A Lancaster Farming Pictorial Group, Leaders Paris Gruber (left) and H. B. Endslow. Did you know—The Depart ment of Forests and Wateis maintains four forest tree nur series that have an annual pro duction of 15,000,000 foiest tree seedlings, the greater propor tion of which will ,be sold to the residents of the State at a low cost for reforesting their lands. - (Dept, of Forests and Waters) , Senator Manbeck Greets Farmers Something To Sell? Try a Classified Ad In Lancaster Forming Protesting At The Capitol | Name . I 1 Address I I City State I ' j O BRUBAKER I »I i b - f I Because ym need 100% PURIFIED WATER you need ULTRadpamics’ U-V Water Purifier Without chemicals or additions Ultra- Violet water purification is 100% lethal to all micro-organisms. Imparts no taste or odor; low operating cost (500 GPH for a mere 40 watts). Meets U S. Public Health criteria. Model #5OO GPH Custom Drinking Water Purifier shown. Available in capacities to 72,000 GPH for any flow required. MAIL COUPON NOW TO PLUMBING and HEATING 1284 Rohrerstown Road Lancaster, Penna. Phone 393-3908 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 16,1967 — NEPPCO Exposition Set For Harrisburg October 8-10 The 1968 NEPPCO Exposjtion will be held in the Faun Show Building, Hanisbuig on Octo ber 8-9-10 The Penn Haims Ho tel has been designated as the headquaiteis hotel The decxs'ion was made by the NEPPCO Executive Com mittee at an aKday meeting on December 2. Principal reason for 'the decision was that the two hotel's in Washington, D C that could accommodate the NEPPCO Show—Sheraton Park and Washington Hilton did not have suitable dates avail able in 1968 anytime from Sep- EXTRA NITROGEN 3 BOOSTS YIELDS - v. . f ...v * r . i rfruinittiTftiilliirtirtaftll Get these features with.*, <9 Ni Green* urea fertilize • 45% NITROGEN Highly concentrated "NuGreen" means less material t» handle, time and labor savings. • LEACH-RESISTANT “NuGreen" holds to soil particles Chemically, feeds plants when they need it most • NON-CORROSIVE Organic “NuGreen” won’t eat-up equipment.., makes It last longer. • FREE FLOWING and NON-CAKING “NuGreen” comes in easy-to-use shot form for spreading. It also dissolves readily in water for spray or irrigation application. For profit boosting yields and the best dollar return on your Invest ment, practice a fertilization program based on a complete fertilizer and QuPont “NuGreen” urea fertilizer. SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539 Report NEWS SOUTHERN LANCASTER CO. HOLSTEIN CLUB by Joyce Groff The Southern Lancaster Coun ty 4-II Holstein Club held its Christmas PaHy at the home of Mr and Mis Richaid Lefe\ei, Quail yville, on December 5 The meeting was called to 01- dei by the p 1 e s 1 cl e n t, Glenn K re i der, followed by the 4-H Club Hedge and roll call For business the club decided to take on the piojeot of repaint ing the “4-H Clubs of Lancaster County W el come You” sign in the Southern end of the county. The members also discussed how to en 1 a 1 g e the club The next meeting will be held Feb ruary 6th at the Solanco Senior High School Ag Room. All in tei ested eligible m e m b ers are invited to attend The mee ting was then adjourned After the meeting tne mem bers played gam es, exchanged gilts and ate light lefreshments. temlber 15 thiough November 15 In fact, we could not obtain Tuesday - Wednesday 7 Thurs day dates between September 15 and November 15 at either of these hotels until 1978 iSince it was imperative that they settle on a suite and dates for the 1968 show before the fust of the year and since the NEPPCO staff did not have the time to thoioughly check out sites in other cities in the Northeast, the Executive Com mittee voted to return to Har risburg for 1968 and to continue to investigate other possible sites for 1969 and later years. One can patch a shut or ov eralls or a reputation, but it’s hard to keep it from showing. 7
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