Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 16, 1967, Image 10
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 16,1967 10 GRANGE NEWS Fulton Grunge #66 met De oembei 11 at 'Oak ryn Master, Clifford W Holloway Jr con ducted 'the business session when the Grange went on rec ord opposing H'B 1093, SB 1062, SB 253 and HB 1521 in the State Legislature HB 1093 is the bill to authorize s a 1 e of liquoi on Sunday when December 31 falls on that date SB 1062 would per mit Sunday sales of 'liquor uf ap proved by a county-wide r efer 2 GREAT OFFERS FROM McCULLOCH FREE! Yours for the asking! 1967 COLLEGE & PRO FOOTBALL GUIDE 96 fact packed pages; 300 College, NFL, AFL teams, rosters, schedules, (me ups; records. I«eCUU«CMW-' \ Easy to Use—Weighs only lO'/a pounds! (less bar and chain] Perfectly balanced! Gives you everything you want! _ Makes short work of any job. Get JLM.yj plenty of power and lightweight. I Durable bearing construction. Re boreable cylinder. Cuts at any angle. All at a low price! LANDIS BROS., INC. 1305 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, Pa. endum. SB 253 would give the powerto condemn a deed re st notion and thereby prohibit full use of private pioperty by its ownei HB 1521 is the high way land grab bill The Grange favors HB 197 which mandates drivers license suspension for refusal to submit to a chemical or blood test for 'intoxication They aie m sup port of Senator Dirksen’s reso lution rn Congi ess to permit Bi ble reading and the use of mon denom inational prayer in our schools R e piesentatives from Fulton SAVE s2s* WEEKEND (tVf KIT I INCLUDED WITH purchase 0F ANY McCULLOCH l,ghtwe,ght With 16" factory installed bar and chain. WED PEB. 28, 1958, 9’30 A.M- Blue Ball, Pa. Farm Equipment. We sell on commission. Paul Z- Martin. WED MAR. 13, 1968, 8 30 A.M - Blue Ball, Pa Large all-day an nual spring sale. Farm Equip ment. We sell on commission. Paul Z. Martin. G r a n ge will attend the public hearing December 14 regarding the beltway around Lancaster City The Youth 'Committee is spon soring a Christmas c a ruling Dec 18 The group will leave the Grange Hall at 7 30 p m. and return after ward for refresh ments They are still receiving paper for the scrap drive They hosted a dance for the youth of the community December 9 and will again January 13 Mrs Jesse Wood, Lecturer, presented a Christmas program Group singing “Silent Night,” Russel Hartsoe read portions of St Luke’s gospel fiom the Phil lips t r a n s 1 a t ion; Muss Elaine Galbieath rendered clarinet sol os of favorite carols; Mrs Lambom read “The Greatest Gift Of All ” The following took pant in a skit Mrs Thomas Gal breath, Mrs Richard Nye, Mrs Alfred Overly. Mrs Gyles B r o wn and Migs Carols Hollo way A talk by Gyles B r own “Every Child Should Believe in Santa Claus,” a 'talk by Ohailes McSparran “iChildi en Should Be Taught The Spirit of Giving In stead of San t a C 1 aus ” Mr. & Mrs Ricbaid Holloway conduct ed a g i f t wrapping contest and were in charge of the Christmas gift exchange The Lecturer was nn charge of adis play table which featured home-made dec orations, gifts and cookies made by Grange women The December 25 meeting will he omit ted The next meeting wild he January 8 Lancastei C o u n t y 'P o mona Grange will hold a dinner meeting Jammy 20 w h e n 'the newly elected offi cers will be installed. FREE. Subscribers to Lancas ter Faming will receive one advertisement each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscrib ers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the follow ing rules: Limit your advertisement to 25 words: All advertisements must be in our hands by Wed nesday noon or same will be held over for next week’s paper; No business advertise ments accepted Ph: 393-3906 Sale Register NOTICE pUfcO* E P| milk replacerl Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens WED. MAR. 27,1968, 8:30 A.M.- MAY 4, 1968 - Ankony-Hyland Blue Ball, Pa. Farm Equipment. Pi oductioir Sale, Highmore, S. We sell on commission. Paul Z. Dak, Adams-Canning Mgrs. Martin. \ WINTER DISCOUNTS BUY NOW AND SAVE on Bofh Mixed Goods and Bulk Blends Savings on Early Delivered Bagged Goods and Bulk in Season ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. MFRS. OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Groff town Rd. Next to Waterworks Ph. 392-4963 PUBLIC SALE DATES FARM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES MARTIN’S SALES BARN Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County Wed., Jan. 10 1968 At 9:30 A.M. Wed., Jan. 24 —1968 At 9:30 A.M. Wed., Feb. 14 1968 At 9:30 A.M. Wed., Feb. 28 1968 At 9:30 A.M. Wed., Mar. 13 1968 At 8:30 A.M. Wed., Mar. 27 1968 At 8:30 A.M. We Sell On Commission. PAUL Z. MARTIN PH. (717) 354-6671 FEEDER PIG SALE Saturday, January 6, 1968 2% miles South of Bethel from US 22 and 6 miles North of Myerstown, Pa., along US 501. 300 to 350 40 to 60 lb. Choice Feeder Pigs Hampshire and Yorkshire Cross All pigs are vaccinated for Cholera and Erysipelas, Castrated young. Wormed, Sprayed for Mange and Lice. All pigs were raised on this farm. No outside pigs will sell on this sale. These are all White Pigs. Also pigs will not have to be moved the day of Sale. These are some of the finer quality feeder pigs in the East. Sale at 1:30 P.M. NORMAN M. MARTIN RD 1, Myerstown, Pa. Believe It or not... An improved product... at a lower price. Continued work by Ful-O-Pep Researchers has resulted in an improved FUL-O-PEP MILK REPLACER . •. and the lower cost is passed on to you. Raise better dairy herd replacements with Ful-O-Pep Milk Replacer... 24% protein and highly medicated. It’s easy to mix and feed. Come in and see us soon. HAROLD H. GOOD Grubb Supply Co. Elizabethtown Terre Hill H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer