—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. December 16,1967 16 Cereal Leaf Beetle Eradication Seen As Almost Impossible Pennsylvania wdl have to learn to lave with the cereal leaf beetle until more efficient con trol methods are developed, a state Department of Agricul ture official believes Henry 'F Nixon, director of tlhe Department’s Biueau of Plant Indu: ~v, tell the E'to mologicai Society of Am-aca ■at a recent meeting in New York City that eradicating the pest with techniques now avail able is “practically impossible ” The New York meeting was attended by more than two ibhou sand entomologists from every state in the matron. He said quarantines, such as are now in effect on the ship ment of untreated hay, straw, small grams and corn from Bea ver, Butler, Lawrence and Mer cer counties, are presently the best method of controlling the pest which causes extensive damage to grain crops The beetle was discovered for the first tima in Pennsylvania in the four v .stern counties six months age. The State Agricui ture Depart nenit imposed a quarantine and set up stations to fumigate crop shipments be ing made from the infested areas. “Our present aim is to pre vent the long distance spread of the beetle,” Nixon said. He said Pennsylvania’s moun tainous ten am may slow down the spread of the beetle which was blown in from infested ar eas in Ohio Nixon cautioned that ‘wood lots and brushy waste land ar eas usually found on Pennsyl vania farms aie ideal places for adult beetles to spend the win ter. Entomologists from the state (Continued on Page 18) PLENTY HOT WATER is what you'll enjoy with a Texaco Fuel Chief Water Heater* Fully automatic. Pro- , duces hot water faster than it’sneededfor bath lug, dishwashing, laun dering-and at a frac tion of the cost of old fashioned waterheaters. Come in and see them!. Fet ns analyze your needs. No obligation. [FuelChiefl We Give S & H Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fairview St. Marketing Man Fears Tax On Cigars A tobacco maiketing expert told 'farmer® this week, “We face a serious situation” Mark S Hess, Manager of the Agway Toibacco Marketing Di vision, told 50 farmers gather ed at a meeting in the coopera tive’s New Holland warehouse Monday afternoon, “I am alarm ed at the moment that we will probably have a 35 percent tax on agars sold in Pennsylvania.” Hess said the cooperative had dome what it could last summer to have the bill put on the shelf. “Now as far a® we can tell both political 'parties agree and if it comes out it looks like there are enough votes to pass it,” he said. The manager said he recent ly had a conference with the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary 'assured him he would do everything in his pow er to keep it from passing. Hess said the proposed tax CHECKING THE GRADE of a lath, would increase a ten cent cigar of tobacco at the Agway information, to 14 cents. “If this happens meeting held at the New Holland ware we will have trouble selling house Monday afternoon, (left) Leonard them,” he said. “I don’t think the public 'will accept the in- l' as t week can go direct to the In another part of the meet- ers had were centered aroima crease.” governor. irig Leonard Ford, USD A To- hail cut tobacco and Ford said The cooperative represents- <<Tiie ,Llarieaster County tobac- bacco Grader, showed the he didn’t 'think the hail cut live said toe nolitieail neonle c 0 industry will' he adversally group the way tobacco is grad- damage was too had from a are committed so toe best hope *f 'the tax goes on, he ed _ grader’s view-point until at was as that the people we talked to concluded. The mam questions toe farm- real noticeable. Lancaster Automobile Club PACKAGED IN A COLORFUL HOLIDAY BOX Over 50,000 Members fc Lancaster County enjoy these services • * «-> ACCIDENT INSURANCE MAPS TRAVEL SEI LEGAL ADVISORY SERVICE Due* $ 7.50 intranet Ftt » J.si TOTAL I $)«.» For Christmas 9 give a member ship Mr the 365 days of driving pleasure THE IDEAL GIFT EASY TO BUY—SURE TO PLEASE EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE IVICE To Sm 4 (Ml packet* 4lr«ct O •wwhr's Warn*, SCHOOL PATROLS LEGISLATION DRIVER EDUCATION GOOD ROADS AND MANY OTHERS LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB 34 NORTH PRINCE ST., LANCASTER Hhm und • CHRISTMAS GIFT membanhfp rws MPiieatiwi* m usm ftr new memiers onli MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE Wit tern O Ford, USDA Tobacco Grader and Mark S. Hess, Agway Tobacco Marketing Manager. L. F. Photo IfmfrFraai BAIL BOND SERVICE LICENSE SERVICE MONTHLY MASAZINI ‘ - N# •ntrinc* in firi nt> gtn rtiMmi with a aniMil mtmfcvr. FEE tTM COAST TO COAST
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