Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 06, 1968, Image 13

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    Water The
Substance That
Never "Dies”
Is it possible that the same
rater that boiled last might's
potatoes earned Columbus’ ex
pedition to the New World?
That the water coming out of
your faucets flowed down the
RiVer Nile centuries ago?
yes, for thanks to a process
known as the water 'cycle, wa
ter never “dies”. The bond that
unites two hydrogen atoms with
one oxygen 'atom to form the
life-giving substance H 2 0 is
so strong that it is almost im
possible to break. Changes do
occur when water is heated or
cooled. But while it may “fade
away”, it never is destroyed.
Thus, even the “fresh” water
we use in our own homes has
been around' a long time
On the other hand, although
it is true that (there is “water,
water everywhere”, unfortu
nately it also is true that often
there is “not a drop to drank”.
The problem is that an adequate
inpply of the right quality wa
ter does not exist everywhere,
and the situation as not improv
ing as (the number of users
In their mew book, The Wa
ter in Your Life, William Laas
and Dr. S. S. Beioos, technical
director of the Walter Condi
tioning Division Morton Sait
Company, explain itihalt (the wa
ter cycle is partdiailfLy responsible
for the water shortages that
plague parte of the world. Wa
ter often evaporates from one
plaee on the 'earth’s surface and
returns to another durang the
second Stage of the cycle.
Water is evaporated continu
ously from ate liquid state on
the earth’s 'surface by the sun’s
power. It becomes “waiter va
por” and rises as the sun’s en
ergy it. Eventually it
meeife' oon-
and'returns to earth as
f un, toail' or silieet. The
nycM'Ts"ori®ess ’ (Because it is
powered/ by ithe sum’s limitless
Since virtually none of our
waiter ever-‘has been tost, we re
use the same supply century
With US .
Service is a :
-not a sideline
if M. S. Yearsley & Sons
West Chester 609-2990
<v%nger Implement Co. . Landis Bros. Inc. SHofzberger's
Buck 2844467 'Lancaster * 393-3908 Elm 665-2141
Water at earth's surface is heated by sunlight and
evaporates; the water vapor becomes part of the
air we breathe.
As wiarm 'air rises and cools, the water vapor
forms smlall particles of liquid or ice such as
The particles in the clouds grow until they fall to
after century. But water often
evaporates from one place and
returns to another, producing
under extreme circumstances
either flood or di ought. This
situation is made worse by peo
ple not always choosing to live
where clean, fxesh water
It pays to bring your John Deere
Tractor to people who know it best.
Keeping your equipment on the '
go is the specialty of our Service
Department. Our modern shop
helps get each job done right, on
time. Don’t take chances. Depend
on our specialists. For major
repairs, ask about our Credit Plan.
A. B. C. Groff, Inc.
New Holland 354-4191
Dan'caster Farming, Saturday, January 6,1968 —
earth as rain or snow.
4. Some rain or melted snow soaks into earth and
dissolves some of the minerals.
5. Some rain and snow falls into streams, lakes and
oceans. Eventually, the water again is heated and
the cycle repeats.
abounds, such as on the eastern variable supply that is available
seaboard Thus, we Lave to to balance the more constant—
more efficiently manage the (Continued on Page 14)
on Both
Mixed Goods ond Bulk Blends
Savings on Early Delivered
Bagged Goods and Bulk in Season
Gi off town Rd. Next to llateiuoiLs Ph. 393 4963