16—'Lancaster Farming, Sat. r November 11.1967 CL A. Biggs Says Farmers’ To Use Team Approach YORK, Nov. 7 The farm ers of Pennsylvania need a stronger voice in legislative af fairs, stated G. A. Biggs, presi dent of the Pennsylvania Farm ers’ Association m his annual address to t le delegates at the organization'.- 17th annual meeting opening here today. -We are going to initiate a team approach ;n our public affums program a: the state legnsiature." President Biggs rewirtec. “in past years, we have freer. afr3e to stop legisla tive reit lively easily. but we hm* drSmlty in getting our t-sgcsOjcan through the state General Assembly." The firm leader blamed the of mar-power for creating this problem for the Pennsyl vania Farmers' Association. •*We will be applying a team approach to our legislative pro gram.’’ Biggs remarked. “In stead of having just one man, we will have three men work ing in the area of public af fairs, compared to one man in the past.” He said that the man to bead up the legislative pro gram will be named in the near future. Biggs also reported to the delegates about the expanded service-to-member program and about action taken in the past year by the Pennsylvania Farmers’ Association. The PFA held its 17th an nual meeting Wednesday, Thursday and Frday to con sider and adopt policy for the oonring year. FREE analysis of your horns oil* beating equipment. One specially trained men will tell yon if it needs cleaning, or minor part replacement. They’ll show yon how to improve yonr burner with Texaco’s new Jet Flame Booster that can increase burner efficiency op to 42%. Give us a calL No obligation* ffuelChtef] We Give S & H Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Pit. 653-1821 No rattling pipes? No sudden whooshes of air? No smoking chimney? No huge furnace in the basement? No cold spot And you’re so-o-o-o-o comfortable? Then you’ve converted t ec Find out how quickly you can make the switch to con venient, space-saving, economical, flameless, electric home heating. Call your nearby Reddy Kilowatt Recom mended Electric Home Heating Dealer today. You’ll find him in the Yellow Pages under ‘Heating. ” Make a with the past ome heating nc AN INVKSTOR-OWNBD ■ LICTRIO UTILITY IN THK SARVICa , OP THK puauo n' 1 "- I. i -