Top DHIA Cow For October Has 936 Pounds A Registered Holstein cow owned by Henry E Kettering, Lititz R 3, completed the high est 305 day lactation for Octo ber, according to the monthly news letter of the Red Rose DHIA of Lancaster County Dee produced 21,318 'lbs of milk, 936 libs of butterfat with a 4 391 test Second high lactation was U jy , completed by a Registered Hoi- VlOiQCtl Jrl3l*VCSt stem cow owned by John L « « * Landis, 1801 Coiiebrook Rd. El- OSLI6 AVCF2L26 sie produced 25,185 lbs of milk, » (POCC 903 lbs. of butterfat with a 3 5% IS «J)OuO test in 305 days. The herd of Hiram S Aungst The Golden Harvest Sale, an was $866 for 43 head. Elizabethtown Rl, had the hi =CT h- annual registered Holstein sale R Austin Backus Inc, Mexi est monthly butterfat average featuring-hand-picked, quality eo, N.Y., was in charge and Earl Tins herd of 34 3 Renstered dairy cattle, was held last' Fn- Groff, Strasburg. is the local day at the Guernsay Sales Pa- representative OVER started Starters the past 20 months! Staggering? It certainly is. And the number isn’t going to stop there. Why? Because more cattle raisers are finding out that they can put their calves on full feed the very first day. And with Purina Cattle Starters, there is no warm-up period. And founder is unlikely because of their high roughage con tent. There is nopainstaking dailyipcrease in grain. AH you do when yppr cattle come in off the range or stalk field i§ let the calves fill up overnight with hay or other roughage. Then, fill yopr feeders with Cattle Starter I and let the cattle start eating. After a week, put them on Purina Cuttle Starter 11. By the third week, they’U be ready to go on a full feed of high* energy finishing ration. Yes, your cattle'will be on full feed right away. And, depend ing upon size, they may consume more than 20 pounds of feed per day. See us about Purina Cattle Starters before you put your next cattle on feed. You’ll be amazed at the results. West Willow Formers John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Assn., InC. 4424638 Ph: 464-3431 Paradise West Willow Ira B. Landis Ph: 569-0531 779 Valley Road, Lancaster LOW COST PRODUCTION... # the reason more cattlemen feed PURINA James High & Sons Ph: 354-0301 Gordonville Holstein cows 'averaged 1,229 vilion, east of Lancaster lbs of milk, 53 lbs. of butter- Selling for the top price of fait with, a 43% test. The herds the day was a consignment by of Jay E Landis, Lancaster R 6, Marvin A. Eshleman, Strasburg, and Reuben Z Smoker, Para- and R Austin Backus, Inc dise Rl, placed second The Lan- Mexico, N.Y This Ivanihoe das herd with 30 0 Registered daughter sold to New York Holstein cows averaged 1,323 State for $2,150 She was ciassi- Ibs of milk, 52 lbs of butt erf alt fled Excellent in every break wit h a 40% test The Smoker down-except one. herd with 42 2 Registered & Second high was a Wood- Grade Holstein cows averaged bourne Lass Reflection daugh -1,308 lbs of milk. 52 lbs. of ter classified Very Good 88 and butterfat with a 3 9% test purchased by Gertrude Kreisle and John Lehman, Quarryviile, for $l6OO Another Excellent Ivanhoe daughter from J. Mowery Frey Jr., Lancaster, sold to New York ‘State for $1,425 In all, 12 head sold for $l,OOO or more and the sale average 300,000 CATTLE on Purina Cattle Wenger's Feed Mill, Inc. Ph: 367-119 S Rh«ems John B. Kurtz Ph: 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata 13 icaster Farming, Saturday, December 16,1967 SECOND SECTION THE HOLSTEIN BARN MEETING was held, at the Clarence Stauffer Farm, Ephrata Rl, Tuesday evening. Shown (left to right) is Daniel Stoltzfus, committee chairman; Stauffer; Charles Howe, Tunbridge, Va. and Richard Cotta, Madison, Wis. Howe and Cotta are type classifiers for the Holstein-Friesian Assn, of Ameri ca. The cow is Sunny Craft Julley, a home-bred, four year-old that Cotta made Excellent at 90 points. o^l ALLIS-CHALMERS ONE-SEVENTY and ONE-EIGHTY (53* HP) • Best performance and-com* fort features of the liot One* Ninety XT, in the low-profile One-Seventy, full platform One-Eighty! • Automatic TRACTION BOOSTER! • Hydrostatic power steering! • Triple hydraulics, optional! See them now at. .. L. H. Brubaker Nissley Farm Sendee Lititz, Pa. Washington Boro, Pa. N. G. Myers & Son Grumelli Form Service Rheems, Pa. Quarryrille, Pa. Roy H. Buch, Inc. L. H. Brubaker Akron, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Allen H. Mate Farm Equipment A Ami ALUS-CHALMERS •Mfr's .stim.Ud PTO tip. New Holland L. F. Photo
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