—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, January 27,1968 16 SCENE AT THE FORNEY LONGE NECKER FARM, Lititz R 3, where Kent Fritz, of Warwick High School, grew his 245 bushels of shelled com per acre, and was recognized last week at the annual Berggren To Speak At Crops And Soils Day Geoige H exten sion agionorr.-y Penn State, wdl be one of the featured speakers at the Chops and Sc Is Day set foi Febiuaiy 7, s . t- mg at 830 ain in the Lenta Memoual Hall, Leola H '3 iesponcib.l hes include woik in the of coin cul tui e, h°y shows and weed con tiol A na‘ue of Biamerd Main Beiggien leceued his Brcheloi of Science degiee in agionomy liom the Unneisity of Minne sota PuOi to j oarmg the Ex tens 1 on Service staff, he work ed for the U S Derailment of Agi-cuhure one jear and was FEED CATTLE FASTER AND MORE EFFICIENTLY THAN EVER BEFORE! NOW! Fsed up to 200' of bunk per drive . . . Feed multiple lots . , . Blend complete rations with . . . VAN DALE'S NEW AUTOMATIC MULTI-FEEDERS From the pioneer in silo unloading, come two low power, mammoth capacity, bunk feeders for in-the barn or feedlot feeding. You can feed from more than one silo (at the same time). Feed out to from one to four-or-more lots. Feed any material with big 9" or 12" true, bearing-suspended augers, (no metal-to-metal contact.) Feed entire bunk at one time; eliminate crowding. High capacity and dependability... call us and wa'll coma out to see you, at your convanianca. CALEB M. WENGER R. D. 1, D rumors Center 518-2116 QUARRYVILLE, PA. corn growers banquet held at the Farm Show, (left to right) William Brubaker, Or ganic Plant Food; Longenecker; Fritz, Clair Zerby, Warwick Vo-Ag teacher and Milton Hottman, Hoffman’s Seed Co Geoige H. Beiggien Minnesota foi county agent in 11 vcais L F Photo • Farm Calendar (Continued fiom Page 1) ers Piogiam, Schoii Ag Rm (Dany Rspioduction and Breeding Piohlems) 745 pm -Lancaster County Poultry Assn Educat.on meet L.titz Rec Center, LA.tz Thursday, February 1 7 00 pm-Gaiden Spot Aic Welding School, at High School Vo-Ag Dept 800 pm-Lancastei Co Poul try Assn D.iectois meet at Pioduction Ci edit Bldg GOOD FEEDING pays off in the milk pail It’s in the milk pail where the results of good feeding really show. How the milk gets there de pends largely on the roughage, grams and supple ments you use to help the cows produce it. When you use RED ROSE DAIRY FEEDS ( they’re available in many protein levels) cr RED ROSE SUPPLEMENTS mixed with your home grown grains, you can be sure that the cows in your barn will be eating Just about the best feed you can provide. Investigate the complete line of Red Rose Dairy Feeds . . . and choose the one best suited to your needs You’ll be pleased with the results they gn e and the extra money they will earn for you. Musser's Mil) The Buck Chas. E. Sauder & Sons L. M. Snavely Terre Hill Lititz HVBf P WINNER! Funk’s G-4644 Single Cross wins 1967 Pa. Corn Yield Contest . . . 216.3 bushels per acre. Funk’s-G silage wow 8 out of 10 awards at 1967 Pa. Corn Field Davs. Real proof of Funk’s-G‘extra yield ability! See your Hoffman Seed Man for details TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Ammon E. Shelly Lititz ***'*' * BUY YOUR RED ROSE DAIRY FEEDS AND SUPPLEMENTS FROM THESE DISTRIBUTORS Walter Binkley & Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elverson Henry E. Garber R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa. L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Groybill & Son Refton Strasburg E. M. Heisey Mt. Joy Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown A. L. Herr & Bro. Quarryville David B. Hursf Bowmansville Martin's Feed Mill, Inc. K. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. Mountville Feed Service Mountville Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia E. P. Sports, Inc. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sonv Inc. A i "2^