
James High & Sons
Ph: 354-0301
& Bushong, Rohrerstown
Project score - Avernl Royer,
Oregon Pike, 96 0 pts; Linda
Ober, Petersburg Rd, 95 0 pts,
both i eceived a tiophy trom
Miller & Bushong, Rohi erstown
Best fitter & showman - Ron
ald Meek, Reinholds Rl, (tro
phy) J E. Galen Hardware Co,
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 3,1968
Modern Goals Set For
Motional Meat Board
“Modern is what we are and
modern is what we will he,”
declared Acting Secretary-Gen
eral Manager David H Stroud
at the National Live Stock and
Meat Board’s Semi-Annual
meeting in Chicago, Jan 15.
In presenting his manage
ment report before the Board’s
Directorate and Promotion Di
visions, Stioud said “We are
going to change people’s minds
and buying habits With the ap
plication of modem marketing
and promotion techniques to
the problems our products face
in the consumer marketplace,
we can and will deteiroine our
success or our failure
“We intend to succeed,” he
He said the Board’s program
reflects the th nkmg of the peo
ple in “this giant industry with
divergent interests, who,
through the Board of Directors
and the representative Councils
and Committees, are able to
join together in solving com
mon problems ”
Noting a growing income pic
ture for the Board’s program,
Stroud stressed that “thei e’s no
reason to peimit a single
• County FFA
(Continued fiom Page 1)
SmucKer, Merlin snacrer
Lampeter-Strasburg, Clan Es
Manheim, Russell Adamn e
Jr, Bany Gerber, Richaid F.
Giuber, Nelson Haldeman Hof
fer, Lester Hexstand, Gexald
Penn Manor, Clair Eib, Adam
K Fisher Jr, Lany P Harnish,
Claude D Miller Ji , Nelson Eu
gene Newcomer
Pequea Valley, Wayne Yost
Solanco, Lee S Kinsey, Lew
is Ki eider, Kenneth Mellmger,
James L Ulrich.
Warwick, Jesse Lee Balmer,
Dean R Bollinger, Leon Brian
Buch, Stephen G Darlington
111, Henry H Hershey.
growth oppoi turaty to slip by
so long as the industry is in
creasing its investment for that
He said an intensive progi am
of “soul-searching” is undeiway
at the Board’s headquarters
“We’re looking at every leaf
let . . every piece of film .
every idea . every bit of i on
line work,” Stroud stated, “to
better understand the methods
we’ve used to reach our goals;
and also to better understand
those other tools of modem
marketing we HAVEN’T yet
employed in attempts to come
in first in the competitive con
sumer marketplace ”
Check us for Price
& Erection Dote.
To afford the unequaled
Brandon 10-year guarantee
for today’s larger diameter
silos, the Brandon Silo Cor
poration has engineered a
new larger and heavier
“Sine-Wave” corrugated
stave. The new Brandon cor
rugated stave is the most per
fect and durable silo stave
that is possible to make.
Lasting beauty incurred in
the new “Sine-Wave” conu
gated stave by the incorpor
ating of a special blend ce
ment. It is unnecessary to
“Wh»te-Coat” the silo for ap
pearance. Your new Brandon
silo will be distinguished and
For Prices on this
Outstanding SILO
350 Strashurg Pike
397-5179 687-6002 626-7766