stein cows have established new lactation averages for mijk and butterfat production. As report ed by the Holstem-Friesian As sociation of America, the of ficial production testing herd averages are: BrattlebOro, Vermont—Local _ , . Fli7atoeth . dairy herds of Registered Hoi- Huam s> Aun ° st ’ EllzaC,ettl Area Holstein Herds Reported For Records Need . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more fanners are buying from ns for better value and all around satisfaction. Delivered any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm “America’s Oldest” PARADISE, PA. AT FLEETWOOD... Buyers of WHEAT Grain Elevator, Feed Warehouse & Flour Mill, Fleetwood, Pa. <lO miles N.E. of Reading off Route 222) F. M. BROWN’S SONS, INC. BIRDSBORd m FLEETWOOD SINKING SPRING Ph. 582-2741 PK. 944-7654 • Ph. 678-4567 'SA r VS&. <> ' v, \ town, has 37 completed produc tion records averaging' 16,975 lbs. of milk and 686, lbs. of but- Farm, Quarryyille, has 28 com terfat. pleted production records aver- Elam Bollinger, Manheim, aging 16,159 lbs. of milk and 601 has 44 completed production lbs. of butterfat. records averaging 15,493 lbs of Titus M. Hurst, Lititz, has 36 milk and 593 lbs. of butterfat. completed production recoids John W. Bshelman & Sons, averaging 16,368 lbs. of milk Red Rose Research Center, and 598 lbs of butterfat. Lancaster, have 26 completed Robert H. Kauffman, Ehza production records avei aging bethtown, has 45 completed 17,408 lbs of milk and 658 lbs. production records averaging of butterfat. 15,763 lbs. of milk and 579 lbs. Robert C. Groff, Groftdale of butterfat. CUSTOM SPRAYING HIGH PRESSURE WASHING and DISINFECTING in all types of poultry houses. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227 To Serve You Foster • ■« • 50 ft. Diol Scob • 50 ft. Truck Dump !t 1000 bu. Dumpinf Fit v Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 16,1967 — Manufacturers'of -fItoDPHKSV FEEDS Henry E. Kettering, Lititz, has 45 completed production records averaging 16,538 lbs, of milk and 651 lbs. of butterfat. John E. Kreider, Lancaster, has 41 completed production records averaging 15,705 lbs of milk and 600 lbs of butterfat. Harold M Uruble, Atglen, has 36 completed production records averaging 15,218 lbs. of milk and 580 lbs of butterfat. To provide a uniform means of comparing Registered Hol stein herd performance, lacta tion averages are leported on the industry standard, two milk ings per day, 305-day, mature equivalent basis These pioduc tion levels compare favorably to the average US. cow’s an nual production of 8,513 lbs. of milk and 315 lbs of butterfat. Penn State University super vised the sampling and produc tion testing procedures in co operation with the official herd testing programs of the nation al Holstein Association. FIRST VICTORY In the Civil War, the first •Union victory of any conse quence was the Battle of Phil ippi, which also marked the war’s entry into what is now the state of West Virginia Tl T 3 > 73 70 CO SSSSgi 5 UJ qHHBH S ■n 73 §5 H hS =d |> I 2* r~ 5J | ' SOh3>3 ■ ■ «22S5 S ■ £§|>§g m , os| W 3>®| cte « OS3<S S ffi£ddO§ |||og3 zSP ?PilS r* g I pl Og @grgg» KMM gg§opP SB ifwS” 3 1 I aES *W Z ZZ2 K* 21 O Ml > S> M " f ft -1 h 13M -n hSb 3 m S7I - 73 _j 5m —I *P F S N g m 5 73 4 » u 17
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