Libr Sohoi Patti Univ« BIOLOGHAL S''.”" . j«».ARY VOL. 12 no: 51 Ivan Yost Elected YFA Vke President Ivan» Yost, Narvon R 2, was elected Region 2 Vice President of the Pennsylvania Young Farmers Association at the Bth Annual Convention Thursday, held at the Yorktown Motel, York, according to Donald Robinson, Vo-Ag teacher at Garden Spot High School. Yost is a dairy farmer and won the Lancaster County Trac tor Driving contest in July. Attending the convention from Garden Spot along with Robinson and his wife, were- Eobert Martin, president of the local association and Vernon Beiler Producers Exchange HoF<& Annual Meeting At~Mt. Jay, Tuesday “Egg prices for all grade: , avcraged'2B cents per -dozen,’ -tor K. iM. -Senders for-'Produc -Stoi>der% to tbe an nual- at JHqstetter’s in - Mt.-'joy, Tuesday' evening, said, ' is not as good for "the cooperative as last, year,, because, "we payed everything we could back to ■ the" producers.” “It"has-been" a trying year,” he said. “Customers using farm grade# eggs- have decreased. And operating-costs have crept up a bit. Also, many birds have been put ih before the produc ers found a - market for -the eggs. They should find a mar ket and then produce for that market.” ' The manager reported sell ing quite a few eggs for ex port—as far away as Ethiopia. DIRECTORS ELECTED The- 75 members and friends preseat elected three directors for the cooperative as follows: H. Raymond Stoner 1051 Eden Rd.; - Lancaster; Clyde Sump man, JHt, Joy, and Robert Wal lis,,- Liverpool. ' Haxxy P. Metz, Belleville, presided. Farm Calendar Saturday, November 18 (today) 9:00* AM. - Distribution of 4-H Hereford Baby Beef calves, N. H. Sales Stables. , _ i ParmCity iWeek continues through the 23rd. ; Tuesday, November. 21 1,121-22 Interstate Milk JProduc | : lers' Annual Meet., Marriott H j (Motel; Philadelphia. I ' 12- Noon, Presentation of Ki ' ,W;anis Conservation Essay Contest' awards, Elks Club, Lancaster." Thursday, November 23 Thanksgiving Day. Saturday, November 25 8:00- P.M.' - Lane. Sr. Ex. Square Dance, Leola War Mem. Bldg., -Leola. “PRETTY TURKEY!” These two little tots from the Burrowes School in Lancaster are talking to the big White gobbler at the Esbensbalde Turkey Farm. The children visited the farm Monday with their classmates to sea where their Thanskgiving turkey comes from Vicki Boyer (left) and Michael Kane. L. F. Photo Larson Speaks To Ag-Banquet On "The Telescoped Evolution” Cr. Russell E 'Larson, Dean of Penn State Agriculture Col lege, repoited Thursday night, that there are two explosive forces generating demand for food in the world One' is the population explosion and the other is the rapid rise in per capita income occurring in many countries. Speaking to the Ag-Industry Banquet held at Town and Country Inn, Vintage, the Dean said, “Grains occupy more' than 70 percent of the world’s crop land, and, in terms of 6alones, they provide more than half ot man’s total food energy when consumed directly, and a siz able part of the remainder— when consumed indirectly in the form of meat, milk and eggs., “Some 1,600 pounds of grain per person per year are re quired to provide the high pro tein diet common to the Unit ed States. This contrasts sharp ly with the annual availability of 400 pounds per person in the less developed countries. (Continued on Page 16) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 18,1967 SPEAKERS AT THE AG-INDUS TRY BANQUET, (left to right) Harold Roihrer, director Pennsylvania Farmers Association; Stanley Musselman, mas- AGRiC'iITUfM! AND City Tots Visit County Turkey Farm Operation Some thirty small school children fi’om the Burrowes School East Orange Street and Ranck Ave., Lancaster, will know where thetr Thanksgiving turkey came from this year. They visited the Esbenshade Turkey Farm, south of Para dise, Monday afternoon. Mrs. Esbenshade gave them a tour of the farm as she does on many occasions. She show ed them the live turkeys, and the on-the-farm dressing plant as well as a pony, a steer and some chickens. At the turkey pens the children may make as much noise as they desire be cause the turkeys will still come up to the door near them Credit Man Says We Could Not Get Along Without Our Farmers A’ farm credit official said this week that we could not -get along-without ■' - . H., Johnson,,- direc tor of" Public Relations, Farm - Credit Banks of Baltimore, --said, “Farmers are the biggest producers and the biggest con sumers of any business in the nation.” Speaking to the 250 mem bers and guests present at the 50th Anniversary meeting of the Federal Land Bank Asso ciation and the Production Credit Association, Johnson said, “In the last 23 years in dustry has increased produc ion by 40 percent per man, hut farmers have increased their production per man by 46 per cent' And the farmer’s lead continues to remain about the same,” he added Looking to the future, John son saw increased needs for farm production by 1983 But the farmer will still have prob lems ter-of-ceremonies; Russell E. Larson, dean, Penn State and M. M. Smith, agri cultural chairman for the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. L. F, Photo $2 Per Ye* But at the chicken house they must be quiet or they will scare the hens. The Esbenshade Farm, own ed and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Esbenshade, rais es 2,500 birds each year and they dress them on the farm for individual housewives and businessmen who give turkeys to their employees at Christ mas. “Thanksgiving creeps up on people,” Robert said, “and you get a lot of late orders.” It is different at Christmas with the orders coming in early. Esbenshade starts two flocks of White Holland birds at dif (Oontinued on Page 8) The credit man saw low farm net. for the-next 15 years;, "The 1- farmers are--in - (Continued on Pag 2 9) Frey Elected President Of Holstein Assn. J Mowery Frey Jr., 401 Beaver Valley Pike, was elect ed president of the Lancaster County Holstein lAssn. Friday evening at the annual meeting, held at Hostetter’s Dining Service, Mount Joy. Other officers elected were John J. Herr, Mount Joy, vice president; Mervin Landis, Bird- In-Hand, secretary; and John Kreider, Willow Road, Lancas ter, treasurer Directors elected were Jolfn Jacob Herr, Mount Joy; .Rich ard Hershey, Manheun; and David Sweigart, Elizabethtown. - (See Photo on Page 13)